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Improving Group Problem-solving through Awareness of Members’ Problem-solving Preferences (2024)International journal of operations & production management, 44(13), 335-363. Franken, J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Behaviours for Adopting Lean and Green Practices in Indonesian Logistics Firms (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Puspani, N. S. UEFA can react to the Super League ruling (2024)International Sports Law Journal, 23, 447-452. van der Burg, T. a Roadmap for Sustainable Lean Adoption in Hospitals: A Delphi Study (2024)BMC health services research, 24, 1-17. Article 1088. van Zyl-Cillie, M. M., van Dun, D. H. & Meijer, H. leadership across different national cultures: A comparative study (2024)Production planning & control, 35(15), 2050-2067. van Dun, D. H., Tortorella, G. L. & Carminati, L. Diarra ruling is a flawed decision – and football fans will pay the greatest price (2024)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. van der Burg, T. leader behaviors evoke employee innovative work behavior in Asia? Validation of a new survey scale (2024)Journal of management & organization, 1-29 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Tan, A. B. C., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. your company processes: the essential role of leadership and change management (2024)InnovatieNU, 9-10. van Dun, D. H. bedrijfsprocessen vergroenen: de essentiële rol van leiderschap en verandermanagement (2024)InnovatieNU, 9-10. van Dun, D. H. bij vis alleen: Houvast voor adviseurs om leren te stimuleren (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van den Boomen, F. to study cultures? A dialectic approach for multicultural business environments (2024)Journal of multicultural discourses (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Carminati, L. the Football Transfer System N: eglecting Consumer Competition and Fans in the Bosman and Diarra Cases (2024)Verfassungsblog, 2024. van der Burg, T. of Digital Transformation on Employee Flourishing: An Organizational Identity View (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 38th British Academy of Management Conference, BAM 2024. Weritz, P. & Carminati, L.One market, many cultures: Introduction to the research project (2024)[Book/Report › Report]. European Institute for Cross-cultural Studies. Enklaar, A. H. firm performance through transformational CEO leadership and familiness-related team forces (2024)Leadership & organization development journal, 45(6), 992-1010. Neffe, C., Wilderom, C. & Lattuch, F. Leader Behaviours for Adopting Lean and Green in Family Firms: A longitudinal study in Indonesia (2024)Journal of Family Business Management (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Puspani, N. S., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. organizational resilience through operational excellence: A systematic literature review and qualitative study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference 2024 (Accepted/In press). Brauel, K., van Dun, D. H. & Hans, E. W.Employee adoption of a connected worker programme: A multi-level, multiple-case study in a global manufacturing firm (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference 2024 (Accepted/In press). van Dun, D. H., Bartelink, J., Kumar, M. & Weritz, P.Organisational agility at the team and individual level: A systematic literature review (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference 2024 (Accepted/In press). Risgiyanti, R., Weritz, P. & van Dun, D. H.The relationship between lean hospital adoption, learning, and relational coordination: An embedded multiple-case process study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference 2024. van Beers, J. J. C. A. M. & van Dun, D. H.The Culture Simulator: A Systematic Literature Review of a Long-Standing Training Tool (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EURAM 2024 Conference. Enklaar, A. H., Brzusttewicz, P. & Smit, N.Why transfer fee systems improve market competition, and why the Bosman ruling was flawed (2024)International Sports Law Journal, 24, 177-187. van der Burg, T. event process factors for operational performance improvement: an archival study (2024)Production planning & control (Accepted/In press). Franken, J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.’s talk about it: The impact of nurses’ implicit voice theories on individual agility and quality of care (2024)International journal of operations & production management, 44(5), 1007-1033. Fournier, P.-L., Bahl, L., van Dun, D. H., Johnson, K. & Cadieux, J. moet doorstart failliete profclub beter faciliteren (Blog) (2024)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. Leadership of School Administrators and High Team Engagement: Mediated by Team Efficacy and Citizenship Behavior (2024)International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership, 31(1), 93-122. Abdul Sahib, H. M. & Wilderom, C. Coaching for Management Consultants: A Social Constructionist Action Research Study (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Andel, J. Buyer-Supplier Dynamics: Unveiling the Impact of Digital Procurement on Supplier Satisfaction (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] IPSERA 2024. Delke, V., Liberale, T., Vos, F. G. S. & Carminati, L.Leading lean transformations: towards a 3D view of lean leadership (2024)In A research agenda for lean management (pp. 165-181). Edward Elgar. van Dun, D. H. Capabilities and Process Quality in Complex Problem Solving (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Franken, J. drivers of corporate environmental responsiveness in developing countries: A systematic literature review (2024)Environmental development, 49. Article 100956. Ahmed, N. H. E., Enklaar, A. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. employee flourishing and performance: the roles of leader emotional intelligence, positive team emotional climate, and employee emotional intelligence (2024)Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, 2, 1-16. A'yuninnisa, R. N., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) im Laufe der Zeit: Ein Literatur-Review zu evaluierten Interventionen (2000–2020) (2024)Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung, 19, 16-21. Blumentritt, S., Luig, T., Enklaar, A. & Englert, H. flourishing research: A systematic literature review (2024)Current Psychology, 43(5), 4482-4504. A'yuninnisa, R. N., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Differences in Conflict Dynamics between Mono- and Multi-cultural Self-managing Teams: An Exploratory Study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 14th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, ACPBS 2024 (Accepted/In press). Carminati, L. & van Dun, D. H.
Professional and religious identity conflict: individual and organizational dynamics in ethically-charged circumstances (2023)Self and Identity, 22(7-8). Carminati, L. & Héliot, Y. F. G., Goal-Commitment, and Stress Mediating between Collaborative Leadership, Financial Resources and Performance (2023)International journal of productivity and performance management, 72(10), 2785-2807. Chak, C. M., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. flourishing: Multilevel determinants and mechanisms (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. A'yuninnisa, R. N. Development of a digital culture simulator training tool to foster intercultural competence in Europe (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] IACCM 2023 . Schumacher, S., Wiegand, A., Chevrier, S. & Enklaar, A. H.Leadership and Lean Innovation Training for Employee Innovative Work Behaviour in Singapore (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tan Bee Choo, A. Bank moet certificaathouders niet te veel compenseren (2023)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. MeJudice, Economen in debat. van der Burg, T., Theorien und Effekte in evaluierten Interventionen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung (BGF): Ein Literatur-Review für den Zeitraum 2000 bis 2020 (2023)Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Blumentritt, S., Luig, T., Schoch, N., Enklaar, A. & Englert, H. Changing Intra-organizational Behaviors for Environmental Performance (2023)In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management. Dedden, A. L., Lattuch, F. & Wilderom, C. P. M. ‘lean and green’ in logistics firms through instrumental leader behaviours (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 30th EurOMA Conference "A Systems Lens on Operations" 2023. Puspani, N. S., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Kaizen event process quality through awareness of group-members’ personal problem-solving styles (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 30th EurOMA Conference "A Systems Lens on Operations" 2023. Franken, J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Followers’ PsyCap and Job Performance: A Longitudinal COR Approach to Transformational Leadership as a Key Resource (2023)SAGE Open, 13(3). Widianto, S. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Organizational Generativity: A Future Forming Perspective for OD Practitioners and Researchers (2023)Organization Development Journal, 41(2), 38-59. Hoogendijk, C., Hicks, J. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Cultural differences in professional collaboration between Germans and Dutch (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2023. Enklaar, A. H.The origins of SWOT analysis (2023)Long range planning, 56(3). Article 102304. Puyt, R. W., Lie, F. B. & Wilderom, C. P. M. balance and demand for European men's football: a review of the literature (2023)Managing Sport and Leisure (E-pub ahead of print/First online). van der Burg, T. enablers of Industry 4.0 technology adoption: Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence (2023)International journal of operations & production management, 43(13), 152-182. van Dun, D. H. & Kumar, M. Relational Resilience: Engaging Youth Living in the Midst of Intractable Conflict (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Nathan, D. Job Resources Alleviate Perceived Incivility for Employee Thriving and Performance?: Time-lagged Survey Research (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Saptoto, R. Super League: Why the AG Opinion May Not Dissuade Other Breakaways (Which Could Be Problematic) (2023)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. van der Burg, T. dynamics of moral identity conflict: Professional and personal values in ethically-charged situations (2023)Ethics & behavior, 33(1), 37-54. Carminati, L. & Héliot, Y. G. one bad apple spoil the bunch?: How one individual MTS member can become a boundary spoiler (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 37th British Academy of Management Conference, BAM 2023. Wijnmaalen, J. & Carminati, L.Lean Innovation Training and Transformational Leadership for Employee Creative Role Identity and Innovative Work Behavior in a Public Service Organization (2023)International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 15(8), 1-31. Tan, A. B. C., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. the intersection of developers, domain experts and disruptive AI: An identity work perspective. Proceeding of the British Academy of Management (BAM) (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 37th British Academy of Management Conference, BAM 2023 (Accepted/In press). Carminati, L., Meijerink, J. G. & Voß, N.Positive team climate and emotional intelligence of both team leaders and followers as resources for high job flourishing and performance (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 21st EAWOP Congress 2023. A'yuninnisa, R. N., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
Why the European Court of Justice should rule against the European Super League (2022)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science. van der Burg, T., Prinz, A. & Beck, H. League System, Competitive Balance, and the Future of European Football (2022)Managing Sport and Leisure, 1-24 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). van der Burg, T., Beck, H. & Prinz, A. highly performing community-academic health partnerships (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Chak, C. W. (. Balance and Demand for Football: A Review of the Literature (2022)[Working paper › Working paper]. Hochschule Pforzheim. van der Burg, T. and Staying Lean and Green: A Longitudinal Study of Japanese-oriented Firms in Indonesia (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management. Puspani, N. S., van Dun, D. H., Yokozawa, K. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Beboet kantoren die minder energiezuinig zijn dan wet voorschrijft (Blog) (2022)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. armoede met lage huren voor niet-energiezuinige woningen (Blog) (2022)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. Leaders(hip) in Community-Academic Health Partnership Projects: An Inductive, Qualitative Study (2022)Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1. Article 941242. Chak, C. W. & Carminati, L. in Times of COVID-19: Through Transformational Leadership and Coworkers' Support (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2022. Exterkate, M., van Dun, D. H. & Saptoto, R.Transdisciplinary Challenge-based Learning: Multi-Stakeholder Co-creation Combining Engineering Technology and Social Sciences (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 3rd Barcelona Conference on Education, BCE 2022. Nizamis, K., van Dalen, M., van Dun, D. H., Hermsen, E. M. P. & Sullivan, B. P.Effective Leaders(hip) in Community-Academic Health Partnership Projects: A Qualitative Study (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2022. Carminati, L. & Chak, C. W. event process factors for positive technical outcomes: An archival study (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 29th EurOMA conference 2022. Franken, J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Leading lean and green adoptions by logistics and transportation firms in Indonesia: A longitudinal study (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 29th EurOMA conference 2022. Puspani, N. S., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Interplay of Clear, Demanding and Important Goals on Project Performance in Community-Academic Health Partnerships (2022)Health care management review, 47(3), 208-217. Chak, C. W., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. intelligent top management and high family firm performance: Evidence from Germany (2022)European management journal, 40(3), 372-383. Neffe, C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Lattuch, F. Multiple Identities and Values: Professionals’ Identity Conflicts in Ethically Charged Situations (2022)Frontiers in psychology, 13. Article 813835. Carminati, L. & Héliot, Y. Coaching and Effective Team Leadership (2022)In International Handbook of Evidence-Based Coaching: Theory, Research and Practice (pp. 901-913). Springer Nature. Slagter, M. & Wilderom, C. psychological need satisfaction as a mediator between leader and follower use of emotions and follower job performance (2022)Journal of Asia Business Studies, 16(1), 121-136. Widianto, S. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Raad geeft met huurkorting de economische leiding die Den Haag niet geeft (Blog) (2022)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. Open Strategizing Practices for Effective Strategy Implementation (2022)Journal of strategy and management, 15(1), 54-75. Doeleman, H. J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. hospital-wide lean implementation: Top-down, bottom-up or through co-creative role modeling? (2022)International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 13(1), 46-66. van Beers, J. J. C. A. M., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. governments shut down parts of the economy, they need to do more than hand out subsidies (Blog) (2022)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. LSE School of Public Policy. van der Burg, T. Team Dynamics through Retrospective Team Events Analysis (2022)The International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 1-14. van Dun, D. H., Wijnmaalen, J. & Wilderom, C. P. M. critical incident technique in interpretive studies of cross-cultural management (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EURAM 2022 Conference. Enklaar, A. H.What predicts job flourishing and performance? A multilevel empirical inquiry (2022)In British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings (Accepted/In press). A'yuninnisa, R. N., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
Agile and generic work values of British vs Indian IT workers: a culture-clash case (2021)Journal of strategy and management. Bastiaansen, C. A. J. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Work Behavior in Singapore Evoked by Transformational Leaders Through Innovation Support and Readiness (2021)Creativity and innovation management, 30(4), 697-712. Tan, A. B. C., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. lean a theory? Viewpoints and outlook (2021)International journal of operations & production management, 41(12), 1852-1878. Åhlström, P., Danese, P., Hines, P., Netland, T., Powell, D., Shah, R., Thürer, M. & van Dun, D. H. arousal variability accompanying relations-oriented behaviors of effective leaders: Triangulating skin conductance, video-based behavior coding and perceived effectiveness (2021)Leadership quarterly, 32(6). Article 101493. Hoogeboom, M. A. M. G., Saeed, A., Noordzij, M. L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. gedrag op het werk is als een spier: Blijf vernieuwen en toon leiderschap (2021)Holland Management Review(199), 52-61. Hogenbirk, S. & van Dun, D. H. to keep to many energy providers from going bankrupt (2021)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science. van der Burg, T. van energiebedrijven zijn te voorkomen (Blog) (2021)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. you ready for a change?: Instrumental leadership through positive affect and thriving in organisations (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 35th British Academy of Management Conference, BAM 2021. Saptoto, R., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Improving high lean team performance through aligned behaviour-value patterns and coactive vicarious learning-by-doing (2021)International journal of operations & production management, 41(13), 65-99. van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Event Process Quality: Towards a Phase-based Understanding of High-Quality Group Problem Solving (2021)International journal of operations & production management, 41(6), 962-990. Franken, J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M., commitment, and stress mediating between leadership, financial resources and CAHP performance (2021)In Academy of management proceedings (Academy of Management annual meeting proceedings; Vol. 2021). Academy of Management. Chak, C. W. & Carminati, L. Thriving and Job Performance Despite Leader Incivility? Dual Effects of Coworkers’ Support (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2021. Saptoto, R., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.A Multilevel Model of Individual Flourishing-at-Work: A Systematic Literature Review (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2021. A'yuninnisa, R. N., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Lean Leadership across Different National Cultures: A Comparative Study (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 28th EurOMA conference. van Dun, D. H., Tortorella, G., Carminati, L. & van Leeuwen, L.Journalisten vergeten de waarheidsvinding bij wanbeleid Feyenoord (2021)Me Judice. van der Burg, T.Superlega e nuova Champions League, dov’è la concorrenza? (2021)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. van der Burg, T.Succes in een vreemd land: Waarom sommige allochtonen slagen en andere niet (2021)[Book/Report › Book]. Stili Novi. Enklaar, A. H.Emotions, Emotion Management and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace:: Healthcare Professional's Experience in Emotionally-Charged Situations (2021) Frontiers in Sociology (Work, Employment and Organizations), 6. Article 640384. Carminati, L. pensioen bevoordeelt welgestelden. (2021)Me Judice. van der Burg, T.The Human Aspect in Purchasing and Supply Management: Traits as a Proxy for Personal Skills Development (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 30th Annual IPSERA Conference 2021. Stek, K., van Dun, D. H. & Wisniewski, R.Die Köningsklasse (2021)IPG Journal . van der Burg, T. European Super League would violate EU competition law (Blog) (2021)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science. van der Burg, T. een kosten-effectiviteitsanalyse voor álle coronamatregelen, inclusief de kleine (Blog) (2021)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. het laag-hoog pensioen af. (2021)Economisch-statistische berichten, 106(4798), 100. van der Burg, T.Leading Networks Effectively: Literature Review and Propositions (2021)Journal of Leadership Studies, 14(4), 21-44. Wind, M. E. D., Klaster, E. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Ethics Officers as Drivers of Effective Ethics Programs: An Empirical Study in The Netherlands (2021)Business ethics, 30(1), 76-89. Hogenbirk, S. & van Dun, D. H.
EU competition law, football and national markets (2020)Managing Sport and Leisure, 1-14. van der Burg, T. makes sense to vote in elections if you think one candidate will lead to greater prosperity (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science - US Centre. van der Burg, T., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. it worth making investments that could (but probably won’t) halt the spread of COVID-19? (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science. van der Burg, T., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. of Employees’ Creative Self-efficacy on Innovative Work Behaviour: A Longitudinal Case Study of a Training Intervention (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 34th British Academy of Management Conference 2020. Tan Bee Choo, A., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Strategic Alignment But No Financial Performance: The Trade-off Effect of Servant Leadership (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 34th British Academy of Management Conference 2020. Slagter, F., van Dun, D. H. & van Dierendonck, D.Bij bestrijding corona lonen ook maatregelen waarvan onzeker is of ze helpen (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. Psychological Safety in Healthcare Teams: Developing an Observational Measure to Complement Survey Methods (2020)BMC medical research methodology, 20. Article 203. O'Donovan, R., van Dun, D. H. & McAuliffe, E. of swot analysis (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AoM 2020. Puyt, R. W., Lie, F. B., de Graaf, F. J. & Wilderom, C. P. M. in Community-Academic Health Partnerships:: Interplay of Clear, Difficult and Valued Goals (2020)In AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020 (Academy of Management Proceedings; Vol. 2020). Chak, C. W. & Carminati, L. Survey and Observational Measures of Psychological Safety for Healthcare Teams (2020)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 32nd International Congress of Psychology, ICP 2020. O'Donovan, R., van Dun, D. H. & McAuliffe, E.Lean and green behaviours in logistics and transportation in developing economies (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 27th EurOMA Conference 2020. Puspani, N. S., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Lean strategy implementation in two Dutch university hospitals: Top-down vs. bottom-up (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 27th EurOMA Conference 2020. van Beers, J. J. C. A. M., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Video-based objective measurement of problem-solving process quality in kaizen teams (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 27th EurOMA Conference 2020. Franken, J. C. M., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Help all sports clubs now, tax professional clubs later (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science. van der Burg, T. Economics and Human Decision Making: Instances from the Health Care System (2020)Health policy, 124(6), 659-664. Carminati, L. totaalplan voor de sport (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Sportknowhow. van der Burg, T.\How price controls can cut the number of COVID-19 bankruptcies (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. London School of Economics and Political Science. van der Burg, T. schuldenopbouw door inzet prijsmaatregelen, bijvoorbeeld in horeca en voetbal (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. aandeelhouders grotere offers brengen (2020)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. MeJudice, Economen in debat. van der Burg, T. behaviors during lean healthcare implementation: a review and longitudinal study (2020)Journal of manufacturing technology management, 31(1), 193-215. Tortorella, G., van Dun, D. H. & Gundes de Almeida, A. Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Real-Life Team Interaction Patterns, Task Context, Information Sharing, and Effectiveness (2020)Group & organization management, 45(1), 3-42. Hoogeboom, M. A. M. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Europese mededingingsregels en de grote voetbalclubs (2020)TPE digitaal, 14(1 ), 31-43. van der Burg, T. behaviours of family and non-family executives in family firms (2020)Management research review, 43(7), 885-907. Neffe, C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Lattuch, F.
Micro-behavioral building blocks of effective leadership, followership and team interaction (2019)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Hoogeboom, A. M. G. M. of a national medical leadership competency framework: The Dutch approach (2019)BMC Medical Education, 19(1). Article 441. Keijser, W. A., Handgraaf, H. J. M., Isfordink, L. M., Janmaat, V. T., Vergroesen, P. P. A., Verkade, J. M. J. S., Wieringa, S. & Wilderom, C. P. M. creëert rechtsongelijkheid bij steun voor profvoetbal (2019)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. van der Burg, T. do appreciative inquiry summits help organizational systems to flourish? (2019)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. McQuaid, M. growth: balancing lifegiving learning processes in the profession of appreciative inquiry practitioners (2019)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Duvander, M. T. Twente, Feyenoord en de Europese regels voor staatssteun (2019)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van der Burg, T.Advancing the Transformational–Transactional Model of Effective Leadership: Integrating two Classic Leadership Models with a Video-Based Method (2019)Journal of Leadership Studies, 13(2), 23-46. Hoogeboom, M. A. M. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M. 4.0 adoption as a moderator of the impact of lean production practices on operational performance improvement (2019)International journal of operations & production management, 39(6/7/8), 860-886. Tortorella, G., Giglio, R. & van Dun, D. H. Strategic-alignment Type Dialogues Effectively: A Longitudinal Field Study (2019)[Contribution to conference › Paper] British Academy of Management Conference 2019. Doeleman, H. J., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.The Middle Managerial Process of Strategically Aligning Work-floor Employees: An Exploratory Study (2019)[Contribution to conference › Paper] British Academy of Management Conference 2019. Slagter, F., van Dun, D. H. & van Dierendonck, D.Maak continu verbeteren tot een goede gewoonte (2019)Holland Management Review, 186(Juli-augustus), 68-77. Kerkhofs, J. & van Dun, D. H. leading practices in a project team: an exploratory case study of organizational communication (2019)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Reidy, R. W. for innovation and individual innovation readiness as mediators between transformational leadership and innovative work behaviour: An empirical study within Singaporean service organizations (2019)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference 2019. Tan Bee Choo, A., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Kaizen event effectiveness and problem-solving style awareness: A video-based field examination (2019)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 26th EurOMA Conference. Franken, J. C. M., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Leaders’ behavioural change throughout a hospital’s lean implementation (2019)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 26th EurOMA Conference. de Almeida, A. G., Tortorella, G. L. & van Dun, D. H.Intergroup behavior in military multiteam systems (2019)Human relations, 72(6), 1081-1104. Wijnmaalen, J., Voordijk, H., Rietjens, S. & Dewulf, G. multiple identities and personal struggles:: Healthcare professionals' identity conflict perception and responses in challenging situations (2019)[Contribution to conference › Paper] European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2019. Carminati, L. & Héliot, Y.
Met nieuw stadion haalt Feyenoord Ajax niet in (2018)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. FD Mediagroep. van der Burg, T. support for innovation and individual innovation readiness as mediators between transformational leadership and innovative work behaviour (2018)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 19th International CINet Conference 2018. Tan Bee Choo, A., van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Couples living with HIV: gatherings, dialogue and community action (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Miller, P. emergency synchronicity principle in appreciative inquiry: seeing the connections (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Myers, T. E. Feyenoord voert wanbeleid van ongekende omvang (2018)Financieele dagblad, 2018, 9. van der Burg, T.Middle Managerial Behavior for Employee Strategic Alignment: A systematic review (2018)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 78th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2018. Slagter, F., van Dun, D. H. & van Dierendonck, D.Stimulating ethical behavior through innovative ethics officers: An empirical study (2018)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Society for Business Ethics (SBE) Annual Conference 2018. Hogenbirk, S., van Dun, D. H. & Gillis, C.Beyond the Network Border: The Emergence of Regional “Meta-Networks” and Their Effects on Dutch Public-Policy Projects (2018)Project Management Journal, 49(2), 42-55. Klaster, E., Wilderom, C. & Muntslag, D. lean: Longitudinal, multi-level study of work values and lean-team performance (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values, ISSWOV 2018. van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Industry 4.0 as a moderator on the relationship between lean and operational performance (2018)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 25th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Tortorella, G., Giglio, R. & van Dun, D. H.Lean leadership behaviors in healthcare organizations: A systematic literature review (2018)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 25th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Gundes de Almeida, A., Tortorella, G. & van Dun, D. H.Het Maasstadion van Feyenoord.: Feyenoord City en de gevolgen voor voetbalclub Feyenoord. (2018)[Book/Report › Report]. FSV De Feijenoorder. van der Burg, T. sets of mediators between transformational leadership and team performance (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Abdul Sahib, H. M. leadership, psychological capital and other resources of followers enabling high follower and team performance (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Widianto, S. women: creating a good life in a world of social saturation (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Benton, M. of the changes to work that automation brings (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Keane, M. A. study of the Yin and Yang Model of Leadership for individual and collective leadership development (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Héon, F. and children with special needs: socially constructed experiences of volunteers (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Hakala, M. E. relational becoming!: an investigation on conflict narratives (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Barati Bagherabad, T. Ethics and Law:: TNC's Behaviour in Modern Economic Globalisation. (2018)Society and Business Review, 14(1), 2-11. Carminati, L.’ Professional and Religious Identity Conflict:: Micro and Macro Dynamics in End-of-Life Circumstances (2018)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Annual Meeting of the British Academy of Management (BAM), 2018. Carminati, L. & Héliot, Y.Generalizability in Qualitative Research:: A Tale of Two Traditions. (2018)Qualitative health research, 28(13), 2094-2101. Carminati, L. coordination in practice: Micro-level insights to increase MTS performance (2018)Team performance management, 24(1/2), 64-83. Wijnmaalen, J., Voordijk, H. & Rietjens, B. change toward digitalized, customer-oriented continuous improvements within a municipality (2018)Journal of organizational change management, 31(3), 728-748. Gravesteijn, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
A model for firm-specific strategic wisdom: including illustrations and 49 guiding questions (2017)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Straten, R. P. transformative change collectively: an inquiry into ways of stewarding co-evolutionary 'Patterns of Aliveness' for global sustainability transformation (2017)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Kuenkel, P. of determinants of national medical leadership development (2017)BMJ Leader, 1(4), 36-43. Keijser, W., Poorthuis, M., Tweedie, J. & Wilderom, C. exclusionary processes in schools visible (2017)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Lund, G. E. Relations and Results in Regional Networks of Public-Policy Implementation (2017)Journal of public administration research and theory, 27(4), 676-691. Klaster, E., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Muntslag, D. R. participation, performance metrics, and job performance: A survey study based on self-determination theory (2017)Management accounting research, 36, 51-66. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. J. F. & Wilderom, C. P. M. leaders inspiring employee engagement in a healthcare setting (2017)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 24th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2017. van Dun, D. H. & Uittenbogaard, P.Rotterdam, bezin u op nieuw stadion (2017)Trouw, 2017. van der Burg, T. stadion kan Feyenoord de das omdoen (2017)Volkskrant, 2017. van der Burg, T. and refining a nonverbal coding scheme on effective leadership and followership behaviors in meetings: Preliminary results (2017)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Gothenburg Meeting Science Symposium. Smits, J. G. W. L., Bik, O. P. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Concurrentie Feyenoord zit komende jaren niet stil (2017)AD editie Rotterdam, 2017, 15-15. van der Burg, T.Values and behaviors of effective lean managers: Mixed-methods exploratory research (2017)European management journal, 35(2), 174-186. van Dun, D. H., Hicks, J. & Wilderom, C. P. M. the cage: an autoethnographic "showing and telling" of fathering in fierce landscapes (2017)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. St. John, J.’ Identity Conflict and Ethical Behaviour in End-of-Life Circumstances:: Between Professional and Religious Identity (2017)[Contribution to conference › Paper] European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology 2017. Carminati, L. & Héliot, Y.High Job Performance Through Co-Developing Performance Measures With Employees (2017)Human resource management, 56(1), 111-132. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M. word je een Lean Leider? (2017)Sigma(3), 12-15. van Dun, D.Phases to face in national medical leadership development (2017)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 77th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2017. Keijser, W. A., Wilderom, C. P. M., Poorthuis, M. B., Tweedie, J., Lees, P. & Dickson, G. 7 Habits of Highly Effective Implementation of eHealth Enabled Integrated Care (2017)International journal of integrated care, 17(5). Article A486. Keijser, W. A., Penterman, L., Smits, J., van Montfort, G. & Wilderom, C.
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Toward more effective regional networks: a multi-method study on top-down stimulated networks within the Dutch public-policy areas of education and employment (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Klaster, E. lean team performance: leadership and workfloor dynamics (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Dun, D. H. the boxing ring: intergroup behavior in multiteam systems (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Wijnmaalen, J. Oranje meer kans door de ambiance van de Kuip (2015)Volkskrant, 20. van der Burg, T.Een nieuw bekertoernooi voor België en Nederland (2015)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Sportknowhow. van der Burg, T. manager's emotional intelligence to objective store performance: Through store cohesiveness and sales-directed employee behavior (2015)Journal of organizational behavior, 36(6), 825-844. Wilderom, C. P. M., Hur, Y., Wiersma, U. J., van den Berg, P. T. & Lee, J. supporters trust bij Feyenoord? (2015)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Feyenoord Supportersvereniging. van der Burg, T.EU should limit pay TV for football (2015)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. EUObserver. van der Burg, T. betaal-tv voor het voetbal af (2015)Volkskrant, 20. van der Burg, T.De bestuursstructuur bij Feyenoord en haar stadion (2015)[Book/Report › Report]. Feyenoord. van der Burg, T.Effective leader behaviors in regularly held staff meetings: Surveyed vs. Videotaped and Video-Coded Observations (2015)In The Cambridge Handbook of Meeting Science (pp. 381-412) (Cambridge handbooks in psychology). Cambridge University Press. Hoogeboom, M. A. M. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M. highly performing lean team behaviors: A mixed-methods longitudinal study (2015)In 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2015 (pp. 1318-1323). Academy of Management. Van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Medisch Leiderschap 1.0 (2015)[Working paper › Working paper]. Platform Medisch Leiderschap. Keijser, W. A., Wilderom, C. P. M., Isfordink, L., Janmaat, V., Landgraaf, H., ter Mors, A., de Rond, M., Schoenmaker, S., Vergoesen, P., Verkade, J., Vree-Egbers, L. & Wieringa, S.
Usage of internet-based career support (2014)In The Internet and Workplace Transformation (pp. 162-176) (Advances in Management Information Systems). Routledge. Khapova, S. N., Svensson, J. S., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Arthur, M. B.Voetbalclubs krijgen nog te veel vrij spel verlies te maken (2014)Me Judice. van der Burg, T. dure voetballers en de spanning is terug (2014)Volkskrant, -. van der Burg, T.Voetbal weer leuk door sociale heffing (2014)Nederlands dagblad: gereformeerd gezinsblad, -. van der Burg, T.Voetbalsector kan veel beter presteren (2014)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Sport Knowhow XL. van der Burg, T. values, followers' information sharing, and team effectiveness: Advancing lean team cultures (2014)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014. van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.FIFA-vergoeding voor WK-spelers levert clubs op lange termijn niets op (2014)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Sport Knowhow XL. van der Burg, T. op De Kuip is te duur, 70.000 zitplaatsen te veel (2014)AD editie Rotterdam, -. van der Burg, T.Het dak kan er af bij Feyenoord (2014)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. business: how markets are breaking the beautiful game (2014)[Book/Report › Book]. Infinite Ideas. van der Burg, T.
Embodied mind knowledge in leadership practice: creating space in patterned thoughts and behaviors (2013)Journal of management inquiry, 23(3), 231-241. Karssiens, A. E. A., van der Linden, C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Furtmueller, E. bads and private firms: efficiency and sustainability with different allocations of voting rights (2013)European journal of law and economics, 36(3), 423-445. Prinz, A. & van der Burg, T. grounded theory as a method for rigorously reviewing literature (2013)European journal of information systems, 22(1), 45-55. Wolfswinkel, J. F., Furtmueller, E. & Wilderom, C. P. M. voor slimme FBK-Games (2013)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Hoe gemeenten zich laten inpakken door gehaaide bouwbedrijven (2013)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. MeJudice, Economen in debat. van der Burg, T. gemeenten zich laten inpakken door gehaaide bouwbedrijven (2013)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T., Transportium, waar is jullie geld? (2013)Leeuwarder courant, -. van der Burg, T.Het is nu Thialf tegen de bouwbedrijven (2013)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. MeJudice, Economen in debat. van der Burg, T. is nu Thialf tegen de bouwbedrijven (2013)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. influence of identity on multi-team system effectiveness: a study of a military multi-team system in Kunduz Afghanistan (2013)In Proceedings of the INGRoup 8th Annual conference, 11-13 July 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (pp. -). INGroup. Wijnmaalen, J. & op den Buijs, T.Alleen de financiers winnen bij de nieuwe Kuip; In Rotterdam kan met voetballen heus niet meer geld verdiend worden dan met Amsterdam Arena (2013)NRC-Handelsblad, -. van der Burg, T.KNSB is iets schuldig aan de maatschappij (2013)Leeuwarder courant, -. van der Burg, T.Gemeentelijke bezuinigingen (2013)Openbaar Bestuur, 23(5), 2-7. Baarspul, H. & Wilderom, C.Schipholrapport niet het enige geheim (2013)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Education and employment: stumbling across boundaries in the Netherlands (2013)In Crossing boundaries in public management and policy : the international experience (pp. 229-244) (Routledge critical studies in public management). Routledge. Muntslag, D. R., Klaster, E. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Een analyse van de plannen voor Het Nieuwe Stadion van Feyenoord (2013)[Book/Report › Report]. Stichting Red de Kuip. van der Burg, T. responsible vs acting responsibly: contributions of a leadership programme (2013)Journal of management development, 32(8), 914-928. Karssiens, A. E. A., van der Linden, C. & Wilderom, C. P. M. versus standardising electronic human resource management: complexities and tensions between HRM and IT departments (2013)European journal of international management, 7(4), 413-431. Tate, M., Furtmueller, E. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
Increasing Employee Job Performance through Employee Participation in the Development of Performance Measures: On the Role of PM Quality and Perceived Control to Perform. (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Accounting Section Research Seminar, University of Amsterdam. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M.Enabling employees through co-development of performance measures (2012)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Groen, B. A. C. Dynamics of Effective Lean Team Cultures and Climates (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 72nd Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012. van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Video-Analysis of Lean Team Behaviors: Triangulated Evidence of Three Prototypical Work Situations. (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 72nd Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012. van Dun, D. H., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Vuuren, H. A.The role of identity in cross-organizational engineering projects: the case of Dutch military engineers in Mazar e Sjarif Afghanistan (2012)In Working paper series, proceedings of the engineering project organization conference (EPOC 2012), July 10-12, 2012, Rheden, The Netherlands (pp. 1-28). University of Colorado. Wijnmaalen, J., Dewulf, G. P. M. R. & Voordijk, J. T. technology for global recruitment: why HR/OB scholars need US knowledge? (2012)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Furtmueller, E. Employee Job Performance through Employee Participation in the Development of Performance Measures: On the Role of PM Quality and Perceived Control to Perform. (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Research Seminar HPM Group, Eindhoven University of Technology. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M.How to increase employee performance with incentives after employees participated in the development of performance measures? (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Accounting Section Research Seminar, University of Amsterdam. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.How to increase employee performance with incentives after employees participated in the development of performance measures? (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Conference of the European Academy of Management, EURAM 2012. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Increasing employee job performance through employee participation in the development of performance measures: On the role of PM quality and perceived control to perform. (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Conference of the European Academy of Management, EURAM 2012. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M.Team-learning dynamics during service delivery in a large Dutch municipality. (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Conference of the European Academy of Management, EURAM 2012. Gravesteijn, M., Tuenter, B. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Video-study of effective leader behaviors in staff meetings: Refining the augmented transformational model. (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Conference of the European Academy of Management, EURAM 2012. Hoogeboom, M., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Nijhuis, J.Continuous improvement behaviors of work teams: On developing and validating a team-level survey (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 4th World Conference Production & Operations Management, P&OM 2012. van Dun, D. H., Overbeek, I., van Vuuren, H. A. & Wilderom, C. P. M.How to increase employee performance with incentives after employees participated in developing operational performance indicators? (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 35th European Accounting Association Annual Congress. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Tjalle van der Burg over economie in het voetbal (2012)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. to increase employee performance with incentives after employees participated in the development of performance measures? (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] I&O Seminar, University of Groningen. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Snelle euro-exit Griekenland is in niemands voordeel (2012)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. euro-exit Griekenland is in niemands voordeel (2012)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Me Judice. van der Burg, T. to increase employee performance with incentives after employees participated in the development of performance measures? (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] ERIM Research Seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Simpele economie: hoe kosten-batenanalyse tot verkeerde beslissingen kan leiden (2012)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Me Judice. van der Burg, T. economie: hoe kosten-batenanalyse tot verkeerde beslissingen kan leiden (2012)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. longitudinal study of the effects of charismatic leadership and organizational culture on objective and perceived corporate performance. (2012)Leadership quarterly, 23(5), 835-848. Wilderom, C. P. M., van den Berg, P. T. & Wiersma, U. J. to the implementation of fiscal sustainability measures (2012)Journal of organizational change management, 25(4), 612-629. Ehrenhard, M. L., Muntslag, D. R. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Employees Behave Differently in Public - Vs Private-Sector Organizations?: A state-of-the-art review (2012)Public management review, 13(7), 967-1002. Baarspul, H. C. & Wilderom, C. P. M. performance measurement in a small professional service firm (2012)International journal of productivity and performance management, 61(8), 839-862. Groen, B. A. C., van de Belt, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M. culture change aimed at more service provision: A test of three agentic factors (2012)Journal of organizational change management, 25(3), 364-391. Jorritsma, P. Y. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Dynamics and Enablers of Effective Lean Team Cultures and Climates (2012)In International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 115-152) (International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Vol. 27). Wiley-Blackwell. van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. and institutional morality: Building ethics programmes on the dual loyality of academic professionals (2012)Ethics and education, 7(1), 91-109. Wilderom, C., Nijhof, A. & Oost, M. e-Recruiting Portals: How to Motivate Applicants to Stay Connected throughout their Careers? (2012)In Human interaction with technology for working, communicating and learning: Advancements (pp. 66-86). Information Science Reference. Furtmüller, E., Wilderom, C. & van Dick, R. van der Burg over economie in het voetbal (2012)[Non-textual form › Digital or Visual Products]. Me Judice. van der Burg, T. bedrag naar gedrag: Bezuinig gemeenten, door continue te leren verbeteren! (2012)M & O, 2012(66), 21-45. Wilderom, C. P. M. & Baarspul, H. C.Why do employees take more initiatives to improve their performance after co-developing performance measures? A field study. (2012)Management accounting research, 23(2), 120-141. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
How to rigorously review literature using Grounded Theory (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Conference of Information Systems, AIS Special Interest Group on Grounded Theory Methodology. Wolfswinkel, J. F., Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Tate, M.Simpele economie is het moeilijkst (2011)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. realistische resolutiemechanismen (2011)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. crisislanden dichterbij door nabootsing devaluatie (2011)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. geen heilig criterium bij investeringen. (2011)Volkskrant, -. van der Burg, T.Why do employees perform better if they participate in developing their own performance indicators? (2011)[Contribution to conference › Poster] IGS/SMG Annual PhD Day 2011. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Why do employees perform better if they participate in developing their own performance indicators? Agency vs. self-determination theory. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] IGS/SMG Annual PhD Day. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Voor financiele positie overheid telt vooral het eigen vermogen. (2011)Volkskrant, -. van der Burg, T.How is employee participation in developing performance indicators related to employee job performance? (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] F&A Research Seminar. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Why do employees perform better if they participate in developing their own perfomance measures? A principal-agent perspective. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 6th Conference on performance measurement and management control.. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Agentic factors explaining failing culture change aimed at more service provision. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Jorritsma, P. Y. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Leader values, style and behaviors in meetings: Triangulated evidence of effective leadership. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Jorritsma, P. Y. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Participatory performance measurement in a Vietnamese professional service firm (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Groen, B. A. C., van de Belt, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Recent developments in organizational culture and climate. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Presentation in Symposium (Divisions OB/HRM & OMT): "Organizational Culture and Climate: Conceptual Connections and Future Research Directions" at the Academy of Management Meetings.. Ashkanasy, N. M., Peterson, M. F. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Recruiters and the dilemma of finding the right match in our flat world (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Tate, M.Team learning through bottom-up development of team performance indicators. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Groen, B. A. C., Evers, F., Gravesteijn, M., Molenveld, M., Schopman, M., Veerbeek, R. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Why do employees take more initiative if they develop their own performance measures? A field study. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.The structuration of organizational change in a highly institutionalized field: competing logics, practices and decision-making. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 27th EGOS Colloquium 2011. Ehrenhard, M. L., Muntslag, D. R. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Behavioural dynamics in high-performing continuous improvement teams (2011)In Book of abstracts: 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Exploring interfaces, 3-6 July 2011 (pp. 66-66). University of Cambridge. van Dun, D. H., van Eck, T., van Vuuren, H. A. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Vervuiler betaalt, behalve op het spoor (2011)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Hoe betrekt u medewerkers bij prestatiemeting? (2011)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Reed Business Media. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M. the Gap, Assessing Cooperation Between Physicians and Managers and its Association with Hospital Performance. (2011)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J. versus web 2.0 recruiting practices. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) 2011. Furtmueller-Ettinger, E., Rao, P. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Why do employees take more initiative if they develop their own performance measures? A field study. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 11th Conference of the European Academy of Management, EURAM 2011. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Why do employees perform better if they participate in developing their own performance measures? A behavioral perspective. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 15th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, EAWOP 2011. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M.De wetenschapper als beleidsadviseur. (2011)Economisch-statistische berichten, 2011(96), 592-593. van der Burg, T.Doe als Amerika: bescherm de sport tegen de markt (2011)Socialisme en democratie, 69(1-2), 55-58. van der Burg, T. cooperation influencing performance: a study in Dutch hospitals (2011)International journal for quality in health care, 23(1), 94-99. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., Meerdink, N., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Harten, W. H. failing culture change aimed at more service provision: A test of three agentic factors (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , AOM 2011. Jorritsma, P. Y. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Interculturele effectiviteit, als het geheime wapen van de genie in nieuwe missies (2011)Genie, 61(1), 22-23. Wijnmaalen, J.Introduction to The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Second Edition (2011)In The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Second Edition (pp. 3-10) (Second Edition). Sage. Ashkanasy, N. M., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Peterson, M. F.Kwaliteit als een functie van de samenwerking tussen medisch specialisten en managers in Nederlandse ziekenhuizen (2011)M & O, 65(6), 76-93. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., Vincent, A., Meerdink, N., Wilderom, C. P. M., Siesling, S. & van Harten, W. H. van presteren op de werkvloer via zelfontwikkelde prestatie-indicatoren (2011)M & O, 5(sept./okt.), 60-79. Evers, F., Gravesteijn, M., Molenveld, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M. recruitment and selection in the digital age: e-HRM and resumes (2011)Human systems management, 30(4), 243-259. Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C. & Tate, M. the illusion of organizational commitment among finance professionals (2011)Team performance management, 5(6), 255-278. Furtmueller, E., van Dick, R. & Wilderom, C. P. M. through construction? (2011)Genie, 61(1), 24-25. Wijnmaalen, J.Service behaviours of highly committed financial consultants (2011)Journal of service management, 22(3), 317-343. Furtmueller, E., van Dick, R. & Wilderom, C. on social-organizational processes (2011)In The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate (pp. 183-187). Sage. Wilderom, C. P. M. oplossing voor zwakke eurolanden. (2011)Economisch-statistische berichten, 2011(96), 170-171. van der Burg, T.The handbook of organizational culture and climate (2011)[Book/Report › Book editing]. Sage. Ashkanasy, N. M., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Peterson, M. F. Handbook of Organizational Culuture and Climate, Second Edition (2011)[Book/Report › Book editing]. Sage. Ashkanasy, N. M., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Peterson, M. F.Toward positive work cultures and climates (2011)In The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Second Edition (pp. 79-84). Sage. Wilderom, C. P. M. leadership as a mediator between emotional intelligence and team outcomes (2011)Leadership quarterly, 22(4), 591-603. Hur, Y., van den Berg, P. T. & Wilderom, C. P. M. en allochtonen naar de politietop (2011)M & O, 3(mei/juni), 35-59. Gerrits, K., van Oost, E. C. J. & Wilderom, C. P. M. countries can stay in the euro and have full or partial subvaluation. (2011)Europe's world, 2011(03-02-2011), online-. van der Burg, T.Young IT professionals preferred recruiting modes in the contemporary economy. (2011)European management journal, 11(1), 1-19. Furtmueller-Ettinger, E., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Rao, P.
Laat Griekenland per decreet prijzen en schulden verlagen (2010)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. Europa voor zijn voetbal kan doen (2010)Morgen, -. van der Burg, T.Voetbalsector levert wanprestatie (2010)Volkskrant, -. van der Burg, T.Samenwerken voor transport (2010)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Socialized charismatic leadership and organization culture as predictors of firm performance (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 70th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2010. Wilderom, C. P. M. & van den Berg, P. T.What are the values and behaviors of effective lean leaders? (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 70th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2010. van Dun, D. H., Hicks, J. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Elke superster is vervangbaar, ook in het voetbal (2010)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. spannender door sociale heffing : sportecononoom Tsjalle van der Burg schrijft over voetbaleconomie (2010)U-Today(18), 9. van der Burg, T. & de Kuyper, P.Online Resumes: Optimizing Design to Service Recruiters (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 18th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2010. Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C. & Müller, R. M. on e-Recruiting Research Using Grounded Theory (2010)In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems 2010. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). Wolfswinkel, J., Furtmuelle, E. & Wilderom, C. do leaders view their own Lean teams' behaviour? (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 17th International EurOMA conference 2010. van Dun, D. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Employee behavior as a mediator between participatory performance measures and departmental performance: A field study in a maintenance department (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 33rd Annual Congress of European Accounting Association. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Local Policy Implementation Networks In The Dutch Public Sector: Exploring Ways To Assess Network Effectiveness (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 10th Conference of the European Academy of Management, EURAM 2010. Klaster, E., Wilderom, C. P. M., Muntslag, D. R., Ehrenhard, M. L. & Hicks, J.Innovatie en noaberschap gaan samen (2010)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Co-constructive consulting: a pragmatic, relational constructionist approach (2010)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Hicks, J. N. behavior as a mediator between participatory performance measures and departmental performance: A field study in a maintenance department (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] AAA 2010 Management Accounting Section Meeting. Groen, B. A. C., Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Balancing Customer, Professional and Organizational Interests: Foci of Commitment of Employed versus Self Employed Finance Professionals (2010)In Talent Management of Knowledge Workers: Embracing the Non-Traditional Workforce (pp. 163-179). Palgrave Macmillan. Furtmueller, E., van Dick, R. & Wilderom, C. kleine economie van het voetbal (2010)[Book/Report › Book]. Arko Sports Media. van der Burg, T.Empowering Firm Owners by Separating Voting from Buying and Selling Shares. (2010)Review of Social Economy, 68(1), 69-92. van der Burg, T. & Prinz, A.Gegeven de duale loyaliteit van wetenschappers aan universiteiten: combineer professiegebonden en institutionele ethiek (2010)Tijdschrift voor hoger onderwijs, 28(2), 62-82. Nijhof, A., Oost, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Keynesianism in practice. The case for government support for sustainable energy projects (2010)Public policy research, 17(3), 141-146. van der Burg, T. culture gaps between physicians and managers in Dutch hospitals: A survey (2010)BMC health services research, 10. Article 86. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., Siesling, S., Meerdink, N., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Harten, W. H. e-recruiting portals: How to motivate applicants to stay connected throughout their careers? (2010)International journal of technology and human interaction, 6(3), 1-20. Furtmüller, E., Wilderom, C. & van Dick, R.
Beleidsadvies luchthaven Twente voorbeeld van hoe het niet moet (2009)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. naar het einde van een democratisch feest (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Luchthaven Twente wordt subsidiekuil (2009)NRC-Handelsblad, -. van der Burg, T.Luchthaven Twente wordt een verlieslijdend project (2009)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. and Surveying Transformational Behavior of Dutch Primary School Leaders (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 11th Annual Global Conference of the International Leadership Association 2009. Wilderom, C. P. M., Nijhuis, J. & van de Berg, P.De regering pakt hardwerkende mensen hun geld af (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Politiek Den Haag is Twente verantwoording schuldig over luchthaven (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Enhancing departmental performance through enabling performance measurement: A clinical field study within the maintenance department of a firm’s bottling lines. (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 5th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control. Groen, B. A. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Wouters, M. mensen betalen hun belasting met plezier (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Depositogarantiestelsel is nodeloos ruimhartig (2009)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. managerial effectiveness through emotional intelligence (2009)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Hur, Y. and Surveying Transformational Behavior of Dutch Primary School Leaders (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 69th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2009. Wilderom, C. P. M., Nijhuis, J. & van de Berg, P.Transformational Leadership as a Mediator between Emotional Intelligence and Team Outcomes in a South-Korean public-sector organization (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 69th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2009. Wilderom, C. P. M., Hur, Y. H. & van de Berg, P.Exploring the Behavior of Highly Effective CIOs Using Video Analysis. (2009)In AMCIS 2009 Proceedings (pp. 1-10). Gupta, K., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Hillegersberg, J. de garantie voor spaarders (2009)NRC-Handelsblad, -. van der Burg, T.Een bestedingsimpuls die de schatkist niets kost: investeren in duurzame energie (2009)Me Judice, -. van der Burg, T. Dynamics in Public-Policy Implementation Networks in the Netherlands (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 25th EGOS Colloquium 2009. Klaster, E., Muntslag, D. R. & Wilderom, C. P. M. bekertoernooi voor Nederland en België: de Koningsbeker (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Verantwoordelijkheid voelen versus verantwoordelijkheid nemen: de bijdrage van een leiderschapstraject in een penitentiaire inrichting (2009)In Cultuurverandering: Mythe en Realiteit: Praktijken, Verhalen en Reflecties (SIOO-congres bundel) (pp. 151-167). Kluwer. Karssiens, A., van der Linden, C. & Wilderom, C.Lasting Results trhough Leadership training?: Develop (project)managers through learning to lead based on imagination and abundance! (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 4th International Conference on Management Consulting. Karssiens, A., van der Linden, C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Ganzevoort, W. P. T.De Superliga en de te rechtse Europese Unie (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Transformational Leadership as a Mediator between Emotional Intelligence and Team Outcomes in a South-Korean public-sector organization. (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, EAWOP 2009. Wilderom, C. P. M., Hur, Y. H. & van de Berg, P.Usability Study on Dutch e-Recruting Services: Limitations and Possibilities from the Applicants' Perspective (2009)In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems (pp. 120-128). INSTICC PRESS. Jansen, C., Ettinger, E. & Wilderom, C. Management and Leadership Skills in Lean Organizations (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 20th Annual POMS Conference 2009. Found, P., van Dun, D. H. & Fei, F.Een herstelplan voor Twente van driehonderd miljoen (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.The structuration of managing for results : a practice perspective on middle managers in the Dutch Central Government (2009)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ehrenhard, M. L. voetbalclubs hebben tegenwoordig de macht (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Geen paniek zaaien over afschaffing hypotheekrenteaftrek (2009)Dagblad van het Noorden, -. van der Burg, T.Geen paniek zaaien over afschaffing hypotheekrenteaftrek (2009)Leeuwarder courant, -. van der Burg, T.Geen paniek zaaien over afschaffing hypotheekrenteaftrek (2009)Gelderlander, -. van der Burg, T.Geen paniek zaaien over afschaffing hypotheekrenteaftrek (2009)Brabants dagblad, -. van der Burg, T.Europa: rechts project met links potentieel (2009)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Service-Quality Criteria of Web Recruiters: A Content Analysis (2009)In 2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 1-10) (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS); Vol. 2009). IEEE. Ettinger, E., Wilderom, C. & Ruel, H. Team Functioneren door Emotionele Intelligentie? (2009)Management executive, 7(juli/aug), 54-57. Wilderom, C. P. M., Baarspul, H. & Hur, Y. H.Continue prestatieverbetering via geregiseerd zelfmanagement (2009)Holland Management Review, 26(127), 36-43. Evers, F., Overkamp, I. & Wilderom, C. vliegbasis Twenthe, een academische reflectie (2009)[Book/Report › Report]. Institute for Behavioral Research. van der Burg, T., Dewulf, G. P. M. R., Heerkens, J. M. G., Lapré, R., Mol, N. P. & de Vries, T. betekent andere mensen mogelijkheden bieden: resultaatgericht leiderschap (2009)M & O, 2009(Sept\okt.), 58-76. Wilderom, C. P. M., Karssiens, A., van der Linden, C. & Ganzevoort, W. P. T.Prestatiemeting op de werkvloer van Grolsch: een participatieve aanpak (2009)Management executive, 7(1), 34-38. Wilderom, C. P. M., Stertefeld, T. & Wouters, M. images between physicians and managers in hospitals (2009)Journal of health organization and management, 23(2), 216-224. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., Meerdink, N., van Harten, W. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. the Lead User Method for Promoting Innovation in E-Recuiting (2009)In Handbook of Research on e-Transformation and Human Resources Management Technologies: Organizational Outcomes and Challenges (pp. 252-274) (Information Science Reference). Hershey. Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C. & van Dick, R. van effectieve CIO's (2009)Holland Management Review(123), 17-25. Turkdemir, I., Wilderom, C. & van Hillegersberg, J. if we shifted the basis of consulting from knowledge to knowing? (2009)Management learning, 40(3), 289-310. Hicks, J., Nair, P. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
In Amerika levert de slimme ondernemer een topteam (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Augmented Transformational Leadership as a mediator between emotional intelligence and team outcomes in a South Korean public-sector organization (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Wilderom, C. P. M. & Young-Hee Hur, S. crafting a customer-focused culture: an inductive case study (2008)Journal of strategy and management, 1(2), 143-167. Ford, R. C., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Caparella, J. voetbalsport werd groot dankzij werk vele vrijwilligers (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Exploring the Gap Between Physicians and Managers in Dutch Hospitals (2008)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 25th International Conference of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., Siesling, S., Meerdink, N., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Harten, W. H.Innovating Online Career Services: The role of User and Designer Involvement (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Association of Internet Researchers - Internet Research, Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place. Ettinger, E., Andersen, C. U., Wilderom, C., van Dick, R. & Kent, T.öperatieve banken zijn een zegen voor de economie (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Overheid geeft burgers geen goede informatie over luchthaven (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Leadership behavior of Dutch primary school leaders: how does their behavior contribute to the effectiveness of their schools? (2008)In Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2008: 6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (pp. 220-222). Noldus Information Technology. Nijhuis, J. H. E. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Filmed Behavioral Intelligence: an explorative study of highly effective middle managers in regular staff meetings (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 68th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2008. Wilderom, C. P. M., Klaster, E., van der Weide, J., Ehrenhard, M. L. & Hicks, J.Tapping and mapping financial consultants' high commitment behavior (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 68th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2008. Ettinger, E., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Dick, R.Innovations in e-Recruiting: Empirical Findings on the Lead User Method (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Annual Workshop on Open and User Innovation 2008. Ettinger, E. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Leadership styles, emotional intelligence and performance (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] the 16th International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Behavior, INSEAD. Wilderom, C. P. M. & Young-Hee Hur, S. of Professionals' High Commitment Behavior in Service Contexts (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Annual Professional Service Conference 2008. Ettinger, E., Wilderom, C. P. M., van Dick, R. & Young-Hee Hur, S.Geen fusie tussen Heracles en Twente, wel een Euregiocup (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Work values and behaviors of middle managers in lean organizations: What does it take to sustain lean? (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 11th Biannual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values 2008. van Dun, D. H., Hicks, J., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Lieshout, A. J. P.Luchthaven heeft zijn kans gehad... en verprutst (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Red het voetbal: beperk het aantal buitenlanders (2008)Trouw, -. van der Burg, T.Emotional Intelligence, Transformational Leadership and Performance: Evidence and challenges reviewed (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] The La Londe Conference in Service Management 10th International Research Seminar in Service Management. Young-Hee Hur, S. & Wilderom, C. P. M. Brazilianen mag, maar elf is echt teveel (2008), -. van der Burg, T.Strenge EU-regels nekken het voetbal (2008)NRC-Handelsblad, -. van der Burg, T.Laat het voetbal zonder overheidssubsidie nóg socialer worden (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Nederland en België moeten de WK van 2018 organiseren. Een WK van idealen (2008)Trouw, -. van der Burg, T.Een dringend voorstel ter verbetering van de kwaliteit van beleidsadvies (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Service Innovation in Sustainable recruiting Platforms: Optimizing User Involvement (2008)In De eerste Nederlandse Diensteninnovatie Workshop (pp. 14-14). Telematica Instituut, Universiteit Twente. Ettinger, E., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Kent, T.Voorstel verkoop Twence gebaseerd op gebrekkig inzicht (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Progressieve belasting maakt voetbal stuk spannender (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Europa vindt vrije markt belangrijker dan voetbal (2008)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Commentaar op rapport Ernst & Young over Twence B.V. (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Groenlinks, Hengelo. van der Burg, T.Developing performance measurement systems as enabling formalization: A longitudinal field study of a logistics department (2008)Accounting, organizations and society, 33(4-5), 488-516. Wouters, M. & Wilderom, C. P. M. sociaal WK voetbal aan de Noordzee (2008)Sport en strategie, 2(1), 8-8. van der Burg, T.Exploring gaps between physicians and managers in Dutch hospitals (Poster) (2008)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Healthcare Quality and Safety: Meeting the Next Challenges, ISQua 2008. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., Siesling, S., Meerdink, N., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Harten, W. H.Introduction to the Journal of Organizational Behavior's special issue on professional service firms: Where Organization Theory and Organizational Behavior might meet (2008)Journal of organizational behavior, 29(8), 989-994. Suddaby, R., Greenwood, R. & Wilderom, C. P. M. het profvoetbal klaar voor een Europees Deltaplan? (2008)Sport en strategie, 2(4), 17-18. van der Burg, T.Professional identity as the key to career change intention (2008)Career development international, 12(7), 584-595. Khapova, S. N., Arthur, M. B., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Svensson, J. S.Sport krijg 'extra veel' van de overheid. De economische betekenis van sport in Nederland (2008)Sport en strategie, 2(3), 47-48. van der Burg, T.Transforming Exchange-based Job boards into Lasting Career Communities (2008)In BIS 2008 Workshops proceedings: 11th Conference on Business Information systems (BIS 2008) : Innsbruck, Austria, 6-7 may 2008 (pp. 109-116). International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA). Ettinger, E., Wilderom, C. & van Dick, R.Vergadergedrag van effectieve CIO's, Supplement # 48 (2008)In Handboek Effectief Opleiden (pp. -). Reed Elsevier. Turkdemir, I., Wilderom, C. P. M. & van Hillegersberg, J.
Balanced leadership, professionalism, and team trust predict positive attitudes towards performance measurement (2007)In Best Paper Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Annual meeting proceedings; Vol. 2007). Academy of Management. Wilderom, C. P. M., Wouters, M. & van Brussel, J. the Standoff Between Traditional Bureaucracy and New Public Management (2007)In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (pp. -). Ehrenhard, M. L., Hicks, J., Muntslag, D. R. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Werknemers Grolsch meten eigen prestaties (2007)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, 1-3. Wilderom, C. P. M. & Ruesink, J.Culture and leadership in a flat country: The case of the Netherlands (2007)In Culture and Leadership Across the World: The Globe Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies (pp. 215-250). Routledge. Thierry, H., Den Hartog, D. N., Koopman, P. L. & Wilderom, C. P. M. over belang Regio Twente in Twence B.V. (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Groen Links. van der Burg, T.Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries (2007)In Culture and Leadership Across the World: The GLOBE Book of in-Depth Studies of 25 Societies (pp. 215-249) (LEA's Organization and Management Series; Vol. 37). Lawrence Erlbaum. Waldman, D. A., Sully de Luque, M., Washburn, N., House, R. J., den Hartog, D. N., de Hoogh, A. H. B., Thierry, H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. nieuwe vorm van democratie voor bedrijven (2007)Kwartaalschrift Economie, 4(2), 187-214. van der Burg, T.Empowering firm owners through separating "voice"from buying and selling shares. (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. van der Burg, T.Leadership and cultures of Lithuanian and Dutch construction firms (2007)Journal of construction engineering and management, 133(11), 900-911. Ozorovskaja, R., Voordijk, J. T. & Wilderom, C. P. M. employee empowerment in luxury Hotels in Europe (2007)International journal of service industry management, 18(1), 70-88. Klidas, A., van den Berg, P. T. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Medewerkers ontwikkelen KPIs op maat (2007)Tijdschrift voor inkoop en logistiek, 23(9), 12-19. Wouters, M., Stertefeld, T. & Wilderom, C. P. M.The subjective career in the knowledge economy (2007)In Handbook of Career Studies (pp. 114-130). Sage. Wilderom, C. P. M., Khapova, S. N. & Arthur, M. B.
Empowering small shareholders: A comparison of three instruments (2006)Corporate governance (Oxford), 14(5), 406-417. van der Burg, T. & Prinz, A. municipalities in the Netherlands: What can we learn from changing professional service organizations? (2006)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 22nd EGOS Colloquium 2006. Wilderom, C. P. M. & Gravesteijn, M.The subjective career in the knowledge economy (2006)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 22nd EGOS Colloquium 2006. Wilderom, C. P. M., Khapova, S. N. & Arthur, M. B.A new system of democracy for firms which help solve national and international collective action problems (2006)In Proceedings of the 18th EAEPE Annual Conference, 2-4 November 2006, Istanbul, Turkey (pp. -). van der Burg, T. & Prinz, A.Careers in the knowledge economy and the web-based career support: new challenges and opportunities (2006)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Khapova, S. N.Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries (2006)Journal of International business studies, 37(6), 823-837. Waldman, D. A., Sully de Luque, M., Washburn, N., House, R. J., den Hartog, D. N., de Hoogh, A. H. B., Thierry, H. & Wilderom, C. P. M. heffing voor sociale projecten van voetbalclubs (2006)Economisch-statistische berichten, 91, 346-347. van der Burg, T. & Nijhof, H.Empowering ultimate owners as a means to improve corporate governance (2006)In Heterodox views on economics and the economy of the global society (pp. 187-197) (Mansholt publication series). Wageningen Academic Publishers. van der Burg, T.Gedrag van effectieve middenmanagers in grote Nederlandse organisaties: Een video-observatie studie (2006)M & O, 60(5), 35-54. Wilderom, C. P. M. & van der Weide, J. G.Murata Chemicals: A Case Study (2006)In Organization Theory: A Strategic Perspective (pp. 269-274). Atomic Dog. Hicks, J., Nair, P. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Situated Knowledge as the Basis for an Alternative Model for Management Consulting (2006)In Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 11-16 August 2006, Atlanta, Georgia (pp. -). Academy of Management. Hicks, J., Nair, P. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Twenty practices of an entrepreneurial university (2006)Higher education management and policy, 18(3), 1-18. Wilderom, C. P. M., Gjerding, A. N., Cameron, S. P. D., Scheunert, K. J. & Taylor, A.
Boundaryless Career Intentions of IT professionals (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005. Khapova, S. N., Arthur, M. B., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Svensson, J. S.In Search of Effective Cooperation among Doctors and Managers in Dutch Hospitals: Contextual and Cultural Aspects (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005. Klopper-Kes, A. H. J., van Harten, W. H. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Managing for Results within the Dutch Central Government: A Structurational Analysis based on Change Agents' Views (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005. Ehrenhard, M. L., Wilderom, C. P. M. & Muntslag, D. R.The changing role of the expert in management consulting (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005. Hicks, J., Nair, P. U. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Career success in a boundaryless career world (2005)Journal of organizational behavior, 26(2), 177-202. Arthur, M. B., Khapova, S. N. & Wilderom, C. P. M. transfer of knowledge: Cultural lessons from project GLOBE (2005)Academy of Management Perspectives, 19(2), 59-76. Javidan, M., Stahl, G. K., Brodbeck, F. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Cultural Conflict within Civil-Military Cooperation: A Case Study in Bosnia (2005)Low intensity conflict & enforcement, 13(1), 54-69. Scheltinga, T. A. M., Rietjens, S. J. H., de Boer, S. J. & Wilderom, C. P. M. and implementing performance indicators with horizontal client-advisor interaction (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Wouters, M., Weaver, K. M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.From critique to construction: An alternative to the expert model of management consulting (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Wilderom, C. P. M., Weaver, K. M., Hicks, J. & Nair, P. U.Leader motives, charismatic leadership, and subordinates' work attitude in the profit and voluntary sector (2005)Leadership quarterly, 16(1), 17-38. de Hoogh, A. H. B., den Hartog, D. N., Koopman, P. L., Thierry, H., van den Berg, P. T., van der Weide, J. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M. for results within the Dutch central government: an analysis based on change agents views (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Weaver, K. M., Ehrenhard, M. L., Muntslag, D. R. & Wilderom, C. P. M.More client-centered consulting as a new vision of management consulting in the 21st century (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Weaver, K. M., Wilderom, C. P. M., Hicks, J., Nikolova, N. & Nair, P. U.Progressive taxation as a means for improving competitive balance (2005)Scottish journal of political economy, 52(1), 65-74. van der Burg, T. & Prinz, A.Progressive taxation as a means for improving competitive balance (2005)Scottish journal of political economy, 52(1), 65-74. van der Burg, T. & Prinz, A. observed behaviors of highly effective Dutch middle managers (2005)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. van der Weide, J. G., Weaver, K. M. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
Charismatic leadership, environmental dynamism, and performance (2004)European journal of work and organizational psychology, 13(4), 447-471. de Hoogh, A. H. B., den Hartog, D. N., Koopman, P. L., Thierry, H., van den Berg, P. T., van der Weide, J. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M. of Managing for Results: A Structurational Analysis Interpretations of Middle Managers' Behaviors in the Dutch Ministries (2004)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 20th EGOS Colloquium 2004. Ehrenhard, M. L., Muntslag, D. R. & Wilderom, C. P. M.De toekomst van het Vliegbasis Twenthe terrein. GroenLinks evaluatierapport van de studies ACM-DHV en Snijders (2004)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van der Burg, T.Defining, Measuring, and Comparing Organisational Cultures (2004)Applied psychology, 53(4), 570-582. van den Berg, P. T. & Wilderom, C. P. M. leadership: what are the behaviours of highly effective middle managers? (2004)International journal of management practice, 1(1), 3-20. van der Weide, J. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M. political and corporate governance: The separation of voice from exit and entry for shareholders (2004)[Book/Report › Report]. Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. van der Burg, T. & Prinz, A.Kunsten: privaat financieren? (2004)Economisch-statistische berichten, 89(4445), 529-529. Dolfsma, W. & van der Burg, T.Multitrain Deliverable 7.2 - Evaluation Results: User Experiences and Perceived Effectiveness (2004)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Khapova, S. N., Svensson, J. S. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Raising private investment funds for museums (2004)International journal of arts management, 6(3), 50-59. van der Burg, T., Dolfsma, W. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
Web-based career support for IT professionals (2003)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 63rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2003. Khapova, S. N. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Charismatic leadership, situational strength, and performance (2003)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 11th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, EAWOP 2003. de Hoogh, A. H. B., den Hartog, D. N., Koopman, P. L., Thierry, H. K., van den Berg, P. T., van der Weide, J. G. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Schuld kan sociaal worden afbetaald (2003)Twentsche Courant Tubantia, -. van der Burg, T.Web-based career support: Two longitudinal field experiments (2003)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 18th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference 2003. Khapova, S. N. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Aftrek hypotheekrente geleidelijk afschaffen (2003)Trouw, -. van der Burg, T.Benecup lijkt beter plan dan Beneliga (2003)Volkskrant, -. van der Burg, T.Stop geld voetbalclubs in sociale projecten (2003)Trouw, -. van der Burg, T.Benchmarking the knowledge driven industrial organisation (BEINORG) (2003)[Book/Report › Report]. European Commission. Wilderom, C. P. M.Cultuur in de polder (2003)M & O, 57(2), 17-30. Thierry, H. K., Koopman, P. L., den Hartog, D. N. & Wilderom, C. P. M.FC Twente moet na 'steun' sociale club zijn (2003)Roskam, 20-21. van der Burg, T.Financing museums with the help of the private financial sector (2003)In Grenzüberschreitende Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik (Public Policy across Borders) (pp. 133-162) (Wirtschaft: Forschung und Wissenschaft). LIT Verlag. van der Burg, T. & Dolfsma, W.Leiderschap in de polder (2003)M & O, 57(2), 31-46. Koopman, P. L., den Hartog, D. N., Thierry, H. K. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Report on iCIS Real Life Testing: EU-iCIS Deliverable (2003)[Book/Report › Report]. European Commission. Khapova, S. N., Svensson, J. & Wilderom, C. P. M.Report on iCIS Validation Results: EU-iCIS Deliverable 5.2 (2003)[Book/Report › Report]. European Commission. Khapova, S. N., Svensson, J. & Wilderom, C. P. M.
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