UTTh!nk with PrideInitiativesStatement sanitary facilities Langezijds

Statement sanitary facilities Langezijds

A statement from Th!nk with Pride on the re-gendering of sanitary facilities in the Langezijds building

This week, we were notified by members of our transgender and non-binary community that the gender-neutral (or all-gender, or unisex toilets) in the new Langezijds building were re-gendered into single-sex bathrooms. In short: from gender neutral to man/woman.

Th!nk with Pride stands for the explicit inclusion of LGBTQ+ staff and students on our UT campus, this also means having toilets where everyone feels comfortable. This works both ways. Those who want a single-sex toilet, should have the ability to do so. In that same line of thought, it is evident that transgender and non-binary people should also be able to use a toilet of their choice, which may be a gender-neutral toilet.

However, we do regret that the decision in the Langezijds building was made without consulting all users of the building, which should include transgender and non-binary individuals. Furthermore, making this decision during Pride Month (every June), a month which should propel the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, is regretful. Even though the current situation (a mix of gender-neutral and single-sex toilets) is acceptable, the process should be improved.

Moving forward, Th!nk with Pride wants to explicitly advise to direct efforts towards including gender-neutral bathrooms in each building, preferably each floor. This can be done retroactively, by re-designing single-stall toilets, or pro-actively, by making inclusive choices in building renovations (e.g. the upcoming Cubicus renovation).

The queer community at the UT has put years of time and energy into arranging gender-neutral bathrooms. The rapid response to reinstall gendered bathrooms in the Langezijds building demonstrates, however, that it is possible to make change happen within weeks. This unfairness stings and we hope that future efforts towards inclusive bathrooms can count on the same swiftness of action. We therefore invite building and renovation management to approach us for input, and gladly invite people from the LGBTQ+ community to join this conversation. We also emphasise learning from others, like Saxion Enschede and their approach.

Looking forward to a thoroughly inclusive campus for all, and Happy Pride month,

Th!nk with Pride
Trans/non-binary meeting group