UTTh!nk with PrideInitiativesTrans/non-binary meeting group

Trans/non-binary meeting group

The Trans* & non-binary meeting group provides a safe space for all non-cis staff and students. It doesn’t matter if you’re trans, non-binary, non-conforming, questioning, closeted, queer, any other gender or if you don’t feel like labelling yourself at all; you’re valid and very welcome to join! There are many things our cis-counterparts don’t fully ‘get’. We organize meetings where we talk about all things gender-related, whether it is euphoric, dysphoric or neutral. While heavy topics certainly arise, we also casually talk about how our gender affects our mundane, everyday experiences.

The Trans* & non-binary meeting group meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 17:30-19:00 in Saxion (Ko Wierenga), M. H. Tromplaan 28, 7513 AB Enschede, Room F1.42.

For any and all questions, send us an email. This group is a joint effort of Th!nk with Pride and JS&V Exaltio.