Prof. Geke Ludden

Explore the TechMed Centre and the health labs

University of Twente
Professor of Interaction Design

What design can do for personalised eHealth Technology

Challenges in the health domain in the Netherlands and in the world are serious and multi-faceted. They are also central to public debate – good health is both a societal and an individual concern with sometimes conflicting interests. Design research can contribute to inclusion of different groups in society in this debate and can offer innovative and effective ways to address the challenges our society and healthcare systems face.

The overall aim of our research is to better understand the preferred roles of people and technology in our future healthcare system and how to design for these roles. Development of methodologies in design for health, for example furthering value-based design is an important future goal.


Prof. Geke Ludden is head of the Interaction Design (IxD) group, a research group at the Department of Design, Production and Management of the University of Twente. She studies how the design of products and services influences people’s behaviour and motivation with a specific interest in how to support healthy behaviour and in how technology (interactive devices and wearables) can engage people in therapy at home. Her work furthers the knowledge on, impact of and methodologies for design for health and wellbeing. This work needs both a theoretical basis and implementation and validation of theory in the design of actual products and services. Geke has published her work in journals in the design field as well as in health(care). She is co-editor of the book 'Design for behaviour change' (sept 2017, Routledge) and is currently working on an edited volume on 'Design for mental health and wellbeing'.