Online (written) examination

Several tools are available to create an online examination. The pages below will point you to the tools available at the University of Twente. 

Online examinations do not offer the same level of security as exams in a controlled setting. To ensure the highest level of quality, the options below can be considered.

  • Time-limited take home exam

    Students conduct an assignment within a strict time path. There are several options to facilitate this:

    1. Set up a Canvas assignment where you publish the exam information, and set an availability start and date. Students then can only see and submit the assignment between the availability start and end date.
    2. Create a Canvas quiz with a time limit.
    3. Familiar with assessing in Remindo? You can also set up your exam in Remindo. Students can enter the exam environment and open the exam at the specific time and date and hand answer the exam questions. Grading procedure is the same as with regular digital exams. In the logbook function of Remindo you can see all the activities done by students in the text fields. 
  • Short oral exam as a followup

    After the online exam, lecturers can schedule short oral examinations with a percentage of students. For information on how to schedule this and for best practices, please see our topic about oral examination.

  • Multiple exam versions

    In both Canvas and Remindo, it is possible to create different versions of an exam.
    If you use a Canvas assignment for the exam, you can create different assignments and assign each assignment to a different selection of students.

    In a Canvas quiz, different versions of an exam can be created in different ways (which can be combined):

    1. Use question groups in the quiz to randomize questions and to differentiate the quiz. The larger the number of questions in the question group (compared to the number randomly being picked for the quiz) the more differentiated the quiz.
    2. You could also create several quizzes and assign each quiz to a different selection of students
    3. The ‘shuffle answers’ quiz option will randomize the order of the question's answer choices. Note: if your quiz question has an answer like ‘all of the above/below or ‘answer A & C’ do not use this setting.

    In Remindo, different students can be linked to different versions, and all questions can be shuffled.

    For more information about this, please contact Canvas support or the Remindo e-assesment team at

  • Detailed guidance

    A detailed guidance document is available from CELT.