The bachelor’s programme Civil Engineering (CE) uses a binding recommendation. At the end of the first year, students are given a binding recommendation. If you meet the standard, you will be advised to continue the programme. The binding recommendation will be negative if you do not meet the standard of the programme. A negative binding recommendation means that you cannot continue the programme.
- The binding recommendation standard of the CE programme
Students who started their studies in the academic year 2023-2024 must achieve at least 45 EC’s this year. Next to the required 45 EC’s the CE programme has additional programme specific criteria which are that 4 out of 7 technical study units also need to be passed (grade 6 or higher). The technical study units in the B1 CE-programme are:
- Structural Mechanics 1
- Structural Mechanics 2
- Fluid Mechanics 1
- Introduction to Mathematics & Calculus 1A
- Calculus 1B
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus 2
- The reason for the binding recommendation
The CE department thinks it is important that everyone reaches their potential as soon as possible. We know from experience that students who passed less than 75% of the first year or who have low grades for core components of the curriculum (mathematics and mechanics) have little chance of completing the programme successfully. For this reason, we have decided to give a binding negative recommendation to students who do not meet this standard.
- What are the rules?
The first year (B1) consists of a study burden of 60 EC (European Credits). If you do not meet the standard (45 EC including at least 4 out of 7 technical study units), you will receive a negative binding recommendation no later than on the final day of the academic year (31 August). This means that you cannot continue the programme. Also, after a negative recommendation you cannot enrol for the same programme for a period of three academic years after the date of the binding recommendation.
The rules are described in detail in the Students’ Charter for Civil Engineering.
- How does the binding recommendation work in practice?
Interim advice
As soon as possible after the end of the first quarter, but no later than the end of the calendar year, you will receive a preliminary recommendation. If you failed parts of the module, the preliminary recommendation will be negative, which means that you can be in danger of failing the standard for the binding recommendation. You will be invited for an interview with your study adviser to discuss whether the programme is suitable for you and to evaluate your study method. As soon as possible after the end of the second quarter, but no late than 1 March, you will receive a second preliminary recommendation. If this second recommendation is negative, you will be invited for an interview with your study adviser.
Final recommendation
At the end of the first academic year (no later than 31 August), you will receive the final (binding) recommendation. Prior to the binding recommendation, the student has the right to be heard. An appeal against a negative recommendation must be submitted in writing to the Board of Appeal for Examinations within 6 weeks after the date of the recommendation.
Binding recommendation hearing
For information on the hearing, see below.
- Guidance and Study Progress Interviews
At university you are expected to act independently and to look after your own affairs. You may, of course, encounter problems despite your commitment. In that case you can talk to your study adviser, who can help you plan your study and assist you with any problems during your studies. You will have an introductory meeting with your adviser in the first quarter of your study. During this meeting you will receive information on the binding recommendation. You can contact your study adviser throughout the year with practical questions on your studies, on studying and on private matters that affect your study. Your adviser may advise you to make an appointment with the study adviser.
Information on study guidance for the Civil Engineering programme
- Are personal circumstances taken into consideration?
Special circumstances will be taken into consideration when the final recommendation is drawn up by the programme director of the CE programme. If you suspect that your studies will be delayed due to personal circumstances, it is important to inform your adviser or the study adviser of this as soon as possible. The objective is, of course, to limit delays as much as possible. A decision is also made whether it is necessary to submit a request to the Personal Circumstances Committee of the UT for assessment of the personal circumstances. The committee assesses the validity and the seriousness of the circumstances and reports its finding to the programme director. Personal circumstances that will be taken into consideration in the binding recommendation are:
- Illness, disability
- Special family circumstances
- Pregnancy/childbirth
- Membership of the University Council, the Faculty Council or the Programme Committee
- Top athlete or an administrative role of category 3 according to FOBOS
It is important to inform your study adviser in advance about your personal circumstances, rather than after taking the exams.
- Hearing Binding Recommendation (BSA)
At least five days in advance to the date on which the hearing takes place you will receive the definite binding recommendation by the board of the programme. When you think that you have wrongfully received a negative binding recommendation, there is an opportunity to be heard by the board of the programme.
This year, the hearing takes place on 21 August 2024. The committee consists of two programme directors (OLD). You will be given 30 minutes to tell your story the way you want to. You can bring someone along if you want to, although this person cannot speak on your behalf. The committee will ask informative questions if they feel the need to, but will not in any way reward value to your story during the hearing.
The deadline for applying for the hearing is 16 August 2024. You can apply for this hearing by sending an e-mail to When you apply please make sure that you mention your name, student number and programme.