UTFacultiesBMSDept HBEIEBISNewsThe BMS Graduation Award 2021 goes to … Gelbrich Holsbrink!

The BMS Graduation Award 2021 goes to … Gelbrich Holsbrink!

Great news during UT’s opening of the academic year 2021/2022!

Our former student Gelbrich Holsbrink, alumni of the master’s program Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM), is the winner of the Graduation Award 2021 of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS). She received the award for her outstanding master thesis on the optimal allocation of casualties to hospitals during a mass-casualty incident supervised by Dr. Derya Demirtas and Dr. Patricia Rogetzer.


Picture and video (OAY BlendUT: Graduation Awards 2021): https://www.utwente.nl/en/tnw/news/2021/9/40728/five-winners-graduation-awards-at-the-opening-academic-year, news in UToday: https://www.utoday.nl/news/70286/graduation-awards-for-five-masters-students