A consortium of laboratories including the Biophysical Engineering Group (BPE) and the Polymer and Biomaterials Group (PBM) of the University of Twente has obtained a grant from the IOP (Innovatiegerichte Onderzoeksprogramma's) for Photonic Devices, a mutual initiative of SenterNovem and STW to stimulate cooperation between research groups and industry (see http://www.senternovem.nl/IOP_Photonicdevices/index.asp).
The project title of the proposed research is: “PRESMITT: Plasmon resonant nanoparticles for molecular imaging and therapy of tumours: in vitro to preclinical studies”. The consortium intends to bring a concerted experimental and theoretical effort using expertise in photonic technologies, ultrasound technologies, molecular biophysics, nanobiotechnology, and biochemistry to focus on detection and therapy of cancer using nanoparticles in preclinical studies.
The consortium is led by Prof. T. G. van Leeuwen from the Biophysical Engineering Group (BPE) and has the following investigators from the University of Twente: Dr. S. Manohar and Dr. C. Otto (BPE), Prof. I. Vermes and Dr. A. A. Poot (PBM). Within the project, the UT groups collaborate with the Erasmus Medical Center (Dr. J.W. van Neck), Esaote Europe (Dr. P.J. Brands) and Luminostix (Dr. Ir. H.J.C.M. Sterenborg).
The project requires 2 Ph.D. candidates at the University of Twente. Excellent candidates with a background and interest in any of ultrasound/optical imaging, nanotechnology and biochemistry are encouraged to apply. Enquiries regarding these positions along with Curriculum Vitae may be addressed to Srirang Manohar (S.Manohar@utwente.nl) with subject line “IOP-UT Ph.D”.