University Council Regulations |
University Council Regulations
Article 1 Definition of terms used 4
Article 2 Duties and responsibilities of the University Council 5
Article 3 Composition 5
Article 4 Term of office 5
Article 5 Organisation 6
Article 6 General authorities 6
Article 7 Consultation meeting 6
Article 8 Public access to the consultation meeting 7
Article 9 Appointment of advisory committees 7
Article 10 Rules of Procedure 7
Article 11 Authority of the University Council to give or withhold its approval 8
Article 12 University Council’s right to be consulted 9
Article 13 Additional rules 9
Article 14 Procedure when granting approval or issuing advice 10
Article 15 Request for advice 10
Article 16 Request for consent 11
Article 17 National dispute resolution committee 11
Article 18 Obligation to provide information 11
Article 19 Right of initiative 12
Article 20 Protection against prejudicial treatment 12
Article 21 Confidentiality 12
Article 22 Facilities available to the University Council 13
Article 23 General authorities of the faculty councils 13
Article 24 Faculty council’s right of consent and right to be consulted 14
Article 25 Authorities of the staff section 15
Article 26 Rules of Procedure 15
Article 27 Adoption and amendment of these Regulations 16
Article 28 Entry into force 16
Article 29 Short title 16
EXPLANATORY NOTES...............................................................17
The Executive Board,
having regard to the provisions in the Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek),
having obtained the consent of the University Council,
adopted the UT University Council Regulations 2004 on 4 October 2004.
In view of the provisions in Article 28, the Regulations became effective on 4 October 2004.
Chapter 1 General provisions
Article 1 Definition of terms used
1. In these Regulations, the following terms have the following meanings:
a. | University | The University of Twente |
b. | Executive Board | The Executive Board of the University |
c. | University Council | The University Council of the University |
d. | Dean | The dean of the faculty who acts as the administrator of the faculty |
e. | Consultation meeting | The meeting in which the University Council and the Executive Board hold joint consultations |
f. | The Act, WHW | The Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek) |
g. | Staff section | The part of the University Council that is elected by and from among the members of staff |
h. | Students section | The part of the University Council that is elected by and from among the students |
i. | Secretary | The administrative secretary of the University Council |
2. Where the male form of a word is used in these Regulations, e.g. he/him/his, this shall also be understood to include the female form.
Article 2 Duties and responsibilities of the University Council
1. | The function and responsibilities of the University Council consist in promoting, by means of participation in decision-making, the development and implementation of policy in the interest of the University, taking full account of the different views and opinions that exist within the University. |
1. | The following areas of special responsibility are further defined within the framework of these overall objectives: |
a. | The University Council promotes according to its ability the quality of the primary processes, academic education and scientific research within the University as well as the quality of the necessary facilities in this regard, including the campus facilities; |
b. | The University Council promotes the involvement of staff and students in the general affairs of the University; |
c. | The University Council promotes according to its ability openness, transparency and joint consultation within the University. |
The University Council furthermore guards against all forms of discrimination within the University in general and promotes in particular the equal treatment of men and women as well as the engagement of disabled persons and ethnic minorities.
Chapter 2 Composition and term of office
Article 3 Composition
1. | The University Council consists of 18 members, of whom 9 members are elected by and from among the University’s staff and 9 members are elected by and from among the students. |
2. | The University Council elects from among its number or otherwise a chairman and one or more deputy chairmen. The chairman, or the deputy chairman or chairmen in the event of his absence, represents the University Council at law. |
3. | The presiding body of the University Council, which is elected for a period of 1 year, consists of between 3 and 5 members. The chairman and the deputy chairman or chairmen form part of the presiding body. |
4. | The responsibilities of the presiding body include making the necessary preparations for meetings. To this end the presiding body shall agree the procedures to be followed with the Executive Board. |
5. | The Executive Board shall, following consultation with the presiding body, elect a secretary to the University Council who shall support the University Council in its work. The secretary is responsible, among other things, for drawing up the agendas of meetings, dispatching documents and drafting reports of meetings. |
Article 4 Term of office
1. | The term of office of the members of the University Council commences on 1 September of the year in which the elections took place. |
2. | The members of the staff section of the University Council are elected for a period of two years. The members of the students section of the University Council are elected for a period of one year. |
3. | At the end of their period of office, the sections retire as a whole. |
4. | The retiring members of the University Council are immediately eligible for re-election for a new term of office. |
Chapter 3 Elections
Article 5 Organisation
The manner and organisation of the elections of the members of the University Council are laid down in the University Council Electoral Rules, which are attached to and form a part of these Regulations.
Chapter 4 General authorities
Article 6 General authorities
1. | Without prejudice to the provisions in Article 18 and the authorities vested in the faculty councils, the University Council is authorised to discuss all matters concerning the University. |
2. | Pursuant to the provisions in Sections 9.3. and 9.7. of the WHW, the University Council shall be consulted in confidence on the proposed decision to appoint or dismiss members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board. |
3. | The staff section of the University Council has the following authorities with regard to health, safety and welfare within the University, as referred to in the Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet) and the Working Conditions (Education) Decree (Arbeidsomstandighedenbesluit onderwijs): |
a. | it will be given the opportunity to make its views known or to be heard; |
b. | it may request application of the law, or |
c. | it may submit a notice of objection. |
Article 7 Consultation meeting
1. | The Executive Board shall give the University Council the opportunity at least twice a year to discuss the general affairs of the University with the Executive Board. |
2. | The Executive Board and the University Council shall meet within a reasonable term at the request of the Executive Board, the University Council, the staff section or the students section, with the reasons for the requested meeting being stated. |
3. | The chairman shall determine the time and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be convened by the secretary by means of a written notification. |
4. | The meeting can only take place if at least half the members of the University Council are present. |
5. | In the consultation meeting, the matters concerning the University on which the Executive Board or the University Council wishes to have consultation or about which consultation must take place between the Executive Board and the University Council pursuant to the provisions under or pursuant to the Act shall be raised for discussion. |
6. | The consultations will be held on behalf of the Executive Board by the chairman or his deputy. He may be assisted by one or more persons who are employed at the University. |
7. | The consultation meeting shall be chaired by the chairman of the University Council or his deputy. |
8. | The agenda of the consultation meeting shall include matters that have been registered with the secretary of the University Council by the Executive Board, the University Council, the staff section or the students section prior to the meeting. |
9. | A consultation meeting may be adjourned by the chairman if the Executive Board or the University Council wishes to hold separate consultations with regard to a particular matter. |
10. | The secretary shall ensure that a report of the meeting is drawn up. |
Article 8 Public access to the consultation meeting
1. | The consultation meetings are accessible to the public, unless the chairman of the consultation meeting, the Executive Board or the University Council is of the opinion that the nature of the matter to be discussed makes the meeting unsuitable for holding in public. A reason or reasons must be given for holding a meeting in camera. |
2. | If a personal interest of a member of the University Council is at issue during a (part of a) consultation meeting, the University Council may decide that the member concerned may not take part in (that part of) the consultation meeting. The University Council then also decides that the matter concerned will also be dealt with in a closed (part of the) consultation meeting. |
3. | A confidential report will be made of a closed (part of a) consultation meeting. |
Article 9 Appointment of advisory committees
1. | The University Council may set up advisory committees and may consult experts in order to assist in dealing with matters. |
2. | In addition to appointing its own members, the University Council may also appoint other persons to an advisory committee. Members may be appointed from outside the university provided that their appointment has been discussed with the Executive Board. |
Article 10 Rules of procedure
The University Council may adopt rules of procedure for its working procedure and its internal meetings, which rules of procedure may not be contrary to the Act and these Regulations. The rules of procedure shall always include rules on the manner in which meetings are held, on the internal meetings and public access to such meetings, on placing items on the agenda, the voting procedure, the passing of resolutions and reporting.
Chapter 5 Additional authorities
Article 11 Authority of the University Council to give or withhold its approval
1. The Executive Board requires, with due regard for the provisions in Article 13, the prior approval of the University Council for each decision to be made by the Executive Board relating to the adoption or amendment of:
a. | The institutional plan referred to in Section 2.2. of the WHW; |
b. | The design of the system of quality assurance, in accordance with Section 1.18, subsection 1 of the WHW, as well as the proposed policy in the light of the results of the quality assessment, as referred to in Section 2.9, subsection 2, 2nd sentence of the WHW; |
c. | The students’ charter referred to in Section 7.59 of the WHW; |
d. | The management and administrative regulations referred to in Section 9.4. of the WHW; |
e. | Rules with regard to health, welfare and safety; |
f. | The choice from among the participation structures, as referred to in Section 9.30 of the WHW; |
g. | The regulations regarding the funding of students, as referred to in Section 7.51, subsection 4 of the WHW. |
2. The Executive Board requires, with due regard for the provisions in Article 13, the prior approval of the staff section of the University Council for each decision to be made by the Executive Board relating to matters of general interest for the special legal status of staff at the university as well as major changes in the main features in the field of personnel policy as referred to in the Institutional Plan.
3. | The approval of the Institutional Plan referred to in paragraph 1 (a) shall be subject to the submission of the following topics to the University Council for approval: |
1. Major changes in the main features referred to in the Institutional Plan in the field of the following, among other things:
a. | Education policy; |
b. | Research policy; |
c. | Services. |
2. | Major organisational changes arising from new policy. |
4.The following authorities of the University Council to give or withhold its approval apply in relation to the Institutional Plan:
a. | new policy regarding matters that should be included in the Institutional Plan as well as major effects of policy proposed in the Institutional Plan; |
b. | introduction and termination of programmes;* |
c. | binding recommendation on continuation of studies; |
d. | other (different) arrangements and regulations regarding student funding; |
5ThThe approval of the students’ charter referred to in paragraph 1 (c) shall be subject to the submission of the policy with respect to the student facilities to the University Council for approval.
6. The Executive Board requires the prior approval of the University Council for the central occupational health and safety policy.
Article 12 University Council’s right to be consulted
1. The Executive Board shall, subject to the provisions in Article 13, submit to the University Council, requesting its advice on, every relevant proposed decision with regard to:
a. | The budget; |
b. | Matters regarding the continued existence and the good running of affairs within the University. |
2. The Executive Board requires, subject to the provisions in Article 13, the recommendation and advice of the students section of the University Council for each decision to be made by the Executive Board relating to matters of general interest for the special legal status of staff at the university, in so far as this requires the approval of the staff section of the University Council, as well as major changes in the main features in the field of personnel policy referred to in the Institutional Plan.
3. The Executive Board shall furthermore request the University Council’s advice on every proposed decision relating to:
a. | major changes in the funding and pricing system; |
b. | the introduction of an enrolment restriction (numerus fixus); |
c. | the entering into of continuing cooperation with other institutions, including all manner of legal forms, that is of importance to the University of Twente; |
d. | ethical guidelines and setting up committees; |
e. | budgetary guidelines; |
f. | major projects in the field of spatial planning; |
g. | emancipation and anti-discrimination policy; |
h. | environmental policy; |
i. | code of conduct in foreign language; |
j. | participation in or termination of large education-related projects or experiments; |
k. | policy with regard to course advice, student counselling and study programme information; |
l. | holiday arrangements and planning of study year; |
m. | policy with regard to education facilities; |
n. | the engagement of an external adviser in relation to an important matter. |
o. | policy, and major changes in that policy, with regard to the formation of legal persons under private law, with the object of transferring control of education and research, or substantial parts thereof. |
Article 13 Additional rules
The provisions in Articles 11 and 12 are not applicable in so far as the matter concerned has already been provided for substantively on the university’s behalf in a regulation or collective bargaining agreement under or pursuant to the law, or to the extent that in the interest of implementing the matter concerned implementing provisions in respect of the rights and obligations of individual staff members are submitted to the OPUT for its approval.
Article 14 Procedure when granting approval or issuing advice
1. | A decision to be made by the Executive Board that requires the approval or advice of the University Council shall be submitted to the University Council in writing by the Executive Board. In doing so, the Executive Board shall at its own initiative provide the information which the University Council requires in order to be able to give its advice or approval with regard to the decision to be made. |
2. | The Executive Board shall explain the reasons for the proposed decision and shall indicate, as far as possible, what consequences it believes the decision will have for the institution, the staff of the institution and for the students registered at the institution as well as what measures it believes need to be taken upon the implementation of the decision. |
3. | With respect to a proposed decision as referred to in paragraph 1 above, the University Council shall not exercise its right of participation in decision-making to the extent that consultations have been held with the Executive Board on the matter concerned, unless both parties indicate that they do not require such consultation. |
4. | As soon as possible, and in any event within 30 days after the proposed decision has been submitted to the University Council in a consultation meeting, the University Council shall give its advice in writing to the Executive Board, or the University Council shall announce whether the requested approval has been granted, subject to the condition that a proposed decision and the information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above must have been submitted to the secretariat of the University Council at least 18 days in advance of the consultation meeting. |
5. | The Executive Board and the presiding body of the University Council may agree different periods than those stated in paragraph 4 above. |
6. | The Executive Board’s failure to make a decision, or to make a decision in good time, shall be deemed equivalent to a decision. |
7. | If the University Council voices the opinion that the Executive Board should have submitted a decision of the Executive Board to the University Council, the University Council shall notify the Executive Board of this fact stating the reasons for its opinion. The Executive Board shall consult with the University Council. If, following this consultation, the Executive Board still does submit the decision to the University Council and the University Council decides to maintain its position and informs the Executive Board thereof then a dispute, to which Article 17 is applicable, is deemed to exist. |
Article 15 Request for advice
1. | If a decision to be made by the Executive Board must be submitted in advance to the University Council for its advice pursuant to these Regulations, the Executive Board will ensure that: |
a. | the University Council’s advice is requested in good time so that the advice can have a substantial effect on the decision-making; |
b. | the University Council is given the opportunity to consult with it before issuing its advice, subject to Article 14, paragraph 3; |
c. | the University Council is informed in writing as soon as possible, but within no more than six weeks after the Executive Board has received the advice in writing, how the advice that has been issued will be followed, and |
d. | the University Council, in the event that the Executive Board does not wish to follow or to follow fully the advice, is informed of this fact in writing stating the reasons and is given the opportunity to hold further consultations with it before the decision is made final; |
e. | if the eventual decision is made contrary to the University Council’s advice, this is stated on the decision together with the reasons for the decision as such. |
2. | If the Executive Board has made a decision and in doing so has not followed or has not fully followed the advice that has been issued and the University Council is of the opinion that the interests of the University or the interests of the University Council are thereby seriously harmed, the procedure described in Section 9.39 et seq. of the WHW will be followed. |
Article 16 Request for consent
1. | If a decision to be made by the Executive Board must be submitted in advance to the University Council for its approval pursuant to these Regulations, the Executive Board will ensure that the University Council’s consent is requested in good time so that the consultation on the proposed decision can have a substantial effect on the final decision. |
2. | The University Council shall not decide whether or not to grant its consent until after consultations have taken place on the proposed decision, subject to Article 14, paragraph 3. |
3. | Within six weeks after the Executive Board has received notification in writing from the University Council that it does not grant its consent to a proposed decision, the Executive Board will inform the University Council in writing whether the proposal will be withdrawn or confirmed. |
4. | If the proposal referred to in paragraph 3 above is confirmed, the procedure described in Section 9.39 et seq. of the WHW will be followed. |
Article 17 National dispute resolution committee
If a dispute has arisen between the Executive Board and the University Council then that dispute will be submitted, with due regard for the provisions in Section 9.40, subsection 3 of the WHW, to the national dispute resolution committee referred to in Section 9.39 et seq. of the WHW after the Supervisory Board has had the opportunity to mediate in the dispute.
Chapter 6 Rights and obligations
Article 18 Obligation to provide information
1. | The Executive Board shall provide the University Council, either of its own accord or in response to a request, in good time, and in any event within no more than 3 weeks, with all the information that the University Council may reasonably require in order to be able to perform its duties. This term may only be exceeded in exceptional cases, which shall require notification to the University Council with a statement of the reasons. |
2. | The information provided by the Executive Board in accordance with paragraph 1 above shall be furnished in writing, unless otherwise agreed. |
3. | The Executive Board shall inform the University Council in writing at least once a year of the policy conducted in the previous year by it as well as of the policy proposals for the coming year in relation to the University with regard to finance, organisation and education. |
4. | The Executive Board shall inform the University Council immediately of any important developments and intentions/proposals with regard to the matters described in the Institutional Plan. |
5. | The Executive Board and the presiding body of the University Council shall hold regular substantive consultation with one another on current matters. |
Article 19 Right of initiative
The University Council may make proposals and make its position known to the Executive Board on all matters regarding the University. The Executive Board shall submit a written response to the proposals within 6 weeks, stating its reasons, in the form of a proposal to the University Council. The Executive Board will give the University Council at least one opportunity to consult with it about its proposal before proceeding to issue the aforementioned response.
Article 20 Protection against prejudicial treatment
The Executive Board shall ensure that the members of the University Council will not be prejudiced in their position with respect to the University by virtue of their membership of the University Council. This shall apply equally to prospective members and former members of the University Council.
Article 21 Confidentiality
1. | The members of the University Council and the members of the committees of the University Council as well as the experts who are consulted are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding all matters of which they become aware or are informed in their capacity in relation to which the Executive Board or the University Council or the respective committee requires them to observe confidentiality. The intention to impose confidentiality shall, where possible, be announced before the relevant matter is discussed. The person imposing the confidentiality shall at the same time inform the persons concerned which information that has been provided verbally or in writing falls under the obligation of confidentiality and how long such obligation shall last as well as whether there are persons in respect of whom the obligation of confidentiality need not be observed. |
2. | Paragraph 1 above applies equally with regard to persons who are responsible for running the secretariat of the University Council or who sit on a committee of the University Council. |
3. | The obligation referred to in paragraph 1 above shall not apply to persons who are charged with carrying out an investigation into the procedure and/or affairs within the University under a judicial mandate. |
4. | The obligation referred to in paragraph 1 above shall furthermore not apply to any person who is approached by a member of the University Council or a member of a committee of the University Council for the purpose of consultation, provided that the Executive Board or the person who has imposed confidentiality has given permission in advance for the consultation with the person concerned and the latter has declared in writing that he undertakes to observe confidentiality with regard to the matter concerned. In that case, paragraph 1 above shall apply equally to the person concerned. |
5. | The Executive Board or the person imposing an obligation of confidentiality will give reasons for any refusal to grant the permission referred to in the preceding paragraph. |
6. | The obligation to observe confidentiality does not lapse upon termination of membership of the University Council or of the respective committees. |
Article 22 Facilities available to the University Council
1. | The Executive Board shall allow the University Council to use the facilities at the Executive Board’s disposal and which the University Council may reasonably require in order to be able to perform its duties. |
2. | The costs that are reasonably required in order to allow the University Council and the committees of the University Council to perform their duties shall be charged to a budget set by the Executive Board. |
3. | The costs of consulting an expert or for the appointment of an external adviser by the University Council or a committee of the University Council shall be charged to this budget. |
4. | Costs that would result in the above-mentioned budget being exceeded may only be charged to the Executive Board if the Executive Board has been informed in advance of and has agreed to the costs to be incurred that would result in the budget being exceeded. |
Chapter 7 Authorities of the faculty councils
Article 23 General authorities of the faculty councils
1. | The faculty council exercises the right of consent and the right to be consulted vested in the University Council vis-à-vis the dean of the faculty in respect of matters concerning the faculty in particular and in so far as the authorities concerned have also been vested in the dean. |
2. | The faculty council shall be consulted in confidence on the appointment and dismissal of the dean. |
3. | The dean shall give the faculty council the opportunity at least twice a year to discuss the general affairs of the faculty with him. The dean and the council shall meet at the request of the dean, the council, the staff section or the students section, with the reasons for the requested meeting being stated. The meeting will be held within a reasonable term after a corresponding request has been made. |
4. | The council may make proposals and make its position known to the dean on all matters regarding the faculty. The dean shall submit a written response to the proposals within six weeks, stating his reasons, in the form of a proposal to the council. The dean will give the council at least one opportunity to consult with him about his proposal before proceeding to issue a response. |
5. | At the start of the study year, the dean shall provide the council in writing with the basic information with regard to the organisation of the faculty and the main points of the policy that has previously been determined. The dean shall inform the council in writing at least once a year of the policy conducted in the previous year by him as well as of the policy proposals for the coming year. The dean shall furthermore provide the council in good time with all the information that the council may reasonably require in order to be able to perform its duties. |
6. | If a pre-eminently personal interest of a member of the council is at issue during a particular meeting or a part of a meeting, the council may decide that the member concerned may not take part in that meeting or that part of the meeting. The council then also decides that the matter concerned will also be dealt with in a closed meeting. |
7. | The council shall report in writing on its activities each year and shall ensure that all persons attached to or otherwise engaged with the faculty can inspect the report. The council shall ensure that the agendas and the reports of the council’s consultation meetings are sent to the dean and are made available for inspection at a generally accessible place in the faculty for the benefit of interested parties. |
Article 24 Faculty council’s right of consent and right to be consulted
1. The dean requires the consent of the faculty council for every relevant proposed decision with regard to the following matters:
a. | the faculty regulations, as referred to in Section 9.14 of the WHW; |
b. | the education and examination regulations, as referred to in Section 7.13 of the WHW, with the exception of the matters referred to in Section 7.13, subsection 2, (a) to (g). |
2. | The right of consent also extends to: |
a. | the faculty’s policy plan; |
The following authorities of the faculty council are applicable in relation to the faculty’s policy plan:
The university chair plan (leerstoelenplan) is part of the policy plan and major deviations from the main points set out in the policy plan require the consent of the faculty council.
b. | the design of the quality assurance system referred to in Section 1.18 of the WHW, as well as the proposed policy in the light of the results of the quality assessment, as referred to in Section 2.9 of the WHW; |
c. | health, safety and welfare-related matters in connection with the work being carried out in the faculty; the faculty’s occupational health and safety policy and environmental policy. |
3. | The right to be consulted relates to: |
a. | the faculty’s budget plan and related year plan; |
b. | the education and examination regulations, as referred to in Section 7.13 of the WHW, with regard to (a) to (g); |
c. | the education facilities and students’ facilities; |
d. | the accommodation policy and education projects |
e. | the faculty’s PR and information policy. |
Article 25 Authorities of the staff section
1. | The dean shall make provision for the staff section of the faculty council to be given the opportunity in good time to issue advice to the dean and to consult with him about proposed measures with regard to: |
a. | the manner in which the conditions of employment and service at the faculty are applied; |
b. | the manner in which the overall personnel policy is implemented at the faculty; |
c. | health, safety and welfare-related matters in connection with the work being carried out at the faculty; |
d. | the organisation and working practices at the faculty |
e. | the technical and economic implementation of services at the faculty; |
2. | The provisions in paragraph 1 above shall be understood to include the right to be consulted with regard to reorganisation plans, in accordance with the reorganisation code. |
3. | The rights of the staff section referred to in paragraph 1 above may be exercised in the extent to which the dean holds the respective authorities via a mandate of the Executive Board. |
4. | The staff section may make proposals to the dean with respect to the matters referred to in paragraph 1 above. |
5. | The dean requires the prior approval of the staff section for every measure that he is authorised to take and in relation to which the staff section has issued its advice pursuant to the provisions in paragraph 1 above. |
6. | The dean shall draw up a set of regulations, in agreement with the staff section, in connection with the exercise of the rights referred to in paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 above. |
Article 26 Rules of procedure
The faculty council may adopt rules of procedure for its working procedure and the order of its internal meetings, which rules of procedure may not be contrary to the Act and these Regulations.
Chapter 8 Final provisions
Article 27 Adoption and amendment of these Regulations
These Regulations and every amendment of them shall be submitted to the University Council by the Executive Board and shall not be adopted by the Executive Board until the Regulations, amended or otherwise following consultation, have obtained the approval of two thirds of the members of the University Council.
Article 28 Entry into force
These Regulations shall enter into force on 4 October 2004.
Article 29 Short title
These Regulations may be cited as:
UT University Council Regulations 2004.
Article 11, paragraph 1 (c):
At the consultation meeting held on 28 September 2004, the following decision was made with regard to the interpretation of Article 11, paragraph 1 (c):
The University Council
having seen:
•the letters UR 04-098, UR 04-273 (DUB/362.064/Zdt) and UR 04-281 (DUB/363.436/Zdt)
taking into consideration that:
• | it is desirable that clarity be provided regarding the interpretation of the authority of the University Council in relation to the students’ charter; |
• | it is desirable furthermore that the University Council’s right to be consulted with regard to the policy, and major changes in that policy, with regard to the formation of legal persons under private law be laid down in the Regulations; |
having heard:
• | the deliberations |
• | the confirmation by the Board of the interpretation by the University Council of the right to be consulted with regard to the students’ charter, namely: right of consent with regard to sub-regulations set out in the students’ charter regarding the funding of students and right to be consulted with regard to other sub-regulations |
to agree to the amendment of the University Council Regulations proposed by the Executive Board.
Article 11, paragraph 4 (b)
At the consultation meeting held on 17 May 2005, the following decision was made with regard to the interpretation of Article 11, paragraph 4 (b):
The University Council,
having seen
• | the letter from the Executive Board (ref. DUB/367.961/Zdt, UR 05 - 088) of 31 March 2005, in which the Council is requested to agree to a further description of the term “programmes” in Article 11, paragraph 4 (b) of the University Council Regulations, namely as “new bachelor and master programmes leading to a degree awarded by the University of Twente”; |
• | the explanation sent by e-mail on behalf of the Board that this description also includes the post-initial programmes such as the MBA programmes of TSM and Hunan, provided that such programmes also satisfy the other criteria; |
having heard
• | the deliberations |
to agree to the interpretation of the term “programmes” in Article 11, paragraph 4 (b) of the University Council Regulations proposed by the Board.