Your donation counts, every year again!
  • Which requests are NOT eligible for support?

    The following activities are generally not eligible* for subsidy:

    1. Activities that do not align with the objectives of the Foundation (The primary objective of the University Fund is: The actual support to the University of Twente).
    2. Activities not organized by or for UT students or UT staff.
    3. Activities that do not serve the interests of the UT community.
    4. Activities of an individual nature, including workshops, participation in (plea) competitions, career days, and activities that require registration fees. (Note: in some cases, other possibilities may be available, such as the Peter Riezebos scholarship).
    5. Activities that earn study credits.
    6. Celebratory activities, such as parties, receptions, dinners, and drinks.
    7. Activities aimed at supporting charities (ANBI's) other than the University of Twente Fund.
    8. The fund does not subsidize goodie bags, merchandise, or excessively luxurious amenities.
    9. The fund does not subsidize activities focused on obtaining a promotion.

    *) The board may make exceptions to this principle in exceptional situations.

  • What conditions apply to my event?

    IMPORTANT: Subsidies can never be granted retroactively. Ensure that the application is submitted in a timely manner. Timely means: at least 2 months before the start of the activity and at least 2 weeks before the board meeting (see deadlines below). Payment of a guarantee or subsidy is primarily made only to the bank account of a legal entity (i.e., the organizing organization, not the private account of an individual).

    For the terms and criteria, please refer to our subsidy conditions.

  • What should my application consist of?

    The application consists of three parts:

    1. Application form (to be filled out digitally).
    2. Budget (to be uploaded in PDF format): The budget should provide a clear overview of expected income and expenses with, where necessary, explanations. The budget must be balanced, meaning that income (including the requested contribution from the fund) and expenses should be equal.
    3. Additional information (to be uploaded in PDF format): In this section, you can add information that supports the application, such as a program, list of speakers, promotional activities, etc.

    Note: The application form and the budget are mandatory, while the additional information is optional if you cannot include all the necessary details in the application form.

  • What should my results consist of?

    Within two months after the conclusion of the activity, you must submit the settlement and a brief report (maximum 100 words plus photos). Submit the final settlement in PDF format to the secretariat of the university fund (universiteitsfonds@utwente.nl).

    The final settlement should be prepared in the same manner as the submitted budget, allowing for a thorough comparison of the budgeted and actually realized income and expenses. Clearly indicate which part of the guarantee is being claimed. Significant deviations from the budget submitted with the application must be explained.

    If the two-month deadline has passed, and the necessary accountability and reporting have not taken place, the right to receive payment (or part thereof) of the guarantee lapses. If accountability and reporting cannot be completed within two months, please contact us!

    The final settlement should consist of the following parts:

    1. Covering letter/email
    2. Activity report (in text, max 100 words)
    3. Realization: an overview of income and expenses, easily comparable with the submitted budget. Use the same format, but now provide the actual amounts instead of the estimated amounts.
    4. Explanation of the differences between the budget and the realization
    5. Proof of where you mentioned the University Fund (poster, program booklet, etc.)
    6. Photos from the event
    7. Screenshots of social media posts where the fund is tagged
  • When is the next deadline?

    The General Resources Committee (Commissie Algemene Middelen - CAM) of the University of Twente Fund determines which requests are granted. The application must be submitted by 12:00 PM on Thursday two weeks before the meeting and at least two months before the start of the activity! The CAM will review the application at the next scheduled meeting.

    The committee meets on the following dates:

    • Friday, November 29, 2024
    • Friday, April 11, 2025
    • Friday, June 20, 2025
    • Friday, September 26, 2025
    • Friday, November 28, 2025

    For more information, you can contact Karen Wannyn at telephone number 053 489 2104 or via email at universiteitsfonds@utwente.nl.

    Everyone who has applied will receive confirmation of the approval or reasons for postponement or rejection within 7 days after the next meeting. Additionally, the outcome of the UF meeting will be posted on the website as soon as possible after the meeting. Note: rejected applications will not be mentioned on the website.

  • How do I fulfill the promotional obligations towards the University Fund?

    The University Fund Twente has a condition for every subsidy, which requires organizers to promote the fund. This includes placing an advertisement in the program booklet, a banner on the website, a banner at the event, and 'tagging' the University Fund in the text of their social media posts (using @universiteitsfonds_twente).

    The specific requirements will be outlined in the notification you receive after the approval of a guarantee or subsidy.

  • What is a guarantee subsidy?

    The contributions from the University Fund are primarily guarantee subsidies. A guarantee subsidy means that the applicant will (continue to) make efforts to obtain the allocated amount or a portion of it through other means. Only if this proves impossible, the University of Twente Fund will proceed to pay the portion of the guarantee subsidy that could not be covered.

    After submitting the final settlement, no later than within the two-month period after the conclusion of the activity (the exact deadline is specified in the approval email), you will receive the approved amount.