OZON 2023 Cybersecurity exercise
On March 23 and 24, CES colleagues participated in the OZON 2023 cybersecurity exercise. This two-day simulation took place in over 72 universities, HBO and MBO schools and other knowledge institutions. SURF organised the simulation, you can read more about the simulation here (in Dutch). In creative and topical scenarios we practised our procedures in case of cybersecurity threats, working with LISA colleagues in a Decentral Crisis Team to analyse information, determine the impact of the threats, and consider solutions and their impact: what happens if a system is shut down? Can teaching continue? Can we still have online exams? What happens to climate control in buildings? Who to inform when and how often? This resulted in an intensive day and morning with a lot of emails, teams calls, and meetings to monitor the progress and new developments. UToday published this article about the simulation (in Dutch).
In the first evaluation, we all agreed that the simulation had gone well and that in general there were no large hick-ups. As with all exercises, there are also areas for improvement, not surprisingly in communication which is a challenge when so much is happening. Let’s hope we never get into a real situation like this!