UTTechMedTechMed CentreEventsOverview eventsICMS Annual Event & Farewell Symposium Hans Rietman

ICMS Annual Event & Farewell Symposium Hans Rietman

On Thursday 9 January 2025, the annual ICMS event will take place, a day on which we come together to inspire and inform each other. This year's event is extra special, as we are also saying goodbye to a highly valued member of our community Prof. Hans Rietman, professor of rehabilitation technology at the biomechanical engineering (BE) group of the University of Twente of the Biomechanical Engineering (BE) group of the University of Twente, member of the medical staff of Roessingh Centre for Rehabilitation, (former) scientific director of Roessingh Research and Development (RRD) and (former) director of the daily board of the ICMS.

Hans Rietman has contributed to our ICMS community with passion and dedication for many years. His commitment, knowledge and warm personality have left an indelible impression. Now Hans is retiring, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank him and celebrate his career. We invite you to participate in this special day. Whether you come to be inspired, to gain new knowledge, or to give Hans a warm farewell, your presence is greatly appreciated.

General information
  • Date: 9 January 2025
  • Time: 09.30 - 17.00 (Registration possible per time slot)
  • Location: TechMed Centre (Building No. 18) on the campus of the University of Twente | Hallenweg 5, Enschede
  • Language: Mainly English (in the afternoon some presentations in Dutch)
  • Format: Live

The programme

In the overview below, three different programs are listed consecutively. You have the option to participate in the entire day or choose to attend only specific parts of the program.

  1. 09.00 - 13.15: ICMS Annual Event | Morning programme
  2. 12.15 - 15.30: ICMS Annual Event | Afternoon programme
  3. 15.00 - 18.00: The farewell ceremony of Prof. H. Rietman

1. ICMS Annual Event | Morning programme

09.00 - 09.30

Welcome coffee & tea

09.30 - 09.45

Welcome and opening | chair Prof. B. van den Bemt

09.45 - 10.45

ICMS inspirations | chair Prof. N. Verdonschot

TOwards Precision TREATment for advanced osteoarthritic patients  [TopTreat]

  • Prof. Dr. N. Verdonschot – Radboudumc and University of Twente
  • MSc. L. Spoelstra – University of Twente
  • Dr. C. Popa – Sint Maartenskliniek

Sleutel Tot Actief Participatiebeleid [STAP Panel]

  • MSc. R. Schriemer - Sint Maartenskliniek      

10.45 - 11.15

Coffee break

11.15 - 12.15

The road to Implementation of Movement Technologies | chair Prof. N. Keijsers

  • Dr. M. Hurmuz– Roessingh Research and Development
  • Prof. B. van den Bemt – Radboudumc & Sint Maartenskliniek
  • MSc. J. van der Ven – Sint Maartenskliniek
  • Ir. B. van Minnen – Radboudumc & ArtroMedical

12.15 - 13.15

Poster session & Lunch
After this, you can proceed to the program: ICMS Annual Event | Afternoon programme

2. ICMS Annual Event | Afternoon programme

12.15 - 13.15

Poster session & Lunch

13.15 - 15.00

The latest developments on Rehabilitation Technologies | chair Prof. H. van der Kooij

  • Prof. M.Sartori – University of Twente
  • Dr. J.P. Frölke - Radboudumc
  • Dr C. Haarman - Hankamp
  • Dr. G. Prange - Roessingh Research and Development
  • Dr. E. van Asseldonk – University ofTwente
  • Prof. N. Keijsers – Sint Maartenskliniek & Radboudumc
  • Prof. J. Dewald – Northwestern University of Chicago

15.00 - 15.30

Coffee break 
After this, you can proceed to the program: The farewell ceremony of Prof. H. Rietman.

3. The farewell ceremony of Prof. H. Rietman

15.00 - 15.30

Welcome & Coffee/Tea

15.30 - 16.30

  • Prof. J.  Geertzen – University Medical Centre Groningen
  • Dr. E. Prinsen – Roessingh Research and Development  (chair)                                      
  • Dr. R. Spanjers – Roessingh Centrum voor Revalidatie
  • Prof. H. van der Kooij – University of Twente
  • Dr. E. Maas – Roessingh Centrum voor Revalidatie

16.30 - 17.00

Farewell speech Prof.dr. Hans Rietman

University of Twente & Roessingh Center for Rehabilitation
The Journey of Rehab Technologies through the last decades; From falling and getting up to keep the balance

17.00 - 18.00

Reception & Drinks


Prof. Hans Rietman
Prof. Hans Rietman, professor of rehabilitation technology within the Biomechanical Engineering (BE) group at the University of Twente, member of the medical staff at Roessingh Rehabilitation Center, and (former) scientific director of Roessingh Research and Development (RRD) as well as (former) chair of the executive board of the Interdisciplinary Consortium of Movement Sciences and Technologies (ICMS).

As chair of ICMS and with his extensive experience in healthcare and education, Hans inspired many to create societal impact by emphasizing the practical applicability of (future) innovations and the accessibility and affordability of healthcare. A striking example of this is his enthusiasm for "lower-tech" solutions alongside "high-tech" innovations. Driven by his belief in the importance of regional clustering of mission-driven public-private research and innovation activities in posture and movement technology, he consistently worked to put the Eastern Netherlands (Twente/Nijmegen region) on the map. With his special attention to the role of patients and medical specialists in their (im)possibilities when successfully implementing innovative technologies in practice, Hans brought a truly unique perspective. He embodied the importance of the presence and involvement of medical specialists (rehabilitation physicians, rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons) and patients in innovative development and research projects, ensuring their translation into daily patient care. Hans was also a passionate advocate for engaging young researchers, whom he inspired through his natural leadership and approachability.

Dr. Julius Dewald
Dr. Dewald is Chair and TenuredProfessor in Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences (PTHMS) and Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University. He is the Director of the neuroimaging and motor control laboratories. His research interest encompasses the characterization of neural mechanisms underlying motor impairments following a unilateral brain injury due to cerebral palsy and stroke by using a combination of neuroscientific, engineering, and clinical sciences techniques.

Presentation: The Smart Use of Engineering Approaches to Understand and Treat Motor Deficits Following a Unilateral Brain Injury.

Dr. Marian Hurmuz-Bodde
In 2019, Marian started working at Roessingh Research and Development (RRD) as junior researcher, focusing her PhD on the (non-)use of eHealth services among the target population in a real-world setting. After her PhD, she continued working at RRD as a researcher focusing on the use and impact of personalised health technologies.
Since April 2024, she is working parttime at RRD and parttime at ZGT hospital, where she works as a research coordinator in the Centre for Geriatric Traumatology.

Presentation: And then you just notice how important respect is” – Adapting Patient Journey Value Mapping to elicit values with stroke survivors

Ir. Laurens Spoelstra
Laurens Spoelstra obtained his bachelor's and master's degree in Biomedical Engineering with a specialization in Bioengineering Technologies from the University of Twente in 2020 and 2022. He works on developing and designing a Joint-on-Chip multi-organ-on-chip platform to study arthritis. After winning the TGS Award 2022 for the continuation of this project, he is now working as a PhD Candidate in a collaboration of the DBE, BIOS, and AMBER groups.

Presentation: Development of a Joint-on-Chip: towards more advanced in vitro Arthritis research

Prof. Massimo Sartori
Massimo Sartori is a Full Professor and head of the Neuromuscular Robotics Chair at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, where he also directs the Neuromechanical Modelling & Engineering Lab. His research focuses on understanding how human movement emerges from the interplay between the nervous and the musculoskeletal systems. Prof. Sartori’s lab combines neural interfacing with musculoskeletal modelling, for the development of symbiotic robotic exoskeletons and bionic limbs.

Presentation: Volitional control of bionic legs in transtibial amputees

Gerdienke Prange PhD
Gerdienke Prange, PhD, is a senior researcher at Roessingh Research and Development. She studies the interaction between rehabilitation technology and its users and evaluates the effects in people with movement limitations. She coordinates testing of prototypes or market-ready medical devices with patients, such as a soft-robotic glove, exoskeletons and sensorised objects, in multiple research projects. She also contributes to implementing tech innovations in Roessingh Center for Rehabilitation.

Presentation: Supporting grip with a soft-robotic glove: training tool or assistive technology?

Dr. Ronald Spanjers
Ronald Spanjers is a board member at Roessingh. He has more than 30 years of experience in healthcare, and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Tilburg University, where he researched the adoption and diffusion of IT innovations in healthcare. He is passionate about improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare services, and leveraging technology to enhance patient outcomes.

Presentation: Data-driven rehabilitation care

Branco van Minnen MSc
After my studies of Biomechanical Engineering at UTwente, I started working on the meniscus project at the Radboudumc. In 2016 I became the first employee of start-up company ATRO Medical, where I still work as engineer and quality manager. In 2022, I started a PhD trajectory at the Radboudumc, on the development of the meniscus prosthesis.

Presentation: Implementation of a meniscus prosthesis

Prof. Noel  Keijser
Noel Keijsers is a senior researcher and theme leader in motor function at the Sint Maartenskliniek and a professor of clinical motor control at Radboud University. His field of expertise can be summarized as experimental research on human motor control and biomechanics in patients with motor disabilities. His work focus on understanding the mechanism of adaptation and compensation in motor control after neurological adaptation and translating this knowledge into clinical applications. He has worked with a diverse patient populations, including stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, amputees, and various orthopedic patients.

Presentation: Current Perspectives on Wearable Exoskeletons for Patients with Neurological Disorders

Rita Schriemer MA
I am a community manager for patient research partners and researchers wanting to adopt active patient involvement in research within the Sint Maartenskliniek and the Rheumatoloy department of the Radboudumc, called STAP. STAP matches, trains and guides/facilitates both patient research partners and researchers. I have a professional background in research in the field of social sciences. Since 2010 I am also an active patient research partner, through my lived experince with a rare RMD.

Presentation: Patient Involvement in Research

Jeffrey van der Ven MSc
Jeffrey van der Ven is 26 years old, lives in Nijmegen. He obtained his master’s degree in Medical Biology, with a specialisation in Science, Management and Innovation at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. He is currently in the 4th year of his PhD and his thesis focusses on the identification of key factors influencing use and implementation of eHealth technologies, specifically for patients with gout.

Presentation: Key Factors Influencing Implementation of Gout Self-management behaviour change interventions

Prof.dr.ir. Nico Verdonschot
Focus on computer modeling within orthopaedic biomechanics. Generating personalized musculoskeletal model in combination with finite element models of joints allows for detailed analysis of forces, movements in the joints and strain and stresses within the tissues.

Presentation: TOwards Precision TREATment for advanced osteoarthritis (TopTreat)


ICMS : Improve Movement Through Science

Improving the quality of life and maintaining independence and social participation of people suffering from movement disorders. How? Through joint and interdisciplinary scientific research. Focused on innovation, whereby a close cooperation exists between scientists, private health funding organizations and  innovative companies.

University of Twente | Biomechanical Engineering (BE)

The Biomechanical Engineering group specialised in the application area of Biomedical Technology, integrating the tools of several engineering disciplines to analyse aspects of human functioning. We study the special mechanical properties of living biological tissue and the dynamics of the human system and apply this in the development of instruments and methodologies that support the daily life functioning of individuals.