The OBCC research group is open to explore with you how we can cooperate in providing deep-level learning within your organization through our research projects. Our areas of expertise lie especially in video-based observation of both meeting and non-meeting team settings, physiological arousal measures, action research and mixed-methods studies with stakeholders at diverse organizational levels, including top managers, senior management, unit managers, team leaders, employees, internal consultants and coaches. Our way of working enables people’s learning-on-the-job through video-based reporting and, potentially, coaching of the participants.
We have the experience, time, ambition and project management skills to operate complex, innovative and practice-oriented research programs. Out network consists of a broad range of specialists who can contribute to grow local change leaders within your organization.
Our partners include:
- Interreg
- Grolsch Brewery
- Province of Overijssel
- Dutch Tax Authority
- SeederDeBoer, who also grant the Annual ‘SeederDeBoer Prize’ for the best BSc-Thesis in Business Administration at the University of Twente
- House of Performance
If you are interested to collaborate, please contact Prof.dr. Celeste Wilderom or Dr. Desirée van Dun.