Courses and support

Course, trajectory and workshops

Regular offered course, trajectory and workshop

  • Testing & Assessment course (UTQ competence course)

    CELT offers the UTQ Testing & Assessment course. Since Sept. 2024 a mandatory course for teachers following a UTQ trajectory. The course consists of 4 sessions and is completed by means of a report about one's own assessment practice. After a successful appraisal, participants will receive a partial UTQ certificate, also valid as a University Examination Qualification (UEQ) or in Dutch: Basiskwalificatie Examinering (BKE). More information can be found [here].

  • Senior University Examination Qualification

    The Senior University Examination Qualification trajectory (SUEQ) or in Dutch Senior Kwalificatie Examinering - SKE) is a professionalisation trajectory for staff involved in assuring or safeguarding the quality of assessment on programme level. 
    This could be: members of an Examination Board, programme directors, programme coordinators, quality assurance officers, educational advisors and others with assessment related tasks.
    This trajectory will help participants to develop knowledge and insights to influence and improve the way a programme cares for and safeguards the quality of assessment at course and programme level. The trajectory will taken about 100-120 hrs over a period of about 9 months (from Sept. - June). More infromation can be found [here]. 

  • Introduction to tasks and responsibilities for (new) Examination Board members

    Twice a year we offer the Introduction to tasks & responsibilities workshop for (new) Examination Board members. Please consult the Coursefinder for the dates.  

Courses or workshops on request

In addition to the regular offer, CELT can also offer professionalisation activities on request and tailor-made on all kind of assessment themes. For teachers, but also for staff working on assessment topics on programme level. Topics can be for instance:
> Alternative assessment methods (for a description, click here)
> How to conduct a quantitative or qualitative assessment analysis for fair grading and evaluation
> Assessing assignments in a valid, reliable and transparent way

To enquire about the possibilities, the CELT professionalisation coordinator Angelique Assink or an expert at CELT on assessment, Helma Vlas, can be contacted.

When the topic is more related to the use of specific tools, such as Remindo or a portfolio system, you may contact the e-learning specialist at your faculty or an expert from CES or TELT | Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching ( for possibilities for a workshop:

Support from an expert

There are different ways to find someone with expertise within the UT to help you with questions or issues related to assessment: 

Online support / Resources

For teachers: 

For Examination Boards

For programme management and others with tasks and responsibilities on programme level