Studying and dyslexia

studying with dyslexia requires extra effort and concentration.

In your studies, you have to do a lot of reading and writing. If you are studying with dyslexia, this demands extra attention and time from you. It's possible that you may encounter difficulties during your studies, such as writing papers, processing large amounts of study material, accurately reading and interpreting instructions, or reading English texts. Dyslexia doesn't have to be a hindrance. The UT offers support, and you can make choices yourself to minimize any potential obstacles.

  • What can you do yourself

    Every student is different and has different support needs.
    Discuss with the study adviser of your programme what support you need in order to study effectively with your dyslexia and what agreements can be made in that regard. Keep in mind that not everything is possible. The study adviser can advise and guide you on the possibilities of support and facilities within your program. This can include periodic counselling sessions, study guidance focused on structure, support in creating a realistic study schedule (tailored to your needs), and possible exam accommodations such as extended time or the use of a laptop with text-to-speech software during exams.

    • View the presentation "Studying with Dyslexia" at UT
    • On the Study Skills webpage, you will find practical tips on how to stay focused while working.
    • Make use of text-to-speech-software Kurzweil (UT license) during your studies. Kurzweil supports reading and processing digital text (documents). Kurzweil also includes a text-to-speech feature, providing both auditory and visual support.
    • The Writing Centre provides support for writing academic texts, offers individual advice, and hosts various writing workshops.
    • UTLC Skills Lab padlet : a place to share study tips for UT students

    Information for higher education students with support needs:
    I study with dyslexia or dyscalculiaexternl link

  • What support is available at UT

    As a student with personal circumstances, you can seek support and accommodations from the various counsellors at UT. They will work with you and help reduce any barriers as much as possible, aiming to prevent or minimize study delays resulting from your circumstances.

    • If you experience difficulties due to your personal circumstances, talk to the study adviser of your programme. The study adviser can provide advice on course selection, help create a modified study plan if your circumstances have caused study delays, or allow flexibility for therapeutic treatment. The study adviser supports you in organizing necessary adjustments within your educational programme. Discuss the possibilities of using accommodations such as:
      • Using a laptop and text-to-speech software (UT license Kurzweil 3000) or a reading ruler for writing difficulties and as learning support for studying and exams.
      • Using speech recognition software like Dragon Naturally Speaking.
      • Providing digital study materials.
    • Approach the student counsellor for independent advice and (financial) support arrangements regarding study delays caused by your (mental) condition. Also, consult the student counsellor for advice and practical support if you anticipate challenges in the study environment due to your personal circumstances.
    • If you wish to utilize the accommodations and arrangements, you can refer to the step-by-step guide. A proof document of your personal circumstances is required to access the accommodations and arrangements.
  • Useful resources
  • Useful websites