- Professional effectivenessIn order to increase your level of professionalism and effectiveness, you need to keep developing your skills and continue to gain new insights. This will not only greatly improve the quality of your study or work, but also your personal well-being.Professional effectiveness3 CoursesClose courses3 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableGraduation Support GroupStudentsSelfmanagement WorkshopStudentsStudy Encouragement GroupStudents
- Career developmentIt is important to keep developing your skills within your work or study and other means. It may be helpful for your current situation but may also benefit you shortly, whether this is within or outside the university. In addition to the courses, it is also possible to contact the Career Development Centre for a personal consultation. In addition to the courses, contacting the Career Development Centre (employees) or Career Services (students) for a personal consultation is possible.Career development6 CoursesClose courses6 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableCompany Visit: Demcon - Kennispark TwenteStudents, PhD / EngDWorkshop Cover Letter and tips about applyingStudents, PhD / EngDWorkshop CV CheckStudents, PhD / EngDWorkshop Finding a job in the NetherlandsStudents, PhD / EngDWorkshop LinkedInStudents, PhD / EngDWorkshop Your Future Career, Inspiration & Skills with young alumniStudents
- Mental well-beingRunning a busy yet fulfilling life can be a challenge. The UT is here to support you with your everyday struggles to feel mentally better about yourself. These courses offer you a toolkit that you can carry with you for the rest of your lifeMental well-being8 Courses
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