This trajectory will help participants to develop knowledge and insights to influence and improve the way a programme cares for and safeguards the quality of assessment at course and programme level. The central focus is on the organisational building blocks for assessment quality, which includes the vision on assessment, the assessment policy, the assessment programme, organisational aspects, the role and tasks of all those involved, the assessment competence of the teachers and stimulating and monitoring the quality of assessment at course level. In all these areas, measures can be taken to strengthen the quality of assessment. Hereby it is essential to be able to oversee the whole system as a coherent and dynamic entity, with cogs that can be turned to have an effect in conjunction. SUEQ certified staff members are prepared to play an essential role in this playing and force field in order to raise the quality of assessment to a higher level and to continue working on this in the future, based on their sustainable assessment competence.
The trajectory consist of three modules.
Module 1: Attention will be paid to the framework for and tasks and responsibilities of those involved in the assurance and safeguarding of assessment quality at institution and programme level. Other topics will be, among others: rules and regulations, assessment vision and policy, field of influence, accreditation requirements, new developments related to assessment.
Module 2: The focus will be on the quality of assessment on course level. Topics: Judging the quality of assessments; ways to promote, establish and guarantee the quality of assessments on course level; ways to ensure the quality of (graduation) projects and to guarantee the achievement of the final qualifications by the students.
Module 3: Participants work on their individual in-depth study; a practice-oriented exploration of an area of interest or a problem within one's own study programme (or broader), resulting in a concrete, expertly drafted, peer-reviewed advice (memorandum), addressed to a relevant official or committee.
During this trajectory you will work on various practical assignments relevant for your situation, to develop your ability to think and work at the level intended by the SUEQ and required for your position. Cases and experiences of participants will be discussed at different moments in the programme. You will meet in coach groups, guided by a CELT coach, to discuss assignments, cases and questions in more detail. In duo’s you will provide and get peer feedback on your products. Developing your vision on assessment and reflecting on your own position, functioning and professional development, is also part of the programme. Extensive supportive documentation is available via the Canvas site
Basic knowledge about assessment is expected and necessary, like a UTQ or a Basic Qualification Examination (BKE) or similar. If you do not have this knowledge and want to participate, please contact the coordinators to see for possibilities to acquire or refresh this knowledge in the first period of the trajectory. Please sign up for 2 September 2024.
To be eligible for a certificate, you are expected to attend all meetings, and actively participate in the meetings and prepare for the sessions through self-study and assignments. At the end of each module, you will be asked to fulfil assignments, provide peer feedback and explain your findings in a (duo) interview, thereby showing your functioning at senior level. Your in-depth study results and reflection on your personal development, will be assessed individually. At the end of the trajectory you will share the results of your in-depth study to a wider audience via a memorandum and a poster presentation, during a festive event in which the certificates will be awarded.
All the evidence provided should be of sufficient quality to qualify for the certificate.
For more information: Educational & Professional Development | SUEQ-SKE | Center of Expertise in Learning & Teaching (utwente.nl)
The assessments interviews are scheduled on: 9 & 10 December, 26 & 27 February and 28 & 29 May. The exact time is still to be discussed.