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UT in media awards 2024

Today, the New Year's meeting of the UT took place in the Vrijhof and traditionally the UT was awarded with the media awards. The Executive Board gave a short speech with the approach for 2025: "Don't talk, but act and above all roll up your sleeves." While enjoying coffee, tea and refreshments, several hundred colleagues were present. Especially some videos shown of media fragments, including those of Proefkonijnen and the Disney princesses at 538, resulted in a lot of hilarity. The media awards winners received a certificate and a large cake to kick off the new UT year together with their team.

Student team Solar Boat Twente won in the student category. In recent years, Solar Boat Twente has put a lot of effort into building warm relationships with partners, potential new partners and the media. The team set out a clear mission: Innovation to Inspire and not only tell it in words and images but also live up to it in practice. For example, established their Sustainability and Innovation sub-team, with which they have shown their focus on sustainability even strongly. All this has ensured that their story has been picked up widely and enthusiastically. 

Junior talent in the media prize

The Junior Talent in the Media award went to PhD candidate Femke Witmans (TNW, EEMCS, MESA+). Witmans is working on nanoparticles for new (quantum) computers and telephones. We saw her in an episode of the University of the Netherlands and on Nu.nl. She also brought nano closer to the public during the Olympic Games and told about it on RTV Oost. She recently spoke with His Majesty the King about her work during his working visit to MESA+.

Media awards faculties

In third place was Professor of Mental Health Promotion Ernst Bohlmeijer (BMS). In the past year, this professor could be found in various newspapers where he was quoted about his findings on positive psychology. Among others in the Belgian newspaper De Morgen, Het Parool, in the Libelle and the AD. The second place was for Bram Nauta (EEMCS). This professor called the chip technology of great strategic value in the FD: 'Without those chips, our mobile phones will soon no longer work.' He appeared several times in the Dutch newspapers in the past year. He puts the UT nicely on the map when it comes to chip technology. This winner is often asked to interpret social developments around chip technology. That fits in with making a social impact. The winner of 2024 is Professor of Public Administration René Torenvlied (BMS). Up to 10,000 kilos of fireworks are stored in more than 400 residential areas: 'That is 400 times very dangerous'. Torenvlied talks about it on Een Vandaag. Torenvlied's report contributes to a social discussion about the desirability of fireworks storage. He is often asked to interpret his findings and those of his team in that debate.

Social media award

The Social Media Prize went to Monique Verwers (S&P). With her enthusiasm and dedication, Verwers has made an important contribution to the visibility of the UT. As the most active ambassador of the past year, she has not only achieved an impressive reach through her own social media channels but has also inspired others to support the UT and its ambitions. Her efforts have strengthened the mission of the UT Share project and raised the UT's awareness to the next level.

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drs. J.G.M. van den Elshout (Janneke)
Press relations (available Mon-Fri)