UTTechMedTechMed CentreEventsTechMed EventProgrammeNecessity for Innovations in Women’s Health

Necessity for Innovations in Women’s Health

Women’s Health, which studies how diseases differ between men and women, is gaining in attention as a focal point in international research. The need for women’s health to become a central point in healthcare research has been emphasized over the last decade by organizations such as the European Commission and United Nations. We focus on gaining fundamental knowledge of the (changes in) physical and mental health, including anatomy, physiology and pathology of the female body and wellbeing throughout a lifespan. This includes prevention, health behaviour and treatment of diseases that occur only or mainly in women, such as gynaecological diseases (e.g. infertility, pelvic organ prolapse), oncology (e.g. breast and ovarian cancer), or difficulties in fertility and breast feeding. The research can also seek better understanding of why differences between men and women occur in both health, disease manifestation, and response to treatment. In addition, questions regarding design and uptake of (health) technology for women are important in women’s health.

  • When: November 3 
  • Time: 11.00 - 12.30
  • Location: Main Stage - TL 2275 (first floor)
  • How: Live & Digital
  • For whom: All attendees
  • Host: Prof.dr. Sabine Siesling & Dr. Anique Bellos-Grob

The programme

This session brings together three experts with vast academic and clinical experience on the theme. Dr Ester Siemerink, Prof Dr Sarah Brücker and Prof Dr Nimmi Ramanujam have focused their careers on research and clinical activities, as well as the development and commercialization of technologies that advance prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of specific women’s health conditions. 

In the second half of the session, these experts, together with moderators Prof Dr Sabine Siesling and Dr Anique Bellos-Grob, will have a round table discussion, around the further needs for improved women’s health care. They will enter the debate on issues around data, technology, and a vision towards the future for this domain.

11.00 - 11.15

Welcome & Introduction

11.15 - 11.30

Women’s health clinic in Germany
Prof. Sara Brucker - Tüebingen University Department of Women's Health

11.30 - 11.45

Women’s health and breast cancer
Dr. Ester Siemerink - ZiekenhuisGroep Twente (ZGT)

11.45 - 12.00

How to accelerate the impact of biomedical innovation on global health disparities
Dr. Nimmi Ramanujam - Duke University Center for Global Women's Health Technologies

12.00 - 12.30

Round Table on “Necessity for innovations in Women’s Health”

The speakers & Abstracts

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