UTFacultiesBMSDesigning Your Life Course

Do you know what you want to do after your studies? Have you already chosen a master or a career for when you graduate?

Then this course is probably not for you.

Instead, this course is for the students approaching their Bachelor or Master graduation and who have no idea what they want to do once they receive their diploma. When your graduation deadline looms, the prospect of stepping into the professional world can be both exciting and daunting. Most students are filled with uncertainty and have no idea how to approach planning out their future career paths. Sound familiar? Don't worry!

Project information

Purpose project
Designing Your Life
11th of November 2024 - 31st of January 2025
Necessary funds
Free of charge

The new Designing Your Life (DYL) course offered by the BMS faculty helps guide students grappling with their career and life uncertainties after graduation. This course, offered now for the first time, is based on the principles of the book of the same name by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, who have developed this methodology for the Stanford d.school, as well as the work of the Honors College of the University of Leiden. Through hands-on activities and peer support, students embark on a journey of targeted career exploration, adopting a prototype-based approach to design and test out potential futures. The course encourages students to apply design thinking to their own lives and to take critical steps towards determining what they want their future lives to be. Whether you are a Bachelor student doubting which Master to choose or a Master student already looking ahead to your first steps as a young professional, this course provides a supportive environment to explore your passions, overcome any dysfunctional beliefs, chart a course towards a fulfilling career and meaningfully design the wildest ideas you may have for your future life.

This course is a spin-off project from the Honours programmes and developed within the BMS faculty.


During quartile 2 (November 2024 - January 2025), the BMS faculty will host the first-ever run of the Designing Your Life course at the University of Twente. This course is unique at the university in providing students with practical

Register for the Designing Your Life course
Please note: there are limited places available!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can follow this course?

    For this first pilot run, only students from the BMS faculty are allowed to participate. We accept all second- and third-year Bachelor students and all master students from all studies of the BMS faculty. Please note that due to limited capacity we may select students based on their motivation. You can register for the course here.

  • What costs are involved in this course?

    There are no costs involved for this course. All materials (including the Designing Your Life book) will be provided for you.

  • What is the study load of this course?

    This course has a study load of 3 ECTS (84 hours), with the workload divided over lectures, preparation and exercises, and the development of a final portfolio. 

  • Can I use credits from this course towards my regular degree?

    For some students, this course may be utilised towards your study credits. You can check the possibility for this at your own study. Credits from this course are registered in Osiris and will be noted on your diploma supplement.

  • Do I have to attend all sessions of this course?

    As this course is based on personal development, we expect you to attend all sessions and actively participate. There is also some group activities and conversations during the sessions, so your presence is also important for the other members of your group. Please make sure to check the dates of the session in the schedule before registering.
