Angèle Reinders, professor in the Sustainable Products and Energy Systems Group of UTwente, has been appointed Solliance's new director. Reinders will lead the new broad focus of the Dutch/Flemish/German solar energy partnership.
Solar energy plays an important role in making energy management more sustainable. To achieve the government goals for energy transition in 2030 and 2050, effective utilisation of various surfaces on land, in the built environment and on water with high-quality solar panels and other PV applications is necessary. Aesthetic design, high safety, reliable grid integration, circularity and local production are important preconditions in this respect.
Solliance, the partnership between Dutch/Flemish/German research institutes, universities and industrial partners, is committed to developing high-quality PV products and then producing and applying them in cooperation with regional partners. The parties involved are TNO, TU/e, imec, TU Delft, Hasselt University, University of Twente, the University of Groningen and Forschungszentrum Jülich.