About the Digital Innovation Hub

Explore the TechMed Centre and the health labs

The TechMed Innovation Hub is a recognized European Digital Innovation Hub (DIH). A DIH is a coordinated group of organizations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective, offering a set of services to companies – especially Small and Medium Enterprises (incl. Start-ups) and mid-caps as well as to public sector organizations – to support their digital transformation. 

The TechMed Innovation Hub is a DIH with expertise in a broad range of (digital) technologies applied to healthcare (e.g. Robotics, AI, Imaging, Sensing, eHealth). The DIH activities focus on:

See for examples of our services that are recognized in the official Catalogue of EU DIHs.

Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics - DIH-HERO

The University of Twente has a leading role in the Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics, the DIH-HERO initiative, to accelerate innovation and implementation of robotics in healthcare. This European consortium with 17 partners and a budget of €16 million connects Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe to create a sustaining network for all those who are active in the healthcare robotics sector. The platform offers SME’s and slightly larger companies a network of highly skilled experts, best practices guidelines and standardization, an overview of available services and facilities in Europe and a series of open calls for financial support of your innovation challenge and matchmaking.

Connect to the TechMed Innovation Hub

ir. R. Burie MBA (Remke)
Managing Director Technical Medical Centre
W. Kenter MSc (Wander)
Manager Business Partnerships & Business Development