UTFacultiesBMSEL-IPSNewsFrederik Vos nominated for 2019 Hans Ovelgönne dissertation award of BME

Frederik Vos nominated for 2019 Hans Ovelgönne dissertation award of BME

Every year since 1988, the German association of materials management, purchasing and logistics (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME)) awards the Hans Ovelgönne prize (endowed with 7.000 EUR) to a young and ambitious researcher for an outstanding dissertation. For becoming nominated, applicants must have completed an exceptional PhD thesis being innovative, theoretically informed as well as practically relevant. 

The nominated dissertation of Dr. Frederik G.S. Vos focuses on the potential of a buyer’s preferred customer status to mitigate the negative effects of buyer dependency, the influence of a buyer’s power usage on supplier satisfaction, and perception differences in buyer-supplier relationships. Additionally, the dissertation adds novel methods (i.e. partial least squares point predictions and polynomial regressions with response surface modeling) together with a dyadic perspective to preferred customer research. These methods also inform other scholars in social sciences how to assess the predictive abilities of models, reveal curvilinear interaction effects and discover asymmetric relationships between factors, which would have not been discovered with traditional methods.

The winner of the 2019 BME Hans Ovelgönne prize will be announced during the award ceremony, which will take place on  26thof March 2019 in Mannheim (Germany).

About the Nominee Dr. Frederik G.S. Vos

Frederik G.S. Vos is assistant professor at the department of Technology Management and Supply at the University of Twente, public procurement consultant at the Public Procurement Research Centre (PPRC) and owner of the serious game company suPlay B.V.. Frederik holds a Master in Business Administration (with highest distinction) as well as a Master in Organizational Psychology and a Master of Corporate Communication of the University of Twente. In November 2017, he defended his PhD thesis with the title “preferred customer status, supplier satisfaction and their contingencies”. His areas of expertise include public procurement, preferred customer status, Industry 4.0, global sourcing, serious gaming and quantitative data analysis. 

More information about the author: https://people.utwente.nl/f.g.s.vos