The public defence of a PhD thesis and award of the title “doctor” is taking place under the mandate of the Doctorate Board (by Dutch law WHW art. 7.18 and 7.19) and the Doctoral Regulations of the University of Twente. A PhD dissertation reflects the work of, on average, four years of scientific research and training. UT recognises diverse forms and formats of dissertations, including those based on designs, publications, and books. It should be emphasised that the quality and not the quantity of the chapters should determine the assessment by the Graduation Committee. UT does not impose a minimum or a maximum number of chapters. For more details, we refer to the Doctoral Regulations mentioned above and the PhD Charter, particularly Article 4.
Support office Doctorate Board / Graduation Phase (Hora Finita)
The support office is the right place for questions and regulations concerning your Doctoral Defence, the publication of your PhD thesis or the verification of a PhD Diploma/Certificate.
Mariska Buurman / Astrid Scholtens-Hofenk
Phone: +31 53 489 4242
Office: Ravelijn, room 5246
Opening hours: Monday - Thursday
Beadles / Pedellen
Defences and other ceremonies of the University of Twente are accompanied by the Beadles / Pedellen.
Public defences are held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 12:45, 14:45 and 16:45 hr.
Wim Koehorst / Raymond Linderhof
Phone: +31 53 489 5899
Office: Waaier, room 269
Opening hours: Monday - Friday
Upcoming defences
In general, the defences take place in the Waaier building. Exceptions are mentioned in the list below.
For help with the publication of your doctoral thesis contact the Library's Info desk: +31 53 489 2777 or
- Doctoral regulations of the UT (English / Dutch)
- Intake form public defence (pdf)
Note about the manuscript title pages: as soon as your manuscript gets approved by the assessment committee, you will receive an email about the title pages. The email will contain a link which will take you to the page in Hora Finita where you will be able to download the correctly formatted and filled-in manuscript title pages.