One of the best ways to promote your company or to get in touch with our students is through the different study associations, student associations or business associations. You can find them on the Student Union website. (Select the association category of your choice.)
Here is what these associations can organise for you:
- Lunch lectures
- Company field trips or excursions
- Post jobs
- Symposiums
- Company days
- Case days
- Company dinners
- Different activities for all students or just Master students
- etc...
Business Days Twente
During the Business Days Twente at the University of Twente, a series of activities will be organized to promote contact between students, PhD's and graduates on the one side and potential employers on the other. Every year about 2000 students and graduates meet with approximately 125 companies on various activities. This all takes place on the campus between 16 February and 24 March every year. More information can be found on the website.
With a view to introducing organisations to our students and in order to support them on their career path, Career Services of the University of Twente has set up a Career Center in partnership with JobTeaser. The Career Center by JobTeaser is Europe’s leading career platform. It is directly integrated into the intranet of more than 250 higher education institutes and offers both solutions for posting job offers and employer branding solutions.
We would like to invite you to get acquainted with our online career platform JobTeaser. This online platform offers your company many possibilities. You can upload a company profile and let students and alumni know what your company does. You can not only upload full-time vacancies, part-time jobs, internships and side jobs, but also present events. We cordially invite you to create an account in your search for talent.
FAQ JobTeaser for Companies
In case that you need more guidance on how to create a company profile, upload vacancies or post events, please have a look at the FAQ here.