UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)Quotum Springer Nature Open Access publications will be reached in autumn 2021

Quotum Springer Nature Open Access publications will be reached in autumn 2021

In the VSNU contract for 2018-2021 with publisher Springer Nature a yearly maximum of scientific papers that can be published in Open Access by corresponding authors of the Dutch universities and UMC’s is agreed upon. This is also the case in many other deals with publishers (read more). Until the maximum is reached, Dutch scientists can publish their article in Open Access without extra costs. It looks like the quotum for Springer Nature will be reached in October.

Other ways to publish in Open Access after the maximum is reached

When publishing Open Access is not mandatory immediately, make your Springer Nature article open through article 25fa of the Dutch copyright law. After a reasonable period of six months the publisher version can be made Open Access in the repository of your university.

However, most research funders require publishing in Open Access immediately. If the maximum amount of publications (2.080) is reached, you can submit the peer reviewed author version (the accepted manuscript) in the institutional repository and make it Open Access this way. Most funders accept that.

If you need more information or help you can contact the Open Access experts via open-access@utwente.nl