Tuesday 26 September 2023
The 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference was held on 18-22 September 2023 in Lisbon. Here's a snapshot of what the Solar Centre of the University of Twente has been up to at the 40th EUPVSEC:
- A talk given by our colleague, Dr. Wouter Schram on "Collective Self-Consumption: The Next Step in PV Prosuming Policy to Foster Citizen Engagement?" in the "Enabling Multi Terawatt PV Deployment: Technical and Social Dimensions" session.
- A talk given by our colleague, Dr. Wiria Soltanpoor on "Physical Vapor Deposition of Contact Materials and Halide Perovskites for Solar Cells" in the "Perovskite Top-Cell Development and All Perovskite Tandems" session.
- A talk given by our colleague, Dr. Elham Shirazi on "Solar Energy Harvesting for a Custom Sailing Yacht, a Case Study for Project Zero" in the "Transport / Vehicle Integrated Photovoltaics (VIPV)" session.
Apart from the talks, we had the opportunity to chair two sessions:
- High-Efficiency Perovskite Silicon Tandems by Dr. Wiria Soltanpoor
- Integrated PV and Emerging Synergistic Applications by Dr. Elham Shirazi
Thank you to all our colleagues, the participants, organizers, and attendees for making this conference a vibrant hub of ideas and innovation. Stay connected with us at the Solar Centre of the University of Twente to stay informed about our ongoing research, and events.
(picture from left to right: Elham Shirazi, Jurriaan Schmitz, Wouter Schram and Wiria Soltanpoor)