We are pleased to announce that Dr. R. Margoth Córdova-Castro, researcher at The University of Ottawa, ON, Canada, Department of Physics / Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics Robert Boyd Lab, will be Wednesday, 26th July at the campus to give a presentation. She is a guest of Arturo Susarrey-Arce of the research group MCS, faculty TNW.
Title: “Controlling and Enhancing Light-Matter Interactions at the Nano-Scale Resolution“.
Date: Wednesday 26th of July
Time: 11:00 to 12:00 h
Location: meeting room C1333 (building Carré)
Nanophotonics explores the confinement and control of electromagnetic fields, typically infrared or visible light, controlling the generation and propagation of light by engineering metals or dielectric particles at the nanometer length scale. When light illuminates a nanostructure, the electromagnetic field is concentrated extremely close to the nanoparticle by resonant optical modes. Quantum emitter’s spontaneous emission will dramatically depend on its position near these modes. This makes the single-photon emission (SPE) rate a precise measure of location, far more accurate than the optical resolution from the same photon.
Understanding how to control the spontaneous emission of light, which determines how likely, how quickly, and where an excited emitter will release a photon, is a necessary part of exploiting the quantum behavior of light for new or advancing existing quantum technologies. Dr. R. Margoth Córdova-Castro will present a study of how dielectric and plasmonic nanoantenna and optical metamaterials can manipulate the photon emission rate of single molecules. To study this light-matter interaction effects at the super resolution level we proposed the use of Far-Field Single-Molecule Super Localization Microscopy (SMLM) technique (used mainly for bioimaging). Combining with nanophotonic structures obtaining Purcell factor enhancement maps at the nanometer resolution. Dr. R. Margoth Córdova-Castro will show how we can probe the local density of states with the modification of spontaneous emission lifetime of the single emitters in the nanostructures.
Dr. R. Margoth Córdova-Castro will present different nanophotonic devices for control and enhance different light-matter interaction processes, such as weak and strong coupling of light to matter. By engineering the confinement of the electromagnetic field to very small volumes (few nanometers) and tuning the resonant modes, particularly in 3D structures with longitudinal resonances where such modes are particularly attractive for angular control of optical dispersion and guided modes. A dielectric gap nanoantenna, a plasmonic bowtie nanoantenna, a nanorod hyperbolic metamaterial and hollow nanoplasmonic metamaterial. Each system with their characteristic density of states and particular way to modify the SPE.
In addition, Dr. R. Margoth Córdova-Castro will show application of these dielectric and plasmonic nanostructures for sensing, nonlinear and quantum studies and technologies. The fact that the rate of emission is extremely position specific and significantly enhanced at room temperature is an intriguing result of this work; this could have significant implications for the development of light sources capable of emitting single photons on demand at room temperature, for quantum sensing with atoms of local electric and magnetic fields, super- resolution microscopy, and highly sensitive spectroscopic measurements.
Please feel free to distribute this invitation to your colleagues of another groups / network.
We are looking forward to seeing you all on the 26th of July.
On behalf of Arturo Susarrey-Arce, assistant professor to the research group MCS, faculty TNW