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1 November 2017 - Inspired by Science: Ultrasound @UTwente

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Ultrasound Symposium NVMU @ UTwente

On the 1st of November the University of Twente (UT) will host the Fall Meeting of the Dutch Society for Medical Ultrasound (NVMU). The NVMU organizes biannual meetings on technical and clinical developments of medical ultrasound.


The program of the upcoming meeting will focus on three themes:

1.     Ultrasound Velocity Imaging and Diagnostics 
2.     Ultrasound Contrast Imaging and Therapy
3.     Ultrasound Breast Imaging and Robotics

 In addition to the keynotes an attractive collection of invited speakers have been recruited to present the latest innovations of medical ultrasound, ranging from basic and translational research in academia to clinical applications in the medical research centers. The meeting will be concluded with the grand opening of the Medical Ultrasound Twente Advanced Imaging lab, with all research infrastructure and facilities on display and to be explored.

The Medical Ultrasound Twente Advanced Imaging lab will be an integral part of the new Health infrastructure that is currently being developed on campus, that includes medical imaging and therapy, lab-on-a-chip nanotechnology and medical robotics. Furthermore it will be a central key entry point to answer clinical research questions related to medical ultrasound innovation and its translation into the clinic.

All researchers, clinicians, and industrial partners with an interest in the latest breakthroughs in medical ultrasound technology are most welcome!

WHEN Wednesday 1 November, 10.00 hrs – 17.30 hrs
WHERE University of Twente, The Gallery, Erlenmeyer Room,  Enschede





Welcome & Opening- announcements NVMU


Introduction a-MUST


Keynote: Georg Schmitz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)


Ultrasound Velocity Imaging and Diagnostics (moderator G. Lajoinie)

Svetoslav Nikolov (BK Ultrasound)

Erik Groot Jebbink (University of Twente)

Ruud van Sloun (TU/e)  




Ultrasound Contrast Imaging and Therapy (moderator C. de Korte)

Ine Lentacker (Ghent University)

Guillaume Lajoinie (University of Twente)

Tim Segers (Bracco)

Twan Lammers (RWTH Aachen)





Ultrasound Breast Imaging and Robotics (moderator: E. Groot Jebbink)

Jeroen Veltman (ZGT)

David Thompson (University of Twente)

Gijs Hendriks (Radboud UMC) 

Stefano Stramagioli (University of Twente)


Opening Medical Ultrasound Twente Advanced Imaging lab by Remke Burie 


Closing & drinks


Abstracts of the presentations are available here.

Organizing committee

Prof. dr. M. Versluis, University of Twente
Prof. dr. ir. C.L de Korte, University of Twente / Radboud University
E. Groot Jebbink, Msc., University of Twente
Dr. R.M. van Wijk, University of Twente
Ms. A. Klos, University of Twente


Registration before 25th October. Registration is closed.


For questions about the event or your registration, please contact the University of Twente by sending an email to techmed-events@utwente.nl

High Tech Knowledge Transfer: Inspired by Science

The symposium is part of the High Tech Knowledge Transfer initiative of the University of Twente and Novel-T funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union, and is organized in close collaboration with the Dutch Society of Medical Ultrasound (NVMU)