Overgangsregeling master PSY 2014-2015 --> 2015-2016

Transitional arrangements

In the academic year 2015-2016 several units of study/courses (which were offered in 2014-2015) will not be offered any longer. In line with the general programme-specific section of the Student Charter the following applies to each of these courses: Students who submitted at least once the course’s assignment(s) or who sat for an exam during the academic year 2014-2015, but who failed to complete the course successfully (i.e. implying that the course is graded as insufficient in the university’s administrative system Osiris), are to be given two re-sit opportunities (written exam and/or relevant assignments) in the academic year 2015-2016.

This is applicable for the following 2014-2015 courses:

Health Psychology Specialization/track

Learning Sciences Specialization/track

Conflict, Risk and Safety Specialization/Track

Positieve psychologie en Technologie specialization/track:

Human Factors & Engineering Psychology Specialization/track:

For students (cohort 2014 (or earlier) who did not submit the course’s assignment or who did not sat for an exam of the above listed 2014-2015 courses it is important to contact the study adviser for consultation to finish the (appropriate) master’s programme (60EC). In general, students are bound to the following transitional arrangements: the units of study of the 2014-2015 programme are replaced by the current Psychology graduation units of study as listed in the table below.

Students who failed to complete more than one course as listed in the table below (and did not submit at least once the course’s assignment(s) or did not sit for an exam in 2014-2015) are obligated to contact the study adviser. (In most cases) it is needed to (in close consultation with the programme’s management and upon approval of the programme’s Board of Examiners) select another course from the Psychology course list to finish the 60EC master’s programme.

2014-2015 course

In 2015-2016 replaced by:

201000137 eHealth

201400584 Design of Persuasive Health Psychology

201000141 Research Methods in Health Psychology

201400579 Research Methods in Psychology

201200132 Professional Skills for Health Psychologists

Another (HP) elective course, see 1a.

201000142 Entertainment Education

201400584 Design of Persuasive Health Psychology

191970350 Learning with Multimedia

201400002 Innovative technology-based environments

191970320 Learning with Games and Simulations

201400002 Innovative technology-based environments

192914070 Leren bij volwassenen

Another (LS) elective course, see 1a.

201100015 Leiderschap en ethiek

201400581 Risk and Leadership in Societal and Technological Contexts

201000144 Risico en veiligheidsbeleving

Elective course (CRS), see 1a.

201000145 Empirisch risico- en conflictonderzoek

201400579 Research Methods in Psychology

201000090 Geestelijke gezondheidsbevordering

201400579 Research Methods in Psychology

201300033 Research methods in HFE

201400579 Research Methods in Psychology + another (HFE) elective course, see 1a.

201200123 Intelligent systems

201400583 Cognition and Technical Systems in quartile/block 1A!

201100125 Traffic Psychology

201400583 Cognition and Technical Systems in quartile/block 2A!

Furthermore, two courses will change names (and course codes) in 2015-2016: