The role of government in safety issues

Language: English

15:00 - 16:00 IMAGINE...DUTCH municipalities IN 2040

What could Dutch municipalities look like in 2040 and how can we prepare for this?

Together with a team of experts in futurology, VNG Risicobeheer has developed a scenario for dutch municipalities in 2040. It offers a vision of a possible future and helps municipalities prepare and anticipate trends and developments which offer risks and changes.

In the session Freija discusses how to accelerate positive trends and how to prepare for and try to deflect trends with possible negative effects. The main objective is to help municipalities to create a better, happier and healthier future for their citizens. 

Freija van Duijne

Freija van Duijne is a futurist. She helps organisations to think about and prepare for the long term future. Her company, Future Motions, provides trend reports, scenario projects, training programs and keynote presentations. Freija is trained as a cognitive psychology and holds a PhD from Delft Technical University on the subject of risk perception. Til the end of 2016, she worked for the national government. Now as a self employed futurist, she often works for public sector organizations.