The Quality Enhancement Support Team (QUEST) provides questionnaire survey services. It is a part of CELT. QUEST was formerly known as ‘Vragenlijstservice’. From 2015-2016, it coordinates the standard evaluations of the TOM modules, using the Student Experience Questionnaire (SEQ).
Besides the SEQ service, QUEST can help you with developing questionnaires for other purposes, conducting surveys (online or paper based) and offer you standardised reports.


The University of Twente  uses EvaSys as tool for the execution and evaluation of surveys as part of quality management. The system works with either paper or online surveys (and a combination of both if necessary).
In 2016, all faculties will have one or more EvaSys key-users, who are able to execute surveys by themselves. QUEST supports them with the use of the system.

Are you a key-user and do you need help?


All modules of our bachelor programmes are evaluated with the Student Experience Questionnaire (SEQ). The usage of the SEQ provides to opportunity to compare modules with each other (benchmarking).

Tailor-made questionnaires

It is possible to use other questionnaires for research puroposes or for evaluation of Master subjects.

Your key-user EvaSys can make these questionnaires, or QUEST can make these.  Do you want help with the construction of your questionnaire, or do you want QUEST to conduct the total survey? Please contact us.

Paper based evaluations

If you want to evaluate with the use of paper questionnaires, QUEST should perform the scanning. You can find the procedure here. Please don't forget to print and fill in the form (backside of the procedure).

Sharing expertise and questionnaires

QUEST strives for sharing evaluation expertise and questionnaires, so we avoid duplication and re-inventing wheels. If possible, different educational programmes can use the same questions or questionnaires. We collect questions in the EvaSys question library, so everyone can use these in tailor-made questionnaires. And QUEST now works on the construction of a questionnaire for evaluation the gradation process and the 'exit-form'.

Non-educational evaluations

The primary focus of QUEST is supporting the quality enhancement of the education of the University of Twente. First of all, this means that we support the evaluation of subjects and modules. Second, it is about the evaluation of educational processes and support. If your evaluation question has a slightly other scope, don't hesitate to contact us. Maybe we can find a solution together.