The UT Teaching Community was established to help UT teachers connect, contribute to coherence in the range of teaching innovation initiatives, and to support further evidence-informed teaching innovation. The 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education (4TU.CEE) at the UT is committed to help develop this idea further in collaboration with CELT. The Teaching Community is co-funded by the 4TU.CEE. Innovation projects funded by 4TU.CEE at UT can be found here: In 2022, we have started with offering inspirational lunch meetings on teaching themes. In these lunch meetings, we aim to support sharing ideas, experiences, and inspiration. Teachers who are inspired to work together on a teaching innovation idea, are welcome to apply for an innovation project to support them with this. There is room for 3-4 projects per year, co-funded by 4TU.CEE. Calls for such projects are announced in the inspiration lunch meetings and via this website.
For questions about the UT TC, please contact Cindy Poortman (c.l.poortman[at] or Robin de Graaf (r.s.degraaf[at]