July 23rd, 2013 – In the last month, four bachelor students successfully finished their projects in BMPI! Maura Dantuma, Marieke Olsman, Wouter van Dijk and Gerda Dedden joined BMPI in April 2013 to finish their bachelor Biomedical Engingeering with a 3-month research project. All students worked on completely different projects regarding the use of light and sound in biomedical applications.
BMPI congratulates the students (and supervisors) with the nice results and whishes them happy holidays and good luck with their master.
Are you also interested in a bachelor or master project in BMPI? Please check http://www.utwente.nl/tnw/bmpi/student_projects/ for existing projects, or feel free to contact one of the group members http://www.utwente.nl/tnw/bmpi/members/ to brainstorm on other possibilities.