Method and apparatus for imaging target components in a biological sample using permanent magnets
Inventors: Arjan GJ Tibbe, Leon WMM Terstappen
United States Patent No: 7828968 B2
Filed: November 9, 2010
Method and algorithms for cell enumeration in low-cost cytometer
Inventors: Coumans FAW, Greve J, Modica F, Greve J, Modica F, Terstappen LWMM, Tibbe A,Verrant J
United States Patent No: 7764821 B2
Filed: July 27, 2010
Method and apparatus for imaging target components in a biological sample using permanent magnets
Inventors: Arjan GJ Tibbe, Leon WMM Terstappen
United States Patent No: 7828968 B2
Filed: November 9, 2010
Magnetic separation apparatus and methods
Inventors: Tycho M Scholtens, Leon WMM Terstappen, Arjan GJ Tibbe. United States Patent No: 7666308 B2
Filed: February 23, 2010