In the frame of your education, classes and courses (e.g. Nanotechnology, Supramolecular Chemistry, Summer schools) can be attended. Indicate to your supervisor what courses you would like to attend. After approval of the supervisor, you are allowed to register for a class or course, but always give a copy to the secretariat.
During your stay in our group attendance to conferences is possible. In general, students may visit yearly one smaller conference and one large conference once, preferably in the last years of your stay. In all cases you have to be able to present novel results with scientific relevance during an oral presentation (preferred) or in a poster session. Permission of the supervisor is required, and they can also make exceptions on the guidelines stated above. Please hand a cost estimation to the responsible staff member when discussing the possibility to visit a conference.
For a conference in the Netherlands you can register yourself via the related webpage (after approval of the supervisor). The costs for this, and possible travel- and accommodation costs, can be declared afterwards. The form can be obtained through the website or at the secretariat. Always give a copy of your registration to the secretariat.
Attendance at a conference abroad should be arranged via the secretary. Please fill in a travel Insurance, and make a cost estimation of your trip, including travel, accommodation and breakfast/lunch/dinner. Please mind that you need the receipts of the costs you made when filling in the declaration form.
The secretariat will keep your personnel file up-to-date. For this reason it is necessary to fill attendances of courses, conferences, etc, out on the quarterly reports so that the secretary can update your personal file at all times (also when no costs are made).