Linear and nonlinear microscopy and spectroscopy
Herman OfferhausWe explore linear and nonlinear interactions of light and matter and exploit the (phase) characteristics to extract useful information. Applications include label-free imaging of pharmaceutics and tissue, analysis of (ground) water electrolytes, detection of pathogens. The research focused on the use of nonlinear optical interaction to detect and control small amounts of specific molecules without using fluorescent labels. This was expanded to include microscopy and integrated sensing and detection. Most recently it expanded into pharmaceutical and medical imaging. |
- Dielectric Sensing - Ewout Zijlstra
- Optical Fiber based sensors for salt detection and monitoring in groundwater aquifers - Dhyana Challeparambil Bharathan
- Myelin Sheath damage in Multiple Sclerosis - Kasra Roya-Kouchaki
- Fiber taping with precise mode control - Tommie Verouden
Former projects
- Detection of Inorganic Ions by NIR light on-chip - Gerwin Steen
- Development of an optical fiber based groundwater flow sensor - Sandra Drusova
- EV Diagnostics for monitoring therapy by CARS - Wooje Lee
- (Stimulated) Raman Imaging of Tissue for Tumor Identification - Elena Beletkaia
- Photophysics of molecular plasmonics - Qing Pan, Annemarie Huijser
- Real-time probing of photoreduction of the catalytically active site in molecular photocatalysts using ultrafast x-ray absorption spectroscopy - Qing Pan, Annemarie Huijser
- Particle manipulation by ultrasonic waves - Jorick van 't Oever
- Integrated Waveguide Amplifiers for Optical Interconnects (IWAOI) - Yean Sheng Young, Sergio Vázquez-Córdova
- Phase coherent nonlinear spectroscopy and sources - Erik Garbacik, Andrew Fussell, Birthe Kann, Martin Jurna, Alyssa Stephenson, Philip Chimento, Herman Offerhaus
- WaterPrint: On-chip optical sensors for the fingerprinting of contaminants in drinking water - Pablo Muñoz Galindo,Yean-Sheng Yong
- GLAM – novel photonic-based point-of-care device for cancer diagnosis - Michiel de Goede, Lantian Chang
- On-chip tunable, high power, narrow linewidth lasers on a passive photonic platform - Jinfeng Mu
- High bit rate on-chip nanoamplifiers in Er3+ doped double tungstate - Jinfeng Mu
- Chipsens - Ward Hendriks
- Integrated Waveguide Amplifiers for Optical Interconnects (IWAOI) - Yean-Sheng Yong, Sergio Vázquez-Córdova
- RENOS:exploiting the gain characteristics of rare-earth doped KYW - Carlijn van Emmerik, Raimond Frentrop, Simen Martinussen