UTServicesLISACyber safetyNewsChange of your display name in Digital Communication at UT

Change of your display name in Digital Communication at UT

Thursday September 23, the display names in Teams and Outlook address book will be changed. The change will have some lead time in the systems, so we cannot give an exact time.

Within the UT it is customary to address everyone by their first name. Adding the first name to the display name in Outlook and Teams also makes digital communication easier.

The display name now also contains 'UT' as well as the name of the organization in brackets, making it easier for external parties to recognize that you work at the UT. Initials will be removed from the display name.


The display name will have the format "Last name, First name prepositions (UT-organizational unit) So for example no 'Veldkamp, T. (EB)' but 'Veldkamp, Tom (UT-EB)’

First name is not registered correctly?

You can easily check and adjust your own first name in AFAS under » 'My HR' » 'Change your personal details'.