Last Monday (25 March), we all received an e-mail about the Privacy and Security awareness training. You might have just enthusiastically started the trainings when you received a notification that the e-mail has been withdrawn due to security reasons.
The reason this happened was an automated security measure. This, of course, was not the intention. Our IT specialists are working to resolve this. It is unfortunate that this was precisely with an e-mail about security awareness, but the UT is also a learning organisation. You will receive the e-mail again in the coming period.
Further training
In the meantime, 20% of our employees have already started the training, some of them had even completed it! Via the following link, you can pick up where you left off or start the training: Privacy and Security Awareness Training.
Thank you for your understanding, if you have any questions, please contact the project group at
Project group Privacy and Security
You may not have read last Monday's e-mail or may not have read it properly, so for the sake of completeness we have reproduced it below.