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Predicting Flood Inundation after a Dike Breach Using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network (2024)Hydrology, 11(9). Article 152. Besseling, L. S., Bomers, A. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. and temporal patterns of global crop water footprints (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mialyk, O. the water level accuracy in hydraulic river simulation by adapting mesh level elevation (2024)Environmental modelling & software, 180, 106135. Article 106135. Khorsandi kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. life cycle impact assessment of mineral resource use—a review, case study, and implications for the product environmental footprint (2024)International journal of life cycle assessment, 29(7), 1177-1189. Berger, M. role of small-scale agriculture in water consumption, water scarcity, and virtual water flows (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Su, H. time probabilistic inundation forecasts using a LSTM neural network (2024)Journal of hydrology, 635. Article 131082. Hop, F. j., Linneman, R., Schnitzler, B., Bomers, A. & Booij, M. j. rainfall bias correction incorporating effects on simulated crop water requirements (2024)International journal of remote sensing, 45(7), 2269-2288. Omondi, C. k., Rientjes, T. H. M., Booij, M. j. & Nelson, A. D. water footprints of flex crops (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2024. Mialyk, O., Berger, M. & Booij, M. J. index downscaling using AI-based ensemble technique and satellite data (2024)Theoretical and applied climatology, 155(3), 2379-2397. Behfar, N., Sharghi, E., Nourani, V. & Booij, M. J. mesh set-up increase accuracy of discharge capacity representation for water level prediction (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCR Days 2024. Khorsandi Kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. identification and accuracy for estimation of suspended sediment load (2024)Geocarto international, 37(27), 18520-18545. Khosravi, K., Golkarian, A., Saco, P. M., Booij, M. J. & Melesse, A. M. footprints and crop water use of 175 individual crops for 1990–2019 simulated with a global crop model (2024)Scientific Data, 11. Article 206 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Mialyk, O., Schyns, J. F., Booij, M. J., Su, H., Hogeboom, R. J. & Berger, M. of Science Based Target Network's Freshwater Quantity Target (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Hogeboom, R. J., Su, H., Prunes, E., Dilks, D. & Townsend, A. gridded crop model ACEA (2024)[Non-textual form › Software]. Zenodo. Mialyk, O. & Su, H. gridded crop model ACEA (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Mialyk, O., Su, H., Hogeboom, R. J., Schyns, J. F. & Booij, M. J. underlying the publication: Large-scale agriculture contributes to over 70% of green and blue virtual water flows (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Su, H., Bruckner , M., Taherzadeh, O., Sun, Z., Hogeboom, R. J. & Krol , M. underlying the publication: Small-scale and large-scale agriculture across water-scarce and water-abundant regions (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Su, H., Foster, T., Hogeboom, R. J., Luna-Gonzalez, D. V., Willaarts, B., Mialyk, O., Wang, Y. & Krol , M. process types and runoff coefficient variability in climatic regions of Iran (2024)Hydrological sciences journal, 69(2), 241-258. Jahanshahi, A. & Booij, M. J.


Small Island Developing States under threat by rising seas even in a 1.5 °C warming world (2023)Nature Sustainability, 6(12), 1552-1564. Vousdoukas, M. i., Athanasiou, P., Giardino, A., Mentaschi, L., Stocchino, A., Kopp, R. e., Menéndez, P., Beck, M. w., Ranasinghe, R. & Feyen, L. political context of change in transboundary freshwater agreements (2023)Environmental science & policy, 149. Article 103572. Hussein, H., Poplawsky, M. & Mohapatra, T. pollution from pharmaceutical use in livestock farming: Assessing differences between livestock types and production systems (2023)Integrated environmental assessment and management, 19(6), 1495-1509. Wöhler, L., Hogeboom, R. j., Berger, M. & Krol, M. s. between statistical and dynamical downscaling of rainfall over the Gwadar‐Ormara basin, Pakistan (2023)Meteorological Applications, 30(5). Article e2151. Attique, R., Rientjes, T. & Booij, M. a conceptual framework for strategic selection of Bushfire mitigation approaches (2023)Journal of environmental management, 344, 118486. Tayari, S., Taghikhah, F., Bharathy, G. & Voinov, A. Framework for Participatory Modeling: A Proposal (2023)Group Decision and Negotiation, 32(5), 1167-1182. Bakhanova, E., Garcia, J. A., Raffe, W. L. & Voinov, A. the community in community microgrids: A conceptual framework for better decision-making (2023)Energy research & social science, 104, 103260. Eklund, M., Khalilpour, K., Voinov, A. & Hossain, M. j. of Discussoo: An Online AI-Based Forum for Serious Discussions (2023)In 16th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, IHCI 2022, and 15th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2022, GET 2022 - Held at the 16th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2022 (pp. 157-164). IADIS. Bakhanova, E., Anjum, M., Garcia, J. A., Raffe, W. L. & Voinov, A.Groundwater-dependent ecosystems at risk - Global hotspot analysis and implications (2023)Environmental research letters, 18(9). Article 094026. Link, A., El-Hokayem, L., Usman, M., Conrad, C., Reinecke, R., Berger, M., Wada, Y., Coroama, V. & Finkbeiner, M. in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change—insights from a summer school (2023)Biodiversity and conservation, 32(11), 3533-3568. Atienza Casas, S., Calicis, C., Candiago, S., Dendoncker, N., Desair, J., Fickel, T., Finne, E. A., Frison, C., Haensel, M., Hinsch, M., Kulfan, T., Kumagai, J. A., Mialyk, O., Nawrath, M., Nevzati, F., Washbourne, C. & Wübbelmann, T. underlying the publication: Water footprints and crop water use of 175 individual crops for 1990–2019 simulated with a global crop model (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Mialyk, O., Schyns, J. F., Booij, M. J., Su, H., Hogeboom, R. J. & Berger, M. water versus imported virtual blue water for agricultural production: A comparison based on energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions (2023)Journal of industrial ecology, 27(4), 1123-1136. Smolka, G., Kosatica, E., Berger, M., Kissinger, M., Fridman, D. & Koellner, T. of occupant autonomy on satisfaction and building energy efficiency (2023)Energy and Built Environment, 4(4), 377-385. Loengbudnark, W., Khalilpour, K., Bharathy, G., Voinov, A. & Thomas, L. assessment identifies livestock grazing as a major contributor to variation in European Union land and water footprints (2023)Nature Food, 4(7), 575-584. Vanham, D., Bruckner, M., Schwarzmueller, F., Schyns, J. & Kastner, T. of SMAP and AMSR2 observations and estimation of multi-frequency vegetation optical depth using a discrete scattering model in the Tibetan grassland (2023)Remote sensing of environment, 292. Article 113592. Bai, X., Zheng, D., Li, X., Wigneron, J. P., van der Velde, R., Zhang, P. & Su, Z. Competency Framework for Participatory Modeling (2023)Group Decision and Negotiation, 32(3), 569-601. Elsawah, S., Bakhanova, E., Hämäläinen, R. p. & Voinov, A. ambiguity in climate change adaptation for more effective responses to new uncertain shorescapes conditions (2023)Marine policy, 152. Article 105626. Brugnach, M. & Hoek, R. v. d. trends and opportunities in water footprints of crop production (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2023. Mialyk, O., Booij, M. J., Hogeboom, R. J. & Berger, M. farming and water scarcity: contributions, benefits, and limitations (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2023. Su, H., Foster, T., Krol, M. S., Hogeboom, R. J., Willaarts, B., Luna-Gonzalez, D. V., Mialyk, O. & Schyns, J. F. capital-associated CO2 emissions along the full lifespan of capital investments helps diffuse emission responsibility (2023)Nature communications, 14. Article 2727. Ye, Q., Krol, M. S., Shan, Y., Schyns, J. F., Berger, M. & Hubacek, K. industry impacts on the Sustainable Development Goals (2023)Journal of cleaner production, 400. Article 136661. Lisowski, S., Bunsen, J., Berger, M. & Finkbeiner, M. controls on rainfall–runoff events: spatial dynamics of event runoff coefficients in Iran (2023)Hydrological sciences journal, 68(7), 954-966. Jahanshahi, A. & Booij, M. J. between Landscape Patterns and Hydrological Processes in the Subtropical Monsoon Climate Zone of Southeastern China (2023)Remote sensing, 15(9). Article 2290. Wei, C., Dong, X., Ma, Y., Leng, M., Zhao, W., Zhang, C., Yu, D. & Su, B. und klimagerecht wohnen?: Antworten sozial-ökologischer Bewegungsakteur*innen auf institutionalisierte Zielkonflikte in der Wohnraumversorgung (2023)Prokla, 53(210), 117-135. Arendt, R., Gralke, T. & Vollmer, L. of COVID-19 Pandemic on Energy Consumption in Office Buildings: A Case Study of an Australian University Campus (2023)Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(5). Article 4240. Tavakoli, S., Loengbudnark, W., Eklund, M., Voinov, A. & Khalilpour, K. Decline of Ancient, Sustainable Water Systems: Qanats (2023)Ground Water, 61(1), 139-146. Maghrebi, M., Noori, R., Sadegh, M., Sarvarzadeh, F., Akbarzadeh, A. E., Karandish, F., Barati, R. & Taherpour, H. to Community Microgrids in Fragmented Communities: Insights from a Case Study (2023)In 2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions, FES 2023. IEEE. Eklund, M., Khalilpour, K., Voinov, A. & Hossain, M. J. reflections on pathways to groundwater security in the Mexico–United States borderlands (2023)In Groundwater (pp. 316-335). Routledge. Sanchez, R., Breña-naranjo, J. A., Rivera, A., Hanson, R. T., Hernández-espriú, A., Hogeboom, R., Milman, A., Benavides, J. A., Pedrozo Acuña, A., Soriano-monzalvo, J. C., Megdal, S. B., Eckstein, G. & Rodriguez, L. of water - good for conscience or the environment?: A deeper look into the water footprint of factories (2023)Procedia CIRP, 116, 125-130. Berger, M. & Thiede, S. mesh set-up to increase cross-sectional-area accuracy for water-level prediction (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 40th IAHR World Congress: Rivers - Connecting mountains and coasts. Khorsandi Kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Improving mesh set-up to increase discharge capcity accuracy for water level prediction (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCR Days 2023. Khorsandi Kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. annealing coupled with a Naïve Bayes model and base flow separation for streamflow simulation in a snow dominated basin (2023)Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 37(1), 89-112. Tongal, H. & Booij, M. J. finance sector: help or hindrance in resolving global water crises (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2023. Hogeboom, R. & Dobrescu, I. updated and improved method for water scarcity impact assessment in LCA, AWARE2.0 (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Seitfudem, G., Berger, M., Müller Schmied, H. & Boulay, A.-M. analysis of risk-based flood safety standards in the Netherlands through a scenario-based approach (2023)International journal of river basin management, 21(3), 559-574. Westerhof, S. G., Booij, M. J., van den Berg, M. C. J., Huting, R. J. M. & Warmink, J. J.


Evaluation of MODIS-Landsat and AVHRR-Landsat NDVI data fusion using a single pair base reference image: a case study in a tropical upstream catchment on Java, Indonesia (2022)International journal of digital earth, 15(1), 164-197. Rustanto, A. & Booij, M. J. polygon trend analysis of monthly precipitation (1952–2015) in the Hindukush‐Karakoram‐Himalaya river basins of Pakistan (2022)International journal of climatology, 42(16), 9967-9993. Ahmed, N., Lü, H., Booij, M. J., Wang, G., Marhaento, H., Bhat, M. S. & Adnan, S. dune erosion at the regional scale using a meta-model based on neural networks (2022)Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 22(12), 3897-3915. Athanasiou, P., Van Dongeren, A., Giardino, A., Vousdoukas, M., Antolinez, J. A. A. & Ranasinghe, R. in hydrological variables using distributed hydrological model in permafrost environment (2022)Ecological indicators, 145. Article 109609. Ahmed, N., Wang, G., Booij, M. J., Marhaento, H., Pordhan, F. A., Ali, S., Munir, S. & Hashmi, M. Z.-u.-r. 5 arcmin datasets for simultaneously farm-size-specific and crop-specific harvested areas in 56 countries (2022)Earth system science data, 14(9), 4397-4418. Su, H., Willaarts, B., Luna-gonzalez, D., Krol, M. S. & Hogeboom, R. J. coastal erosion hazards at large spatial scales: Insights and uncertainties (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Athanasiou, P. Adaptation to Reconcile Food Security and Water Sustainability Under Climate Change: The Case of Cereals in Iran (2022)Earth's Future, 10(9). Article e2021EF002095. Karandish, F., Nouri, H. & Schyns, J. F. Input-Output Modelling for Improved Assessment of Supply Chain-Wide Environmental Pressures in Space and Time: The Case of China (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ye, Q. of machine learning and geographical information system to predict nitrate concentration in an unconfined aquifer in Iran (2022)Journal of cleaner production, 360. Article 131847. Gholami, V. & Booij, M. j. the type and strength of nonlinearity in water quality responses to nutrient loading reduction in shallow eutrophic water bodies: Insights from a large number of numerical simulations (2022)Journal of environmental management, 313, 115000. Article 115000. Su, H., Zou, R., Zhang, X., Liang, Z., Ye, R. & Liu, Y. of reservoir operation on terrestrial water storage changes detected by GRACE in the Yellow River basin (2022)Journal of hydrology, 610. Article 127924. Xie, J., Xu, Y.-p., Booij, M. J. & Guo, Y. role of context in identifying linkages between SDG 2 (food) and SDG 6 (water) (2022)Sustainability Science, 17, 1605-1618. Su, H., Krol, M. S. & Hogeboom, R. J. to the editor re: “The scarcity-weighted water footprint provides unreliable water sustainability scoring” by Vanham and Mekonnen, 2021 (2022)Science of the total environment, 825, 154108. Article 154108. Pfister, S., Scherer, L., Boulay, A.-M., Motoshita, M., Núñez, M., Damiani, M., Manzardo, A., Huang, J., Link, A., Bunsen, J. & Berger, M. pathways and the associated uncertainties for increasing maize water use efficiency under global warming (2022)Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68(7), 956-970. Kalanaki, M., Karandish, F., Ritzema, H. & Kalanaki, M. bi-directional strategy to detect land use function change using time-series Landsat imagery on Google Earth Engine: A case study of Huangshui River Basin in China (2022)Science of Remote Sensing, 5. Article 100039. Shen, Z., Wang, Y., Su, H., He, Y. & Li, S.’ water footprints and virtual water trade of wood products (2022)Advances in water resources, 164. Article 104188. Cazcarro, I., Schyns, J. F., Arto, I. & Sanz, M. J. rainfall bias assessment for crop growth simulation: a case study of rainfed maize growth (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 5th International Conference on the Use of Space Technology for Water Management 2022<br/>. Omondi, C. K., Rientjes, T. H. M., Booij, M. J. & Nelson, A. D.Advances and Challenges in the Water Footprint Assessment Research Field: Towards a More Integrated Understanding of the Water–Energy–Food–Land Nexus in a Changing Climate (2022)Water, 14(9). Article 1488. Aldaya, M. M., Sesma-Martín, D. & Schyns, J. F. versus value of crop-related water footprints and virtual water flows: A case study for the Yellow River Basin (2022)Journal of hydrology, 608. Article 127674. Zhuo, L., Li, M., Zhang, G., Mekonnen, M. M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Wada, Y. & Wu, P. a hydraulic river modelling approach to simulate high flow and low flow conditions (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCR days 2022. Khorsandi Kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Effect of data length, spin-up period and spatial model resolution on fully distributed hydrological model calibration in the Moselle basin (2022)Hydrological sciences journal, 67(5), 759-772. Ekmekcioğlu, Ö., Demirel, M. C. & Booij, M. J. evaluation of the ferrofluid behaviour under the influence of three-dimensional non-uniform magnetic field (2022)International journal of heat and fluid flow, 94. Article 108901. Dalvi, S., van der Meer, T. H. & Shahi, M. simulation of crop water and land footprints (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2022. Mialyk, O., Schyns, J. F. & Booij, M. J. soil, water, and crop change along with farm sizes: insights from a new high-resolution farm-size specific and crop-specific map covering 56 countries (2022)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Su, H., Willaarts, B., Gonzalez, D. L., Krol, M. S. & Hogeboom, R. J. integrated assessment of pharmaceuticals in water systems (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Wöhler, L. in monthly streamflow in the Hindukush–Karakoram–Himalaya Region of Pakistan using innovative polygon trend analysis (2022)Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 36, 811-830. Ahmed, N., Wang, G., Booij, M. J., Ceribasi, G., Bhat, M. S., Ceyhunlu, A. I. & Ahmed, A. water and land productivity in Kenya and their implications for future resource use (2022)Heliyon, 8(3). Article e09006. Bosire, C. K., Mtimet, N., Enahoro, D., Ogutu, J. O., Krol, M. S., de Leeuw, J., Ndiwa, N. & Hoekstra, A. Y. 5 arcmin datasets for simultaneously farm-size-specific and crop-specific harvested areas in 56 countries (2022)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Su, H., Willaarts, B., Luna Gonzalez, D., Krol, M. S. & Hogeboom, R. 5-arcmin, simultaneously farm-size- and crop-specific harvested area for 56 countries (2022)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Su, H., Willaarts, B., Luna Gonzalez, D., Krol, M. S. & Hogeboom, R. simulation of maize water footprints with a new global gridded crop model ACEA (2022)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 26(4), 923-940. Mialyk, O., Schyns, J. F., Booij, M. J. & Hogeboom, R. J. hybrid multi-regional input-output model of China: Integrating the physical agricultural biomass and food system into the monetary supply chain (2022)Resources, conservation and recycling, 177. Article 105981. Ye, Q., Bruckner, M., Wang, R., Schyns, J. F., Zhuo, L., Yang, L., Su, H. & Krol, M. S. of production fragmentation and inter-provincial trade on spatial blue water consumption and scarcity patterns in China (2022)Journal of cleaner production, 334. Article 130186. Ye, Q., Wang, R., Schyns, J. F., Zhuo, L., Yang, L. & Krol, M. S. Footprint Assessment: towards water-wise food systems (2022)In Food Systems Modelling: Tools for Assessing Sustainability in Food and Agriculture (pp. 63-87). Elsevier. Schyns, J. F., Hogeboom, R. J. & Krol, M. S. Ask for a Lighter Rain but a Stronger Umbrella (2022)Frontiers in Water, 3. Article 822334. Pande, S., Haeffner, M., Blöschl, G., Alam, M. F., Castro, C., Di Baldassarre, G., Frick-trzebitzky, F., Hogeboom, R., Kreibich, H., Mukherjee, J., Mukherji, A., Nardi, F., Nüsser, M., Tian, F., Van Oel, P. & Sivapalan, M. of Changes in Streamflow to Climate Change and Land Cover Change in Yangtze River Source Region, China (2022)Water, 14(2), 259. Article 259. Ahmed, N., Wang, G., Lü, H., Booij, M. J., Marhaento, H., Prodhan, F. A., Ali, S. & Ali Imran, M. approaches for hydraulic river models for high and low flows: A review (2022)In Proceedings 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June 2022, Granada, Spain (Proceedings IAHR World Congress; Vol. 2022). IAHR. Khorsandi Kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. of Self-Organizing Map, Artificial Neural Network, and Co-Active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Methods in Simulating Groundwater Quality: Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (2022)Water resources management, 36(2), 451-469. Gholami, V., Khaleghi, M. R., Pirasteh, S. & Booij, M. J.’s bioethanol potential from wheat straw and maize stover and the environmental footprint of residue-based bioethanol (2022)Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 27(1). Article 6. Holmatov, B., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Krol, M. S. of the Impact of Landuse/Landcover Change and Climate Change on Runoff in the Upstream Area of the Yangtze River, China (2022)Water resources management, 36(1), 181-201. Ahmed, N., Wang, G., Booij, M. J., Xiangyang, S., Hussain, F. & Nabi, G. grey water footprint of milk due to nitrate leaching from dairy farms in Canterbury, New Zealand (2022)Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 29(2), 177-199. Joy, M. K., Rankin, D. A., Wöhler, L., Boyce, P., Canning, A., Foote, K. J. & Mcnie, P. M. blue water footprint caps for a river basin to caps per sub-catchment: trade-offs between upstream-downstream uses and the environment (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2022. Schyns, J., Albers, L. & Booij, M.


Arjen Y. Hoekstra: A Water Management Researcher to Be Remembered (2021)Water, 14(1). Article 50. Krol, M. S., Booij, M. J., Hogeboom, R. J., Karandish, F., Schyns, J. F. & Wang, R. the inter- and intra-annual dynamic features of capital into environmental footprint assessment: Revisiting China's greenhouse gas footprints, 1995-2015 (2021)Science of the total environment, 801. Article 149629. Wu, Z., Wang, M. & Ye, Q. impacts of international trade on global greenhouse gas emissions: A thought experiment based on a novel no-trade analysis (2021)Journal of environmental management, 300. Article 113836. Wu, Z., Yang, L., Chen, Q. & Ye, Q. global analysis of extreme coastal water levels with implications for potential coastal overtopping (2021)Nature communications, 12. Article 3775. Almar, R., Ranasinghe, R., Bergsma, E. W. J., Diaz, H., Melet, A., Papa, F., Vousdoukas, M., Athanasiou, P., Dada, O., Almeida, L. P. & Kestenare, E. water footprint caps per sub-catchment to mitigate water scarcity in a large river basin: The case of the Yellow River in China (2021)Journal of hydrology, 603(Part C), 126992. Article 126992. Albers, L. T., Schyns, J. F., Booij, M. J. & Zhuo, L. of forestation on the annual and seasonal water balance of a tropical catchment under climate change (2021)Forest Ecosystems, 8(1). Article 64. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J., Rahardjo, N. & Ahmed, N. reflections on pathways to groundwater security in the Mexico–United States borderlands (2021)Water international, 46(7-8), 1017-1036. 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Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. for maize for pigs for pork: An analysis of inter-provincial trade in China (2019)Water research, 166. Article 115074. Zhuo, L., Liu, Y., Yang, H., Hoekstra, A. Y., Liu, W., Cao, X., Wang, M. & Wu, P. footprint family to address local to planetary sustainability and deliver on the SDGs (2019)Science of the total environment, 693. Article 133642. Vanham, D., Leip, A., Galli, A., Kastner, T., Bruckner, M., Uwizeye, A., Van Dijk, K., Ercin, E., Dalin, C., Brandão, M., Bastianoni, S., Fang, K., Leach, A., Chapagain, A., Van Der Velde, M., Sala, S., Pant, R., Mancini, L., Monforti-ferrario, F., … Hoekstra, A. Y. do interactive flood simulation models influence decision-making?: An observations-based evaluation method (2019)Water, 11(11). Article 2427. Leskens, J. G., Brugnach, M. & Hoekstra, A. grey water footprint of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals (2019)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International conference on risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment, ICRAPHE 2019. Wöhler, L., Niebaum, G., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Water productivity in meat and milk production in the US from 1960 to 2016 (2019)Environment international, 132, 105084. Article 105084. Mekonnen, M. M., Neale, C. M. U., Ray, C., Erickson, G. E. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Water Productivity Report (2019)[Book/Report › Report]. Robert B. Daugherty water for Global Institute. Mekonnen, M., Neale, C. M. U., Erickson, G. E., Liska, A. J., Yang, H., Romanelli, T. L. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The consumptive water footprint of the European Union energy sector (2019)Environmental research letters, 14(10), 104016. Vanham, D., Medarac, H., Schyns, J. F., Hogeboom, R. J. & Magagna, D. Value of Using Satellite-Based Soil Moisture and Two Sources of Groundwater Data for Hydrological Model Calibration (2019)Water, 11(10), 2083. Demirel, M. C., Özen, A., Orta, S., Toker, E., Demir, H. K., Ekmekcioglu, Ö., Taysi, H., Erucar, S., Sag, A. B., Sari, Ö., Tuncer, E., Hanci, H., Özcan, T. I., Erdem, H., Kosucu, M. M., Basakin, E. E., Ahmed, K., Anwar, A., Avcuoglu, M. B., … Booij, M. J. distribution of nearshore slopes with implications for coastal retreat (2019)Earth system science data, 11(4), 1515-1529. Athanasiou, P., Van Dongeren, A., Giardino, A., Vousdoukas, M., Gaytan-aguilar, S. & Ranasinghe, R. blue water footprint of urban green spaces: An example for Adelaide, Australia (2019)Landscape and urban planning, 190. Article 103613. Nouri, H., Chavoshi Borujeni, S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Challenges of Climate Neutral Sponge Cities (2019)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Extreme Events – Building Climate Resilient Societies 2019. Vink, K.Vulnerabilities of the European Union’s Economy to Hydrological Extremes Outside its Borders (2019)Atmosphere, 10(10). Article 593. Ercin, A. E., Chico, D. & Chapagain, A. K., water and carbon footprints of circular bioenergy production systems (2019)Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 111, 224-235. Holmatov, B., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Krol, M. S. Low-Carbon Futures: A Web Service Approach to Linking Diverse Climate-Energy-Economy Models (2019)Energies, 12(15). Article 2880. Belete, G. F., Voinov, A., Arto, I., Dhavala, K., Bulavskaya, T., Niamir, L., Moghayer, S. & Filatova, T. mechanisms involved in the response of Cydonia oblonga trees to water stress and recovery (2019)Agricultural water management, 221, 66-72. Griñán, I., Rodríguez, P., Nouri, H., Wang, R., Huang, G., Morales, D., Corell, M., Pérez-López, D., Centeno, A., Martin-Palomo, M. J., Hernández, F., Torrecillas, A. & Galindo, A. the social impacts of scooters with geo-spatial methods (2019)Journal of environmental management, 242, 529-538. Voinov, A., Morales, J. & Hogenkamp, H. Water Use, Energy Use And Carbon Emissions In Lift- Irrigated Areas: A Case Study From Karshi Steppe In Uzbekistan (2019)Irrigation and drainage, 68(3), 409-419. Djumaboev, K., Yuldashev, T., Holmatov, B. & Gafurov, Z. water accounting in a soil water balance (2019)Advances in water resources, 129, 112-117. Hoekstra, A. Y. factors on water footprint: A focus on wheat production and consumption in virtual water import and export regions (2019)Ecological indicators, 102, 309-315. Ye, Q., Li, Y., Zhang, W. & Cai, W. basin-scale flood hazard assessment using a modified multi-criteria decision analysis approach: A case study (2019)Journal of hydrology, 574, 660-671. Shadmehri Toosi, A., Calbimonte, G. H., Nouri, H. & Alaghmand, S. and Efficient Water Use: From Water Footprint Accounting to Setting Targets (2019)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Hogeboom, R. in Water Footprint Assessment (2019)[Book/Report › Book]. MDPI. Hoekstra, A. Y., Chapagain, A. K. & van Oel, P. R. allocation of water to crops in international context: a national and global perspective (2019)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Chouchane, H. flow of a wild cherry tree plantation growing under Mediterranean conditions: Assessing the role of environmental conditions on canopy conductance and the effect of branch pruning on water productivity (2019)Agricultural water management, 218, 222-233. Molina, A. J., Aranda, X., Llorens, P., Galindo, A. & Biel, C. Changes in Streamflow to Land Use and Climate Change for 472 Catchments in Australia and the United States (2019)Water, 11(5). Article 1059. Booij, M. J., Schipper, T. C. & Marhaento, H. water relations in Diospyros kaki during a mild water deficit exposure (2019)Agricultural water management, 217, 391-398. Griñán, I., Rodríguez, P., Cruz, Z. N., Nouri, H., Borsato, E., Molina, A. J., Moriana, A., Centeno, A., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Pérez-López, D., Torrecillas, A. & Galindo, A. distribution of nearshore slopes (2019)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Athanasiou, P., Gaytan-Aguilar, S., Giardino, A., Ranasinghe, R. W. M. R. J. B., Vousdoukas, M. I. & van Dongeren, A. in Water Footprint Assessment: Towards Collective Action in Water Governance (2019)Water, 11(5). Article 1070. Hoekstra, A. Y., Chapagain, A. K. & Van Oel, P. R. for Changing global cropping patterns to minimize blue water scarcity in the world’s hotspots (2019)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Chouchane, H., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. to van Noordwijk and Ellison: Moisture recycling: Key to assess hydrological impacts of land cover changes, but not to quantify water allocation to competing demands (2019)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(17), 8104-8104. Schyns, J. F., Hoekstra, A. Y., Hogeboom, R. J. & Booij, M. J. analysis of hydro-climatic variables in the north of Iran (2019)Theoretical and applied climatology, 136(1-2), 85-97. Nikzad Tehrani, E., Sahour, H. & Booij, M. J. incidence of peel physiopathies and increasing antioxidant activity in pomegranate fruit under different irrigation conditions by preharvest application of chitosan (2019)Scientia Horticulturae, 247, 247-253. Griñán, I., Morales, D., Collado-gonzález, J., Falcón-Rodríguez, A. b., Torrecillas, A., Martín-palomo, M. j., Centeno, A., Corell, M., Carbonell-barrachina, A. a., Hernández, F. & Galindo, A. scarcity risks mitigated or aggravated by the inter-regional electricity transmission across China (2019)Applied energy, 238, 413-422. Wang, C., Wang, R., Hertwich, E., Liu, Y. & Tong, F. to the world’s green water resources for food, feed, fiber, timber, and bioenergy (2019)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(11), 4893-4898. Schyns, J. F., Hoekstra, A. Y., Booij, M. J., Hogeboom, R. J. & Mekonnen, M. M. adsorption of selenium oxyanions onto {1 1 0} and {0 1 2} nano-hematite facets (2019)Journal of colloid and interface science, 537, 465-474. 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Nouri, H., Stokvis, B., Galindo, A., Blatchford, M. L. & Hoekstra, A. Y. blue water footprint caps in a river basin to achieve sustainable water consumption: The role of reservoirs (2019)Science of the total environment, 650(Part 1), 891-899. Zhuo, L., Hoekstra, A. Y., Wu, P. & Zhao, X. of preharvest fruit bagging on fruit quality characteristics and incidence of fruit physiopathies in fully irrigated and water stressed pomegranated trees (2019)Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(3), 1425-1433. Griñán, I., Morales, D., Galindo Egea, A., Torrecillas, A., Pérez-López, D., Moriana, A., Collado-González, J., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A. & Hernández, F. the Nexus: Exploring the Pathways to Combined Resource Use (2019)Journal of industrial ecology, 23(1), 241-252. Font Vivanco, D., Wang, R., Deetman, S. & Hertwich, E. composition and sensory and quality attributes of quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) fruits as affected by water stress (2019)Scientia Horticulturae, 244, 68-74. 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Expected increase in staple crop imports in water-scarce countries in 2050 (2018)Water research X, 1. Article 100001. Chouchane, H., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Strength: A Novel Metric for Assessing the Global Resource Nexus (2018)Journal of industrial ecology, 22(6), 1473-1486. Font Vivanco, D., Wang, R. & Hertwich, E. Water Security Dashboard: systems approach to characterizing the water security of cities (2018)Journal of water resources planning and management, 144(12). Article 04018075. van Ginkel, K. C. H., Hoekstra, A. Y., Buurman, J. & Hogeboom, R. J.兰江流域降雨量与气候指数的相关性研究 (2018)Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 52(12), 2332-2341. Liu, L., Krewinkel, B. C., Booij, M. J. & Xu, Y. P. sustainability of investors: Development and application of an assessment framework (2018)Journal of cleaner production, 202, 642-648. Hogeboom, R. J., Kamphuis, I. & Hoekstra, A. Y. adapted companion modelling approach for enhancing multi-stakeholder cooperation in complex river basins (2018)International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 25(8), 746-763. Basco-Carrera, L., Meijers, E., Sarısoy, H. D., Şanli, N. O., Coşkun, S., Oliemans, W., van Beek, E., Karaaslan, Y. & Jonoski, A. flexitarian diets worldwide: Supplementary information to: Governments should unite to curb meat consumption (2018)Nature, 563, 325-325. Lymbery, P., Goodall, J., Popkin, B., Templer, R., Kemp, M., Phillips, C., Swaminathan, M. S., Patel, R., Bekoff, M., Cliteur, P., Eisler, M., Clough, D., Messer, N., Mepham, B., Knowles, T., Knight, A., Elzanowski, H. A., Hare, B., Goulson, D., … Jackson, T. dynamic agricultural prediction system for large-scale drought assessment on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer (2018)Computers and electronics in agriculture, 154, 400-410. Huang, X., Yu, C., Fang, J., Huang, G., Ni, S., Hall, J., Zorn, C., Huang, X. & Zhang, W. of the GreyWater Footprint Comparing the Indirect Effects of Different Agricultural Practices (2018)Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(11), 3992. Article 3992. Borsato, E., Galindo Egea, A., Tarolli, P., Sartori, L. & Marinello, F. saving and quality improvement by reducing water footprints of crops to benchmarks levels (2018)Advances in water resources, 121, 480-491. Karandish, F., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Hogeboom, R. requirements of urban landscape plants in an arid environment: The example of a botanic garden and a forest park (2018)Ecological engineering, 123, 43-53. Shojaei, P., Gheysari, M., Nouri, H., Myers, B. & Esmaeili, H. water, food, and trade modeling framework: The case of Egypt (2018)Science of the total environment, 639, 485-496. Abdelkader, A., Elshorbagy, A., Tuninetti, M., Laio, F., Ridolfi, L., Fahmy, H. & Hoekstra, A. Y. als water: waterduurzaamheid van Nederlandse investeerders onder de loep (2018)H2O. Hogeboom, H. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. the political implications coproduction in water governance (2018)Water, 10(10). Article 1475. Lepenies, R., Hüesker, F., Beck, S. & Brugnach, M. to green water: a critical blind spot in the discourse on freshwater scarcity (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] International Conference Water Science for Impact 2018. Schyns, J. F., Hoekstra, A. Y., Booij, M. J., Hogeboom, R. & Mekonnen, M. M.The control versus resilience rationale for managing systems under uncertainty (2018)Environmental research letters, 13(10). Article 103002. Hoekstra, A. Y., Bijlsma, R. & Krol, M. S. and collaborative modelling key to sustainable and inclusive development: strengthening stakeholder ownership for informed and participatory water resources management (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Basco-Carrera, L. and forecasting of streamflows using machine learning models coupled with base flow separation (2018)Journal of hydrology, 564, 266-282. Tongal, H. & Booij, M. J. resources conservation and nitrogen pollution reduction under global food trade and agricultural intensification (2018)Science of the total environment, 633, 1591-1601. Liu, W., Yang, H., Liu, Y., Kummu, M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Liu, J. & Schulin, R. Salinity Mapping of Urban Greenery Using Remote Sensing and Proximal Sensing Techniques: The Case of Veale Gardens within the Adelaide Parklands (2018)Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(8). Article 2826. Nouri, H., Borujeni, S. C., Alaghmand, S., Anderson, S. J., Sutton, P. C., Parvazian, S. & Beecham, S. response to future land-use change and climate change in a tropical catchment (2018)Hydrological sciences journal, 63(9), 1368-1385. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of water conservation using shade balls in California (2018)Nature Sustainability, 1(7), 358-360. Haghighi, E., Madani, K. & Hoekstra, A. Y. to low-carbon economy: Assessing cumulative impacts of individual behavioral changes (2018)Energy policy, 118, 325–345. Niamir, L., Filatova, T., Voinov, A. A. & Bressers, J. T. A. of differential hillslope-scale water retention characteristics on rainfall-runoff response at the Landscape Evolution Observatory (2018)Hydrological processes, 32(13), 2118-2127. Van Den Heuvel, D. B., Troch, P. A., Booij, M. J., Niu, G.-y., Volkmann, T. H. m. & Pangle, L. A. water footprint reduction in irrigated crop production: Effect of nitrogen application rate, nitrogen form, tillage practice and irrigation strategy (2018)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 22(6), 3245-3259. Chukalla, A. D., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. blue and grey water footprint of construction materials: Steel, cement and glass (2018)Water resources and industry, 19, 1-12. Gerbens-Leenes, P. W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Bosman, R. between blue and grey water footprint of crop production at different nitrogen application rates under various field management practices (2018)Science of the total environment, 626, 962-970. Chukalla, A. D., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water security: A review (2018)Environmental research letters, 13(5). Article 053002. Hoekstra, A. Y., Buurman, J. & van Ginkel, K. C. H. irrigation and emerging fruit crops as a strategy to save water in Mediterranean semiarid agrosystems (2018)Agricultural water management, 202, 311-324. Galindo, A., Collado-González, J., Griñán, I., Corell, M., Centeno, A., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Girón, I. F., Rodríguez, P., Cruz, Z. N., Memmi, H., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A., Hernández, F., Torrecillas, A., Moriana, A. & Pérez-López, D. sensitivity of metal footprint to national GDP in part explained by capital formation (2018)Nature geoscience, 11(4), 269-273. Zheng, X., Wang, R., Wood, R., Wang, C. & Hertwich, E. G. modelling of a tidal delta wetland using an enhanced quasi-2D model (2018)Journal of hydrology, 559, 315-326. Wester, S. J., Grimson, R., Minotti, P. G., Booij, M. J. & Brugnach, M. soil erosion estimation using an artificial neural network (ANN) and field plot data (2018)Catena, 163, 210-218. Gholami, V., Booij, M. J., Nikzad Tehrani, E. & Hadian, M. A. Reservoirs: The Water Footprint Of Hydroelectric Dam Construction (2018)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Science Trends. J. Hogeboom, R. Water Footprints of Production of the United States (2018)Water resources research, 54(3), 2288-2316. Marston, L., Ao, Y., Konar, M., Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. blue water footprint of the world's artificial reservoirs for hydroelectricity, irrigation, residential and industrial water supply, flood protection, fishing and recreation (2018)Advances in water resources, 113, 285-294. Hogeboom, H. J., Knook, L. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of changes in land use and climate on water availability of a tropical catchment (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Ipskamp Printing. Marhaento, H. water scarcity metrics for monitoring progress towards SDG target 6.4: An evaluation of indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress” (2018)Science of the total environment, 613-614, 218-232. Vanham, D., Hoekstra, A. Y., Wada, Y., Bouraoui, F., de Roo, A., Mekonnen, M. M., van de Bund, W. J., Batelaan, O., Pavelic, P., Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., Kummu, M., Rockström, J., Liu, J., Bisselink, B., Ronco, P., Pistocchi, A. & Bidoglio, G. water trade patterns in relation to environmental and socioeconomic factors: A case study for Tunisia (2018)Science of the total environment, 613-614, 287-297. Chouchane, H., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. the energy-water-food nexus for sustainable development (2018)Applied energy, 210, 377-381. Liu, J., Mao, G., Hoekstra, A. Y., wang, H., Wang, J., Zheng, C., van Vliet, M. T. H., Wu, M., Ruddell, B. & Yan, J. more sustainable and efficient definition of Regulated Deficit Irrigation phases in olive (Olea europaea L.). (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2018. González-Mora, S., Pérez-López, D., Rapoport, H. F., Centeno, A., Galindo Egea, A., Corell, M., Girón, L., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Torrecillas, A., Moriana, A. & Moreno, M. M.Developing water footprint caps for the world’s basins to stay within the Planetary Boundary for freshwater use (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] International Conference Water Science for Impact 2018. Hogeboom, H. J., de Bruin, D., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Distinguishing climate and land use change impacts on streamflow for 472 catchments in the United States and Australia (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2018. Schipper, T. C., Booij, M. J. & Marhaento, H.Efecto de las aplicaciones foliares de polímeros de quitosana (QuitoMax®) en la calidad de la granada (Punica granatum L. cv. Mollar de Elche) bajo distintas condiciones de riego (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XXI Congreso Científico Internacional del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA) 2018. Morales, D., Griñán, I., Falcón, A., Galindo Egea, A., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A., Torrecillas, A. & Hernandez, F.Effect of preharvest fruit bagging on fruit quality characteristics and incidence of fruit physiopathies in fully irrigated and water stressed pomegranate trees (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Griñán, I., Morales, D., Galindo, A., Torrecillas, A., Pérez-López, D., Moriana, A., Collado-González, J., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A. & Hernandez, F.Essere carnivori costa (all`ambiente) (2018)Formiche, 142, 80-81. Hoekstra, A. Y.Forests need water and we need forests: the water footprint of wood and derived products (2018)Science Trends. Schyns, J. F. Response to Water-scarcity Scenarios: Water Relations and Biochemical Changes (2018)In Water Scarcity and Sustainable Agriculture in Semiarid Environment: Tools, Strategies, and Challenges for Woody Crops (pp. 349-375). Elsevier. Rodríguez, P., Galindo Egea, A., Collado-González, J., Medina, S., Corell, M., Memmi, H., Girón, I. F., Centeno, A., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Cruz, Z. N., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A., Hernandez, F., Torrecillas, A., Moriana, A. & Pérez-López, D. water relations as a tool to reduce fruit physiopathies incidence and to increase fruit quality (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Galindo Egea, A., Rodríguez, P., Griñán, I., Collado-González, J., Nouri, H., Girón, L., Cruz, Z. N., Corell, M., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Centeno, A., Moriana, A., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A., Hernández, F., Pérez-López, D. & Torrecillas, A.Global Anthropogenic Phosphorus Loads to Freshwater and Associated Grey Water Footprints and Water Pollution Levels: A High-Resolution Global Study (2018)Water resources research, 54(1), 345-358. Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. food and trade dimensions of groundwater governance (2018)In Advances in Groundwater Governance (pp. 353-366). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Hoekstra, A. Y.Grey Water Footprint for human and veterinary pharmaceuticals: case study of the Vecht river catchment (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 2nd Water JPI Conference 2018. Wöhler, L. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Irrigation of pistachios: strategies to confront water scarcity (2018)In Water scarcity and sustainable agriculture in semiarid environment: tools, strategies, and challenges for woody crops (pp. 247-269). Article Chapter 11. Elsevier. Pérez-López, D., Memmi, H., Gijón-López, M. d. C., Moreno, M. M., Couceiro, J. F., Centeno, A., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Corell, M., Noguera-Artiaga, L., Galindo Egea, A., Torrecillas, A. & Moriana, A. water relations in Diospyros kaki under mild water deficit (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Griñán, I., Rodríguez, P., Nouri, H., Borsato, E., Molina, A., Morales, D., Cruz, Z. N., Corell, M., Centeno, A., Moriana, A., Pérez-López, D., Torrecillas, A., Hernández, F. & Galindo Egea, A.Respuesta de la granada al embolsado bajo distintas condiciones de riego (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XXI Congreso Científico Internacional del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA) 2018. Griñán, I., Morales, D., Galindo Egea, A., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Tumiri, R., Corell, M., Moriana, A., Collado-González, J., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A., Torrecillas, A. & Hernández, F.Riego Deficitario Controlado en olivo; redefinición de las fases de crecimiento de la aceituna (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Pérez-López, D., Centeno, A., Torrecillas, A., Galindo Egea, A., Corell, M., Martin-Palomo, M. J., Girón, I. F. & Moriana, A.Riego Defictario Controlado en olivo: redefinición de las fases de crecimiento de la aaceituna (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Pérez-López, D., Centeno, A., Torrecillas, A., Galindo Egea, A., Corell, M., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Girón, L. & Moriana, A.Simulation of land use configuration impacts on stream flow characteristics of a tropical catchment (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2018. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Sustainable and efficient allocation of limited blue and green water resources (2018)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Schyns, J. F. global dimension of water governance:: Why the river basin approach is no longer sufficient and why cooperative action at global level is needed (2018)In Global resource governance: Objects, themes and actions (pp. 3). Central Compilation & Translation Press. Hoekstra, A. Y.The Water Footprint Concept: State of the art, ongoing research and educational opportunities (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 4th International conference of the Water Agency Association 2018. Wöhler, L.Transpiration response to evaporative demand, soil water deficit and branch pruning of a wild cherry tree plantation growing under Mediterranean conditions (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Molina, A., Aranda, X., Llorens, P., Galindo Egea, A. & BielUsefulness of storylines to increase the accessibility and transparency of RiverCare knowledge (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCR Days 2018. Cortes Arevalo, J., Sools, A., Verbrugge, L. N. H., Brugnach, M., van Denderen, R. P., Candel, J. H. J., van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Water Footprint Network: Using the Water Footprint Concept to Promote Sustainable, Fair, and Efficient Fresh Water Use (2018)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. EuropeNow. Schyns, J. F. & Hogeboom, R. scarcity alleviation through water footprint reduction in agriculture: The effect of mulching and drip irrigation (2018)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en Las Plantas 2018. Nouri, H., Stokvis, B., Galindo Egea, A. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Water, energy, and carbon footprints of bio-ethanol from the U.S. and Brazil (2018)Environmental science & technology, 52(24), 14508-14518. Mekonnen, M. M., Romanelli, T. L., Ray, C., Hoekstra, A. Y., Liska, A. J. & Neale, C. M. U.


Water stress at the end of the pomegranate fruit ripening permits earlier harvesting and improve fruit quality (2017)Scientia Horticulturae, 226, 68-74. Galindo Egea, A., Calín-Sánchez, Griñán, I., Rodríguez, P., Cruz, Z. N., Girón, I. F., Corell, M., Martínez-Font, R., Moriana, A., Carbonell-Barrachina, A. A., Torrecillas, A. & Hernández, F. of deficit irrigation and crop load on the yield and fruit quality in Wonderful and Mollar de Elche pomegranates (2017)Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(8), 3098-3108. Cano-Lamadrid, M., Galindo Egea, A., Collado-González, J., Rodríguez, P., Cruz, Z. N., Legua, P., Burló, F., Morales, D., Carbonell-barrachina, Á. A. & Hernández, F. of water footprint and economic water productivities of dairy products of South Africa (2017)Ecological indicators, 83, 32-40. Owusu-Sekyere, E., Jordaan, H. & Chouchane, H. with Uncertainty in River Management: Challenges and Ways Forward (2017)Water resources management, 31(14), 4587-4600. Warmink, J. J., Brugnach, M., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Schielen, R. M. J. & Augustijn, D. C. M. national food and water security policy through water footprint assessment: The Case of Iran (2017)Water, 9(11). Article 831. Karandish, F. & Hoekstra, A. Y. and Land Footprints and Economic Productivity as Factors in Local Crop Choice: The Case of Silk in Malawi (2017)Water, 9(10). Article 802. Hogeboom, R. & Hoekstra, A. Y., blue and grey water footprint reduction in irrigated crop production (2017)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Chukalla, A. D. global framework for future costs and benefits of river-flood protection in urban areas (2017)Nature climate change, 7(9), 642-646. Ward, P. J., Jongman, B., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Bates, P. D., Botzen, W. J. W., DIaz Loaiza, A., Hallegatte, S., Kind, J. M., Kwadijk, J., Scussolini, P. & Winsemius, H. C. in Problem Framing as a Barrier to Collective Actions: Some Hints from Groundwater Protection Policy in the Apulia Region (2017)Group Decision and Negotiation, 26(5), 911-932. Giordano, R., Brugnach, M. & Pluchinotta, I. and recalibration of soil water retention pedotransfer functions in a tropical upstream catchment: Case study in Bengawan Solo, Indonesia (2017)Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 65(3), 307-320. Rustanto, A., Booij, M. J., Wösten, H. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of wood for lumber, pulp, paper, fuel and firewood (2017)Advances in water resources, 107, 490-501. Schyns, J. F., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of changes in stream flow to land use change and climate change in a mesoscale tropical catchment in Java, Indonesia (2017)Hydrology research, 48(4), 1143-1155. Article 4. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Footprint Assessment: Evolvement of a New Research Field (2017)Water resources management, 31(10), 3061-3081. Hoekstra, A. Y. security (2017)In The Zambezi River Basin: Water and sustainable development (pp. 215-233). Routledge. Saruchera, D., Lautze, J., Nhamo, L. & Holmatov, B. of different multi-model ensemble combinations for flood forecasting (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly. Booij, M. J., Zomerdijk, L., Xu, Y.-P. & Krol, M. S.Marginal cost curves for water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture: Guiding a cost-effective reduction of crop water consumption to a permit or benchmark level (2017)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 21(7), 3507-3524. Chukalla, A. D., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Modelling for Informed Decision Making and Inclusive Water Development (2017)Water resources management, 31(9), 2611-2625. Basco-Carrera, L., van Beek, E., Jonoski, A., Benitez Avila, C. A. & Guntoro, F. P. of changes in the water balance of a tropical catchment to land use change using the SWAT model (2017)Hydrological processes, 31(11), 2029-2040. Article 11. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. flood extent estimates from social media flood observations (2017)Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 17(5), 735-747. Brouwer, T., Eilander, D., Van Loenen, A., Booij, M. J., Wijnberg, K. M., Verkade, J. S. & Wagemaker, J. review: Quantifying water use in ruminant production (2017)Journal of Animal Science, 95(5), 2001-2018. Legesse, G., Ominski, K. H., Beauchemin, K. A., Pfister, S., Martel, M., McGeough, E. J., Hoekstra, A. Y., Kroebel, R., Cordeiro, M. R. C. & McAllister, T. A. modelling or participatory modelling? A framework for water resources management (2017)Environmental modelling & software, 91, 95-110. Basco-Carrera, L., Warren, A., van Beek, E., Jonoski, A. & Giardino, A. of parametric uncertainty of ANN models with GLUE method for different streamflow dynamics (2017)Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 31(4), 993-1010. Tongal, H. & Booij, M. J. for wood products versus nature, food or feed (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2017. Schyns, J., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A.NDVI, scale invariance and the modifiable areal unit problem: An assessment of vegetation in the Adelaide Parklands (2017)Science of the total environment, 584-585, 11-18. Nouri, H., Anderson, S., Sutton, P., Beecham, S., Nagler, P., Jarchow, C. J. & Roberts, D. A. green space in Adelaide city: enlightenment from green space system planning of Fuzhou city (2015–2020) (2017)Australian Planner, 54(2), 126-133. Li, D.-F., Sutton, P. C., Anderson, S. J. & Nouri, H. of green remediation on soil salinity treatment: A review on halophytoremediation (2017)Process safety and environmental protection, 107, 94-107. Nouri, H., Chavoshi Borujeni, S., Nirola, R., Hassanli, A., Beecham, S., Alaghmand, S., Saint, C. & Mulcahy, D. increase in staple crop imports in water-scarce countries in 2050 (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2017. Chouchane, H., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Is there enough land and water to harness renewable energy? (2017)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. China Dialoque. Hoekstra, A. Y.虽然属于可再生能源的范畴,但水电和生物质燃料生产所需要的水是化石燃料的成百上千倍 (2017)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. China Dialoque. Hoekstra, A. Y. and Technology Networks: A Helping Hand to Boost Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030? (2017)International journal of disaster risk science (IJDRS), 8(1), 100-105. Trogrlić, R., Cumiskey, L., Triyanti, A., Duncan, M. J., Eltinay, N., Hogeboom, R. J., Jasuja, M., Meechaiya, C., Pickering, C. J. & Murray, V. effect of different agricultural management practices on irrigation efficiency, water use efficiency and green and blue water footprint (2017)Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 4(2), 185. Zhuo, L. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint assessment research: Challenges in monitoring progress towards sustainable development goal 6 (2017)Water, 9(6). Article 438. Hoekstra, A. Y., Chapagain, A. K. & van Oel, P. R. effects of deficit irrigation in apricot, peach and plum trees (2017)In Water scarcity and sustainable agriculture in semiarid environment: tools, strategies, and challenges for woody crops (pp. 87-109). Elsevier. Torrecillas, A., Corell, M., Galindo Egea, A., Pérez-López, D., Memmi, H., Rodriguez, P., Cruz, Z. N., Centeno, A., Intrigliolo, D. S. & Moriana, A. proof fresh water supply in coastal areas and deltas in Europe (2017)Water resources management, 31, 583-586. Jeuken, A., Termansen, M., Antonellini, M., Olsthoorn, T. & van Beek, E. with uncertainties in fresh water supply: experiences n the Netherlands (2017)Water resources management, 31, 703-725. Thissen, W., Kwakkel, J., Mens, M., van der Sluijs, J., Stemberger, S., Wardekker, A. & Wildschut, D. of socio-economic factors that determine adoption of climate compatible freshwater supply measures at farm level: a case study in the southwest Netherlands (2017)Water resources management, 31(2), 587-608. Veraart, J. A., van Duinen, R. & Vreke, J. to cope with uncertainty in river management ? (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 7th International Conference on Flood Management 2017. Warmink, J. J., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Brugnach, M. F., Schielen, R. M. J. & Augustijn, D. C. M.Including indigenous peoples in climate change mitigation: addressing issues of scale, knowledge and power (2017)Climatic change, 140(1), 19-32. Brugnach, M., Craps, M. & Dewulf, A. of internal variability on population exposure to hydroclimatic changes (2017)Environmental research letters, 12(4), -. Article 044007. Mankin, J. S., Viviroli, D., Mekonnen, M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Horton, R. M., Smerdon, J. E. & Diggenbaugh, N. S. a colaborar: el caso de la reserva de la biosfera del macizo del Cajas (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] ARNA 2017 Conference. Craps, M. & Brugnach, M. F.La huella hídrica de la energía: resumiendo 10 años de investigación (2017)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Hoekstra, A. Y. definition of Regulated Deficit Irrigation phases in pistachio: More sustainable, more efficient (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2017. Pérez-López, D., Memmi, H., Galindo Egea, A., Centeno, A., Corell, M., Girón, I. F., Martín-Palomo, M. J., Gijón-López, M. C., Moreno, M. M., Torrecillas, A. & Moriana, A.Performance of ensemble streamflow forecasts under varied hydrometeorological conditions (2017)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 21(10), 5273-5291. Benninga, H. F., Booij, M. J., Romanowicz, R. J. & Rientjes, T. H. M. (2017)In Huella Hídrica en México: análisis y perspectivas (pp. 9-11). Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (IMTA). Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chapagain, A. Play on Globalization of Water Mangement (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 1st Virtual Water International Conference, VWIC 2017. Nouri, H., Hogeboom, R. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Simulation of future land use change and climate change impacts on hydrological processes in a tropical catchment (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] AGU Fall Meeting 2017. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Simulation of land use change impacts on hydrological processes in a tropical catchment : abstract + powerpoint (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2017. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Space in Between: Where Multiple Ways of Knowing in Water Management Meet (2017)Journal of the Southwest, 59(1-2), 34-59. Article 664798. Brugnach, M. water footprint of animal products: The meat crisis: Developing more sustainable and ethical production and consumption (2017)In The Meat Crisis: Developing more Sustainable and Ethical Production and Consumption (pp. 21-30) (Earthscan Food and Agriculture). Routledge. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of second-generation bioenergy: a comparison of biomass feedstocks and conversion techniques (2017)Journal of cleaner production, 148, 571-582. Mathioudakis, V., Gerbens-Leenes, W., van der Meer, T. H. & Hoekstra, A. Y. “Mining in the Biosphere” simulation as a learning tool to deal with power in multi-actor collaboration (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] International Association for Conflict Management 30th Annual Conference 2017. Craps, M. & Brugnach, M. F.Urban consumption of meat and milk and its green and blue water footprints: Patterns in the 1980s and 2000s for Nairobi, Kenya (2017)Science of the total environment, 579, 786-796. Bosire, C. K., Lannerstad, M., de Leeuw, J., Krol, M. S., Ogutu, J. O., Ochungo, P. A. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Scarcity and Feasibility to Expand Irrigation (2017)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] FAPESP-NWO Biobased Economy Workshop 2017. Nouri, H., Krol, M. S., Pahlow, M. & de Jong van Lier, Q.Water, land and carbon footprints of sheep and chicken meat produced in Tunisia under different farming systems (2017)Ecological indicators, 77, 304-313. Ibidhi, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Chouchane, H.


The water and land footprints of meat and milk production and consumption in Kenya: implications for sustainability and food security (2016)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Bosire, C. hotspot analysis of water footprints and groundwater decline in the High Plains aquifer region, USA (2016)Regional environmental change, 16(8), 2419-2428. Multsch, S., Pahlow, M., Ellensohn, J., Michalik, T., Frede, H.-g. & Breuer, L. besparen? Korter douchen helpt niet (2016)NRC-Handelsblad. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Prast, H.Hydrological Assessment of the 1973 Treaty on the Transboundary Helmand River, Using the SWAT Model and a Global Climate Database (2016)Water resources management, 30(13), 4681-4694. Hajihosseini, H., Hajihosseini, M., Morid, S., Delavar, M. & Booij, M. J. and validation of Leaf Area Index estimation for a tropical catchment using image segmentation and vegetation indices (2016)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 6th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, GEOBIA 2016. Rustanto, A. & Booij, M. J.Earth's surface water change over the past 30 years (2016)Nature climate change, 6(9), 810-813. Donchyts, G., Baart, F., Winsemius, H. C., Gorelick, N., Kwadijk, J. & van de Giesen, N. simulation of peak flows under climate change in Lanjiang catchment, East China (2016)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 13th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2016. Xu, Y., Zhang, X. & Booij, M. J.Water footprint and virtual water trade of China: Past and future (2016)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Estimating thawing depths and mean annual ground temperatures in the Khuvsgul region of Mongolia (2016)Environmental earth sciences, 75(10). Article 897. Zorigt, M., Kwadijk, J. C. J., van Beek, E. & Kenner, S., current and future water footprints, water scarcity and virtual water flows in China (2016)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Zhuo, L. modelling improvements required in basins in the Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalayas region (2016)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2016. Khan, A., Richards, K. S., McRobie, A. & Booij, M. J.Validation of soil hydraulic pedotransfer functions at the local and catchment scale for an Indonesian basin (2016)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2016. Booij, M. J., Oldhoff, R. J. J. & Rustanto, A.Virtual water trade patterns in relation to environmental and socioeconomic factors: a case study for Tunisia (2016)[Contribution to conference › Poster] EGU General Assembly 2016. Chouchane, H., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Global drivers of future river flood risk (2016)Nature climate change, 6(4), 381-385. Winsemius, H. C., Aerts, J. C. J. H., van Beek, L. P. H., Bierkens, M. F. P., Bouwman, A., Jongman, B., Kwadijk, J. C. J., Ligtvoet, W., Lucas, P. L., van Vuuren, D. P. & Ward, P. J. of climate variability and human activity on terrestrial water storage changes at basin scale: a case study of the Yangtze river basin (2016)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Huang, Y. comparison of nonlinear stochastic self-exciting threshold autoregressive and chaotic k-nearest neighbour models in daily streamflow forecasting (2016)Water resources management, 30, 1515-1531. Tongal, H. & Booij, M. J. critique on the water-scarcity weighted water footprint in LCA (2016)Ecological indicators, 66, 564-573. Hoekstra, A. Y. nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and related grey water footprints caused by EU-27's crop production and consumption (2016)Water, 8(1). Article 30. Mekonnen, M., Lutter, S. & Martinez, A. levels for the consumptive water footprint of crop production for different environmental conditions: a case study for winter wheat in China (2016)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 20(11), 4547-4559. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint and virtual water trade scenarios for China - with a focus on crop production, consumption and trade (2016)Environment international, 94, 211-223. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of Roughness Length Parameterizations on Regional-Scale Land Surface Modeling of Alpine Grasslands in the Yangtze River Basin (2016)Journal of hydrometeorology, 17(4), 1069-1085. Huang, Y., Salama, S., Su, Z., Zheng, D., Krol, M. S., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Zhou, Y. Water Footprint Scenarios for 2050 (2016)Water, 8(6). Article 226. Ercin, A. E. & Hoekstra, A. Y. billion people facing severe water scarcity (2016)Science advances, 2(2), -. Article e1500323. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. electricity: the challenge of reducing both carbon and water footprint (2016)Science of the total environment, 569-570, 1282-1288. Mekonnen, M., Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y. beyond perfect rationality: drought risk, economic choices and the influence of social networks (2016)Annals of regional science, 57(2-3), 335-369. van Duinen, R., Filatova, T., Jager, W. & van der Veen, A. assessment of multiple uncertainty sources on high flows under climate change (2016)Hydrology research, 47(1), 61-74. Tian, Y., Xu, Y.-P., Booij, M. J. & Cao, L. of Noah model physics on catchment-scale runoff simulations (2016)Journal of geophysical research: Atmospheres, 121(2), 807-832. Zheng, D., van der Velde, R., Su, Z., Wen, J., Wang, X., Booij, M. J., Hoekstra, A. Y., Lv, S. & Ek, M. B. water risk: the case of the UK (2016)Environmental research letters, 11(5), 1-9. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Mekonnen, M. expert opinion with modelling for quantitative multi-hazard risk assessment in the Eastern Italian Alps (2016)Geomorphology, 273, 150-167. Chen, L., van Westen, C. J., Hussin, H. Y., Ciurean, R. L., Turkington, T., Chavarro-Rincon, D. C. & Shrestha, D. P. and intra-annual variation of water footprint of crops and blue water scarcity in the Yellow River basin (1961-2009) (2016)Advances in water resources, 87, 29-41. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Wada, Y. frame diversity in environmental participatory processes: Example from the Fogera woreda in Ethiopia (2016)Journal of environmental management, 177, 288-297. Hassenforder, E., Brugnach, M., Cullen, B., Ferrand, N., Barreteau, O., Daniell, K. A. & Pittock, J. and milk production scenarios and the associated land footprint in Kenya (2016)Agricultural systems, 145, 64-75. Bosire, C. K., Krol, M. S., Mekonnen, M. M., Ogutu, J. O., de Leeuw, J., Lannerstad, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y., scale invariance and the modifiable areal unit problem (2016)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 5th International EcoSummit 2016. Nouri, H., Anderson, S., Sutton, P., Nagler, P., Jarchow, C. J., Beecham, S. & Roberts, D. A.Panta Rhei 2013–2015: global perspectives on hydrology, society and change (2016)Hydrological sciences journal, 61(7), 1174-1191. McMillan, H., Montanari, A., Cudennec, C., Savenije, H., Kreibich, H., Krueger, T., Liu, J., Mejia, A., van Loon, A., Aksoy, H., Di Baldassarre, G., Huang, Y., Mazvimavi, D., Rogger, M., Sivakumar, B., Bibikova, T., Castellarin, A., Chen, Y., Finger, D., … Xia, J. the robustness of optimal reservoir operation for the Xinanjiang-Fuchunjiang Reservoir Cascade (2016)Water Science and Technology : Water Supply, 16(1), 79-86. Vonk, E., Xu, Y. P., Booij, M. J. & Augustijn, D. C. M. Change-River Flow (2016)In North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (pp. 137-146) (Regional Climate Studies (REGCLIMATE)). Springer. Kwadijk, J., Arnell, N. W., Mudersbach, C., de Weerd, M., Kroon, A. & Quante, M. and integrative research approaches to complex water security policy challenges (2016)Global environmental change, 39, 143-154. Zeitoun, M., Lankford, B., Krueger, T., Forsyth, T., Carter, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Taylor, R., Varis, O., Cleaver, F., Boelens, R., Swatuk, L., Tickner, D., Scott, C. A., Mirumachi, N. & Matthews, N. of water (2016)In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of sociology, 2nd edition (pp. -). Hoekstra, A. Y. effect of inter-annual variability of consumption, production, trade and climate on crop-related green and blue water footprints and inter-regional virtual water trade: A study for China (1978e2008) (2016)Water research, 94, 73-85. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Footprint and Virtual Water Trade of Brazil (2016)Water, 8(11). Article 517. da Silva, V. d. P. R., de Oliveira, S. D., Hoekstra, A. Y., Neto, J. D., Campos, J. H. B. C., Braga, C. C., Araújo, L. E., Oliveira Aleixo, D., de Brito, J. I. B., de Souza, M. D. & de Holanda, R. M. footprints and sustainable water allocation (2016)Sustainability (Switzerland), 8(20). Article 20. Hoekstra, A. Y., Chapagain, A. & Zhang, G. 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Interactive use of simulation models for collaborative knowledge construction: the case of flood policy decision-making (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Leskens, A. to the Noah model physics for application to the Yellow River source area.: Part I: Soil water flow (2015)Journal of hydrometeorology, 16(6), 2659-2676. Zheng, D., van der Velde, R., Su, Z., Wang, X., Wen, J., Booij, M. J., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chen, Y. pressure on freshwater resources due to terrestrial feed ingredients for aquaculture production (2015)Science of the total environment, 536, 847-857. Pahlow, M., van Oel, P. R., Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of aquafeed production (2015)All about feed, 2015, 686-686. Pahlow, M. and heat exchanges on the Tibetan Plateau: observation and modeling of the yellow river source region (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Zheng, D. and classification of indicators of green water availability and scarcity (2015)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 19, 4581-4608. Schyns, J. F., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Booij, M. J. potential for snow to supply human water demand in the present and future (2015)Environmental research letters, 10(11). Article 114016. Mankin, J. S., Viviroli, D., Singh, D., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Diffenbaugh, N. S. Gray Water Footprint and Water Pollution Levels Related to Anthropogenic Nitrogen Loads to Fresh Water (2015)Environmental science & technology, 49(21), 12860-12868. Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. the Risk of Extreme Water Scarcity and Dependency: The Case of Jordan (2015)Water, 7(10), 5705-5730. Schyns, J. F., Hamaideh, A., Hoekstra, A. Y., Mekonnen, M. M., Schyns, M. & Abbott, M. B. scenarios for robust climate change adaptation illustrated for water manegement in the Netherlands (2015)Environmental research letters, 10(10). Article 105008. Haasnoot, M., Schellekens, J., Beersma, J. J., Middelkoop, H. & Kwadijk, J. C. J. farmers' drought adaptation behaviour: the role of risk perceptions, coping factors and social interactions (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Duinen, R. Simulation of Peak Flows under Climate Change: Postprocessing or Composite Objective Calibration? (2015)Journal of hydrometeorology, 16(5), 2187-2208. Zhang, X., Booij, M. J. & Xu, Y.-P. of the water footprint of the Spanish pork industry (2015)Ecological indicators, 57, 465-474. de Miguel, Á., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Garcia-Calvo, E. sustainability of a single activity, production process or product (2015)Ecological indicators, 57, 82-84. Hoekstra, A. Y. the Influence of Groundwater Abstractions on the Water Level of Lake Naivasha, Kenya Under Data-Scarce Conditions (2015)Water resources management, 29(12), 4447-4463. Hogeboom, R. H. J., van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S. & Booij, M. J. with drought risk: empirical analysis of farmers' drought adaption in the south-west Netherlands (2015)Regional environmental change, 15(6), 1081-1093. van Duinen, R., Filatova, T., Geurts, P. & van der Veen, A. water goes global (2015)Science, 349(6247), 478-479. Vörösmarty, C. J., Hoekstra, A. Y., Bunn, S. E., Conway, D. & Gupta, J. and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture: effect of irrigation techniques, irrigation strategies and mulching (2015)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 12(7), 6945-6979. Chukalla, A. D., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. assessment via remote sensing evapotranspiration and land surface model data (2015)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EUMETSAT Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility Users' Workshop . Romaguera Albentosa, M. R., Su, Z., Salama, M. S., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Krol, M. S.A relational approach to deal with ambiguity in multi-actor governance for sustainability (2015)In Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards IV (pp. 233-243). Witpress. Craps, M. & Brugnach, M. F. and spatial variation in water and land footprints of meat and milk production systems in Kenya (2015)Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 205, 36-47. Bosire, C. K., Ogutu, J. O., Said, M. Y., Krol, M. S., de Leeuw, J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Delta Management: Roots and Branches (2015)In IAHR 2015: 36th IAHR World Congress: Deltas of the Future (and what happens upstream) (pp. 1-4). IAHR. Timmermans, J., Haasnoot, M., Hermans, L., Kwakkel, J. H., Rutten, M. & Thissen, W. A. H.Micro and Macro Spatial Networks in Two Contexts: Collaboration and Interpersonal Risk Communication (2015)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), June 23-28, 2018, Brighton, UK. Lee, J.-S., van Duinen, R. & Filatova, T.Climate change impacts on the seasonality of low flows for multiple catchments with different discharge regimes (2015)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 26th IUGG General Assembly. Demirel, M. C. & Booij, M. J.Siertegels wringen de tuin uit (2015)Twentsche Courant Tubantia. Krol, M. & Brok, H.Biobrandstoffen gebruiken veel te veel land en water (2015)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Hoekstra, A. Y. and classification of indicators of green water availability and scarcity (2015)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 12(6), 5519-5564. Schyns, J. F., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Booij, M. J. to biofuels could place unsustainable demands on water use (2015)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Guardian Media Group. Hoekstra, A. Y. consumptive water footprint of electricity and heat: a global assessment (2015)Environmental science: water research & technology, 1(3), 285-297. Mekonnen, M. M., Gerbens-Leenes, P. W. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of Tunisia from an economic perspective (2015)Ecological indicators, 52, 311-319. Chouchane, H., Hoekstra, A. Y., Krol, M. S. & Mekonnen, M. M. footprint assessment to inform water management and policy making in South Africa (2015)Water SA = Water South Africa, 41(3), 300-313. Pahlow, M., Snowball, J. & Fraser, G. MIRACLE project: a community library to archive and document analysis methods for output from agent-based models (2015)[Contribution to conference › Paper] The Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2015. Parker, D. C., Barton, M., Dawson, T., Filatova, T., Jin, X., Lee, J. S., Polhill, J. G., Robinson, K. & Voinov, A. A.L'impronta idrica di quello che mangiamo (2015)Terra e vita, 14, 56-58. Bacenetti, J., Lovarelli, D., Fiala, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Uncertainty in Future High Flows in Qiantang River Basin, China (2015)Journal of hydrometeorology, 16(1), 363-380. Tian, Y., Xu, Y.-P., Booij, M. J. & Wang, G. robustness analysis in support of flood and drought risk management (2015)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mens, M. J. P. skill of seasonal ensemble low-flow forecasts in the Moselle River for three different hydrological models (2015)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 19(1), 275-291. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. to the Noah model physics for application to the Yellow River source area. Part II: Turbulent heat fluxes and soil heat transport (2015)Journal of hydrometeorology, 16(6), 2677-2694. Zheng, D., van der Velde, R., Su, Z., Wang, X., Wen, J., Booij, M. J., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chen, Y. of hydroclimatological trends and variability in the Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya (2015)Hydrological processes, 29(15), 3276-3293. Odongo, V. O., van der Tol, C., van Oel, P. R., Meins, F. M., Becht, R., Onyando, J. O. & Su, Z. spatial and temporal patterns of intermittent rivers (2015)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2015. de Vries, S. B., Hoeve, J., Sauquet, E., Leigh, C., Bonada, N., Fike, K., Dahm, C., Booij, M. J. & Datry, T.'s rising hydropower demand challenges water sector (2015)Scientific reports, 5. Article 11446. Liu, J., Zhao, D., Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Guan, D., methodologies and data to assess water use (2015)In Sustainability: Key issues. Routledge. Pahlow, M. en Productieve Landbouw voor Voedsel en Grondstoffen (2015)In Agenda voor Nederland (pp. 57-61). van Ittersum, M. K., Osseweijer, P., Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Slingerland, M. A.Estimation of human-induced changes in terrestrial water storage through integration of GRACE satellite detection and hydrological modeling: A case study of the Yangtze River basin (2015)Water resources research, 51(10), 8494-8516. Huang, Y., Salama, M. S., Krol, M. S., Su, Z., Hoekstra, A. Y., Zeng, Y., Zhou, Y. & Zhou, Y. and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture: effect of irrigation techniques, irrigation strategies and mulching (2015)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 19(12), 4877-4891. Chukalla, A. D., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of warming climate on the monsoon and water resources of a western Himalayan watershed in the Upper Indus Basin (2015)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2015. Khan, A., Richards, K. S., Parker, G. T., McRobie, A. & Booij, M. J.Influence of Land-Use and Water Management Practices on Water Levels in the Middle River Vistula (2015)In Stochastic Flood Forecasting System (pp. -). Springer. Karamuz, E., Romanowicz, R. J. & Booij, M. J. the contribution of land use and climate change to stream flow alteration in tropical catchments (2015)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2015. Marhaento, H., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Ranking water transparency of Dutch stock-listed companies (2015)Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(4), 4341-4359. Linneman, M. H., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Berkhout, W. and altitudinal variation of precipitation and the correction of gridded precipitation datasets for the Upper Indus Basin and the Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya (2015)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2015. Khan, A., Richards, K. S., Parker, G. T., McRobie, A., Booij, M. J., Duan, Z., Naz, B. S., Lee, J. H. & Khan, M.Sustainability, efficiency and equitability of water consumption and pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean (2015)Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(2), 2086-2112. Mekonnen, M. M., Pahlow, M., Aldaya, M. M., Zárate, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y. influence of parametric uncertainty on the relationships between HBV model parameters and climatic characteristics (2015)Hydrological sciences journal, 60(7-8), 1299-1316. Osuch, M., Romanowicz, R. J. & Booij, M. J. meat eater, a big water user (2015)In Meat the future: How cutting meat consumption can feed billions more (pp. 87-99). Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of food aid (2015)Sustainability (Switzerland), 7, 6435-6546. Jackson, N., Konar, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of industry (2015)In Assessing and measuring environmental impact and sustainability (pp. 221-254). Butterworth-Heinemann. Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint: The relation between human consumption and water use (2015)In The water we eat: Combining virtual water and water footprints (pp. 35-48). Springer. Hoekstra, A. Y. analysis in river modelling (2015)In Rivers - Physical, fluvial and environmental processes (pp. 255-277). Springer. Warmink, J. J. & Booij, M. J. turbulence and root water uptake of a Tibetan meadow ecosystem modeled by Noah-MP (2015)Water resources research, 51(7), 5735-5755. Zheng, D., van der Velde, R., Su, Z., Wen, J., Booij, M. J., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Wang, X.


Empirical Analysis of Farmers' Drought Risk Perception: Objective Factors, Personal Circumstances and Social Influence (2014)Risk analysis, 35(4), 741-755. van Duinen, R., Filatova, T., Geurts, P. A. T. M. & van der Veen, A. indexes and high runoff relations in Lanjiang River Basin, China (2014)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] AGU Fall Meeting 2014. Xu, Y., Krewinkel, B. C. & Booij, M. J.Impacts of climate change on drought at different temporal scales (2014)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] AGU Fall Meeting 2014. Booij, M. J., Houtenbos, H. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Improved simulation of peak flows under climate change: post-processing or multi-objective calibration? (2014)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] AGU Fall Meeting 2014. Zhang, X., Booij, M. J. & Xu, Y.Why are decisions in flood disaster management so poorly supported by information from flood models? (2014)Environmental modelling & software, 53, 53-61. Leskens, A., Brugnach, M. F., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Schuurmans, W. the cascades of uncertainty in flood defence projects: How "not knowing enough" is related to "knowing differently" (2014)Global environmental change, 24, 373-388. van den Hoek, R. E., Brugnach, M., Mulder, J. P. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. to "Coupling socio-economic factors and eco-hydrological processes using a cascade-modeling approach" [J. Hydrol. 518 (Part A) (2014) 49-59] (2014)Journal of hydrology, 519(PD), 3690. Odongo, V. O., Mulatu, D. W., Muthoni, F. K., van Oel, P. R., Meins, F. M., van der Tol, C., Skidmore, A. K., Groen, T. A., Becht, R., Onyando, J. O. & van der Veen, A. assessment via remote sensing and land surface model data (2014)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Romaguera Albentosa, M. R. footprint assessment for Latin America and the Caribbean: An analysis of the sustainability, efficiency and equitability of water consumption and pollution (2014)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. M., Pahlow, M., Aldaya, M. M., Zárate, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Thresholds, tipping and turning points for sustainability under climate change (2014)Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 5(3-4), 334-340. Werners, S., Pfenninger, S., van Slobbe, E., Haasnoot, M., Kwakkel, J. & Swart, R. J. save water, change your diet (2014)New York Times, -. Hoekstra, A. Y.Defining prior probabilities for hydrologic model structures in UK catchments (2014)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2014. Clements, M., Pianosi, F., Wagener, T., Coxon, G., Freer, J. & Booij, M. J.Evaluation of influence of historical changes in land use along the middle Vistula river reach on flood risk (2014)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2014. Karamuz, E., Romanowicz, R. & Booij, M.Building on uncertainty : how to cope with incomplete knowledge, unpredictability and ambiguity in ecological engineering projects (2014)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van den Hoek, R. socio - economic factors and eco - hydrological processes using a cascade - modeling approach : abstract + powerpoint (2014)[Contribution to conference › Abstract]. Mosandl, R., Odongo, V. O., Knoke, T., Mulatu, D. W., Muthoni, K., van Oel, P. R., Meins, F. M. & van der Tol, C. flows: mechanisms, forecasts and climate change impacts (2014)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Demirel, M. C. water services in Dar es Salaam: are we counting what counts? (2014)Habitat International, 44, 358-366. Nganyanyuka, K. O., Martinez Martin, J., Wesselink, A., Lungo, J. H. & Georgiadou, P. Y. multireservoir operation to shifting patterns of water supply and demand (2014)Water resources management, 28(3), 625-643. Vonk, E., Xu, Y. P., Booij, M. J., Zhang, X. & Augustijn, D. C. M. of a remote sensing method for estimating monthly blue water evapotranspiration in irrigated agriculture (2014)Remote sensing, 6(10), 10033-10050. Romaguera Albentosa, M. R., Krol, M. S., Salama, M. S., Su, Z. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of an Interactive Water Simulation Model in urban water management: a case study in Amsterdam (2014)Water science and technology, 70(11), 1729-1739. Leskens, A., Brugnach, M. F. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of measures to reduce the water footprint of cotton farming in India (2014)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Pahlow, M., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Assessment of roughness length schemes implemented within the Noah land surface model for high-altitude regions (2014)Journal of hydrometeorology, 15(3), 921-937. Zheng, D., van der Velde, R., Su, Z., Booij, M. J., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Wen, J. challenges and opportunities (2014)In Water and Energy (pp. 44-46). UNESCO France. Connor, R., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Koncagül, E.Dynamics of climate-energy-economy systems: development of a methodological framework for an integrated system of models (2014)[Book/Report › Report]. EU FP7 COMPLEX. Filatova, T., Mohammadian Moghayer, S., Arto, I., Belete, G. F., Dhavala, K., Hasselmann, K., Ivanova, O., Kovalevsky, D. V., Niamir, L., Voinov, A. & Voinov, A. A.Enhancing flood risk system robustness in practice: insights from two river valleys (2014)International journal of river basin management, 2014, 1-8. Mens, M. J. P., Klijn, F. & Schielen, R. M. J. water science in the Anthropocene (2014)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 18(1), 319-332. Savenije, H. H. G., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Zaag, P. for purpose? Building and evaluating a fast, integrated model for exploring water policy pathways (2014)Environmental modelling & software, 60, 99-120. Haasnoot, M., van Deursen, W. P. A., Guillaume, J. H. A., Kwakkel, J. H., van Beek, E. & Middelkoop, H.'s unsustainable environmental footprint (2014)Science, 344(6188), 1114-1117. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Wiedmann, T. O. modeling of water scarcity under global change: an application to the Gállego river basin (Spain) (2014)Regional environmental change, 14(1), 119-132. Graveline, N., Majone, B., van Duinen, R. & Ansink, E. water your business: Company perspectives from the Baltic Sea Region (2014)In Sealander 2014 (pp. -). Baltic Development Forum. Hoekstra, A. Y.Quantifying the robustness of optimal reservoir operation for the Xinanjiang-Fuchunjiang Reservoir Cascade (2014)In Proc. IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, 22-26 September 2014, Lisbon Portugal (pp. 1-8). IWA Publishing. Vonk, E., Xu, Y., Booij, M. J. & Augustijn, D. C. M.Robustness analysis for flood risk management planning: on risk-based decision making beyond simple economic reasoning, exemplified for the Meuse River (Netherlands). (2014)In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on flood management (ICFM6) (pp. -). Klijn, F., Mens, M. J. P. & Asselman, N. E. M.Sensitivity and uncertainty in crop water footprint accounting: a case study for the Yellow River Basin (2014)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 18(6), 2219-2234. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. and uncertainty in crop water footprint accounting: a case study for the Yellow River Basin (2014)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 11, 135-167. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y., efficient, and equitable water use: the three pillars under wise freshwater allocation (2014)Wiley interdisciplinary reviews : Water, 1(1), 31-40. Hoekstra, A. Y. added value of system robustness analysis for flood risk management (2014)Natural hazards and earth systems sciences discussions, 2(4), 2913-2945. Mens, M. J. P. & Klijn, F. Added Value of Water Footprint Assessment for National Water Policy: A Case Study for Morocco (2014)PLoS ONE, 9(6). Article e99705. Schyns, J. F. & Hoekstra, A. Y. blue water footprint and land use of biofuels from algae (2014)Water resources research, 50, 8549-8563. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Xu, L., de Vries, G. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. skill of seasonal ensemble low flow forecasts for four different hydrological models (2014)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 11(5), 5377-5420. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint in Morocco (2014)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Schyns, J. F. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of tourism in Spain (2014)Tourism management, 40, 90-101. Cazcarro, I., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Sánchez Chóliz, J.'s virtual water consumption and trade under future water scarcity (2014)Environmental research letters, 9(7), -. Article 074007. Orlowsky, B., Hoekstra, A. Y., Gudmundsson, L. & Seneviratne, S. I. the Improvement of Blue Water Evapotranspiration Estimates by Combining Remote Sensing and Model Simulation (2014)Remote sensing, 6(8), 7026-7049. Romaguera Albentosa, M. R., Salama, S., Krol, M. S., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Su, Z. in high and low flows due to model structure and parameters errors (2014)Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 28, 319-332. Tian, Y., Booij, M. J. & Xu, Y.-P. the origin of ambiguity in nature-inclusive flood infrastructure projects (2014)Ecology and society, 19(2). Article 51. van den Hoek, R., Brugnach, M., Mulder, J. P. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. river dune splitting through flume experiments and analysis of a dune evolution model (2014)Earth surface processes and landforms, 39(9), 1208-1220. Warmink, J. J., Dohmen-Janssen, C. M., Lansink, J., Naqshband, S., van Duin, O., Paarlberg, A., Termes, A. P. P. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. and agriculture (2014)In Water for Food Security and Well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social and enironmental implications for a globalized economy (pp. 177-212) (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management). Routledge. Zárate, E., Aldaya, M. M., Chico, D., Pahlow, M., Flachsbarth, I., Franco, G., Zhang, G., Garrido, A., Kuroiwa, J. M., Palhares, J. C. P., Uribe, D. A., Mekonnen, M., Soriano, B., Thuy, L. & Castro, L. F. conservation through trade: the case of Kenya (2014)Water international, 39(4), 451-468. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. efficiency: status and trends (2014)In Water for Food Security and Well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social and Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy (pp. 261-284) (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management). Routledge. Donoso, G., Martinez-Aldaya, M., Cabral de Sousa Junior, W., Cai, X., Chico, D., de Miguel, A., Dumont, A., Gurovic, L., Lautze, J., Lopez-Gunn, E., Pahlow, M., Palhares, J. C. P., Zarate, E., Soriano, B. & Thuy, L. Footprint Assessment for the Hertfordshire and North London Area (2014)[Book/Report › Report]. Environment Agency. Zhang, G., Mathews, R. E., Frapporti, G. & Mekonnen, M. footprint benchmarks for crop production: A first global assessment (2014)Ecological indicators, 46, 214-223. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. footprint scenarios for 2050: A global analysis (2014)Environment international, 64, 71-82. Ercin, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Footprint Symposium: where next for water footprint and water assessment methodology? (2014)International journal of life cycle assessment, 19(8), 1561-1565. Tillotson, M. R., Liu, J., Guan, D., Wu, P., Zhao, X., Zhang, G., Pfister, S. & Pahlow, M. for animal products: a blind spot in water policy (2014)Environmental research letters, 9(9), -. Hoekstra, A. Y. resources assessment (2014)In Water for Food Security and Well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social and Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy (pp. 27-54) (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource). Routledge. Campuzano, C., Hansen, A. M., De Stefano, L., Martínez Santos, M., Torrente, D., Willaarts, B. A., Blanco, E., Castro, L. F., Donoso, G., Franco, G., Kuroiwa, J., Lucen, M. N., Montenegro, J. I., Pahlow, M. & Zhang, G. scarcity challenges to business (2014)Nature climate change, 4, 318-320. Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint: Wat van ver komt… bevat veel water (2014)P+ People planet profit, 12(2), 42-43. Hoekstra, A. Y.


A footprint family extended MRIO model to support Europe's transition to a One Planet Economy (2013)Science of the total environment, 461-462, 813-818. Galli, A., Weinzettel, J., Cranston, G. & Ercin, E. of design water levels due to combined bed form and vegetation roughness in the Dutch river Waal, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12014 (2013)Journal of flood risk management, 6(4), 302-318. Warmink, J. J., Straatsma, M., Huthoff, F., Booij, M. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. water footprint of poultry, pork and beef: A comparative study in different countries and production systems (2013)[Contribution to conference › Paper] IGS - SENSE Conference 2011. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Adapting multireservoir operation to shifting patterns of water supply and demand: a case study for the Xin'anjiang-Fuchunjiang reservoir cascade (2013)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCR Days 2013. Vonk, E., Xu, Y. P., Booij, M. J., Zhang, X. & Augustijn, D. C. M.A multi-layer flood safety approach towards resilient cities (2013)In Proceedings of the International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe (pp. -). Leskens, A., Boomgaard, M., van Zuijlen, C. & Hollanders, P.The Dutch dominant perspective on water; Risks and opportunities involved (2013)Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 48(10), 1164-1177. Offermans, A., Valkering, P., Vreugdenhil, H., Wijermans, N. & Haasnoot, M. a network approach to identify reasons for the limited use of flood models (2013)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks 2012. Leskens, A. & Brugnach, M. F.Anticipating change: sustainable water policy pathways for an uncertain future (2013)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Haasnoot, M. of appropriate lags and temporal resolutions for low flow indicators in the River Rhine to forecast low flows with different lead times (2013)Hydrological processes, 27(19), 2742-2758. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of different uncertainty sources on the skill of 10 day ensemble low flow forecasts for two hydrological models (2013)Water resources research, 49(7), 4035-4053. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of uncertainty in design water levels due to uncertain bed form roughness in the Dutch river Waal (2013)Hydrological processes, 27(11), 1646-1663. Warmink, J. J., Booij, M. J., van der Klis, H. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. do local stakeholders respond to the uncertain implications of an innovative flood infrastructure project? (2013)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2013. van den Hoek, R., Brugnach, M. F. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Interactive modelling with stakeholders in two cases in flood management (2013)[Contribution to conference › Poster] EGU General Assembly 2013. Leskens, A.Modelling impacts of climate change on the hydrology of a Mongolian catchment using an appropriate permafrost conceptualization (2013)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2013. Heerema, K., Booij, M. J., Huting, R., Warmink, J. J., van Beek, E. & Jigjsuren, O.Uncertainties of the extreme high flows under climate change impact due to emission scenarios, hydrological models and parameters (2013)[Contribution to conference › Poster] EGU General Assembly 2013. Tian, Y., Booij, M., Zhu, Q. & Xu, Y.-P. misuse of fresh water: why isn't the problem being addresses? (2013)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Hoekstra, A. Y. or perish: A review of planning approaches for adaptation under deep uncertainty (2013)Sustainability (Switzerland), 5(3), 955-979. Walker, W. E., Haasnoot, M. & Kwakkel, J. H. water footprint: water in the supply chain (2013)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. IDP. Hoekstra, A. Y. perspective-based simulation game to explore future pathways of an interacting water-society system (2013)Simulation & gaming, 44(2-3), 366-390. Valkering, P., ter Brugge, R., Offermans, A., Haasnoot, M. & Vreugdenhil, H. for spatial non - stationairty to estimate population distribution using land use / cover : case study : the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya (2013)Journal of settlements and spatial planning, 4(1), 33-44. Mulatu, D. W., van der Veen, A., Becht, R., van Oel, P. R. & Bekalo, D. J. for Spatial Non-Stationarity to Estimate Population Distribution Using Land Use Cover : Case Study: the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya (2013)Journal of settlements and spatial planning, 4(1), 33-44. Mulatu, D. W., van der Veen, A., Becht, R., van Oel, P. R. & Bekalo, D. J. of long-term terrestrial water storage variations in the Yangtze River basin (2013)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 17(5), 1985-2000. Huang, Y., Salama, M. S., Krol, M. S., van der Velde, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Zhou, Y. & Su, Z. and water (2013)[Book/Report › Book]. Publications Office of the European Union. Dallemand, J. F. & Gerbens-Leenes, W. knowledge frames and networks in climate and water governance (2013)In Water Governance as Connective Capacity (pp. 229-247). Ashgate Publishing. De Wulf, A., Brugnach, M. F., Termeer, C. & Ingram, H.Complementarities of water-focused Life Cycle Assessment and Water Footprint Assessment (2013)Environmental science & technology, 47(21), 11926-11927. Boulay, A. M., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Vionnet, S. watervoetafdruk: instrument voor overheden en bedrijven (2013)In Proceedings 65e Vakantiecursus Drinkwater en Afvalwater (pp. 139-141). Delft University of Technology. Hoekstra, A. Y.Drought monitoring, prediction and adaptation under climatic changes (2013)In Proceedings of Dragon 2 final results and Dragon 3 kickoff symposium, 25-29 June 2012, Beijing. European Space Agency (ESA). Su, Z., Ma, Y., van der Velde, R., Dente, L., Wang, L., Timmermans, J., Menenti, M., Sobrino, J., Li, Z. L., Verhoef, W., Jia, L., Wen, J., He, Y., Wan, L., Li, W., Liu, Q. H., Yu, Q., Li, X., Zhong, L., … Vekerdy, Z.Dynamic adaptive policy pathways: a new method for crafting robust decisions for a deeply uncertain world (2013)Global environmental change, 23(2), 485-498. Haasnoot, M., Kwakkel, J. H., Walker, W. E. & ter Maat, J. of the surface urban heat island effect in the city of Madrid by thermal remote sensing (2013)International journal of remote sensing, 34(9-10), 3177-9192. Sobrino, J., Oltra-Carrio, R., Jimenez-Munoz, J. C., Franch, B., Hidalgo, V., Mattar, C., Julien, Y., Cuenca, J., Romaguera Albentosa, M. R., Gomez, J. A., de Miguel, E., Bianchi, R. & Paganini, M. water science in the Anthropocene (2013)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 10, 7619-7649. Savenije, H. H. G., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Zaag, P. water footprint accounting: Tier 1 supporting guidelines (2013)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute dor Water Education. Franke, N., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Boyacioglu, H.Impact of uncertainties in discharge determination on the parameter estimation and performance of a hydrological model (2013)Hydrology research, 44(3), 454-466. van den Tillaart, S. P. M., Booij, M. J. & Krol, M. S. of climate change on the seasonality of low flows in 134 catchments in the river Rhine basin using an ensemble of bias-corrected regional climate simulations (2013)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 17(10), 4241-4257. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of climate change on the seasonality of low flows in 134 catchments in the river Rhine basin using an ensemble of bias-corrected regional climate simulations. Discussion paper (2013)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 10, 6807-6845. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.’impronta idrica: uno strumento per mettere in relazione i nostri consumi con l’uso dell’acqua (2013)In L’acqua che mangiamo: Cos’è l’acqua virtuale e come la consumiamo, Edizioni Ambiente (pp. 57-71). Edizioni Ambiente collectie. Hoekstra, A. Y. calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model using streamflow data and satellite-based evapotranspiration (2013)Journal of hydrology, 505, 276-290. Rientjes, T. H. M., Muthuwatta, L. P., Bos, M. G., Booij, M. J. & Bhatti, H. A. waterland, kwetsbaar en afhankelijk (2013)In Méér! (pp. 15-25) (Paradigmaserie). Jan van Arkel. Hoekstra, A. Y.Nederlandse modellen om schades van overstromingen te schatten: empirische verschillen (2013)Water governance, 5-6, 46-51. van der Veen, A. & Vreeken, W.Potential water saving through changes in European diets (2013)Environment international, 61, 45-56. Vanham, D., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Bidoglio, G. the water footprint in India (2013)SustaiNuance, 2(3), 26-27. Hoekstra, A. Y.Robustness of economically efficient flood protection standards: Monte Carlo analysis on top of cost-benefit analysis (2013)In Comprehensive Flood Risk Management (pp. -). Taylor & Francis. Gauderis, J., Kind, J. & van Duinen, R.Seasonality of low flows and dominant processes in the Rhine River (2013)Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 27(2), 489-503. Tongal, H., Demirel, M. C. & Booij, M. J. analysis and calibration of the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) for the upper Malewa Catchment, Kenya. (2013)International journal of sediment research, 28(3), 368-383. Odongo, V. O., Onyando, J. O., Mutua, B. M., van Oel, P. R. & Becht, R. and uncertainty in crop water footprint accounting: A case study for the Yellow River Basin (2013)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute dor Water Education. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Sustainability of national consumption from a water resources perspective: The case study for France (2013)Ecological economics, 88, 133-147. Ercin, E., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Effects of Groundwater and Surface Water Use on Total Water Availability and Implications for Water Management: the Case of Lake Naivasha Kenya (2013)Water resources management, 27(9), 3477-3492. van Oel, P. R., Mulatu, D. W., Odongo, V. O., Meins, F. M., Hogeboom, H. J., Becht, R., Stein, A., Onyando, J. O. & van der Veen, A. influence of conceptual model structure on model performance: A comparative study for 237 French catchments (2013)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 17(10), 4227-4239. van Esse, W. R., Perrin, C., Booij, M. J., Augustijn, D. C. M., Fenicia, F., Kavetski, D. & Lobligeois, F. water footprint of biofuels from microalgae (2013)In Bioenergy and Water (pp. 191-200). Publications Office of the European Union. Gerbens-Leenes, W., de Vries, G. J. & Xu, L. water footprint of modern consumer society (2013)[Book/Report › Book]. Routledge. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of poultry, pork and beef: A comparative study in different countries and production systems (2013)Water resources and industry, 1-2, 25-36. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of the EU for different diets (2013)Ecological indicators, 32, 1-8. Vanham, D., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Footprint Assessment (WFA) for better water governance and sustainable development, editorial (2013)Water resources and industry, 1-2, 1-6. Zhang, G., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Mathews, R. E. footprint benchmark for crop production (2013)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Insstitute dor Water Education. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Water footprint of Tunisia from an economic perspective (2013)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute dor Water Education. Chouchane, H., Hoekstra, A. Y., Krol, M. S. & Mekonnen, M.Water footprint quantification of energy at a global level (2013)In Bioenergy and Water (pp. 61-75). Publications Office of the European Union. Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Wise freshwater allocation: Water footprint caps by river basin, benchmarks by product and fair water footprint shares by community (2013)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute dor Water Education. Hoekstra, A. Y.


Using the water footprint as a tool for sustainable appropriation of freshwater resources (2012)Global water magazine, -. Pahlow, M. & Mekonnen, M. ecological and water footprint accounting in a multi-regional input-output framework (2012)Ecological indicators, 23, 1-8. Ewing, B. R., Hawkins, T. R., Wiedmann, T. O., Galli, A., Ertug Ercin, A., Weinzettel, J. & Steen-Olsen, K. reasons why actual floodmodels are not being used during flood calamities (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 2nd European Conference on Floodrisk Management, FLOODrisk 2012. Leskens, A.Interactive modelling during work sessions: a test with the new 3Di-model (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 1st New Developments in IT and Water Conference. Leskens, A.Exploring pathways for sustainable water management in river deltas in a changing environment (2012)Climatic change, 115(3-4), 795-819. Haasnoot, M., Middelkoop, H., Offermans, A., van Beek, E. & van Deursen, W. P. A. of globalized water resources: the application of the water footprint to inform corporate strategy and government policy (2012)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ercin, E. the robustness of coastal polder areas to meteorological droughts: a case in Holland (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology. Mens, M. J. P., van Beek, E. & Klijn, F.The role of social interaction in farmers' climate adaptation choice (2012)In iEMSs 2012 Proceedings (pp. 2493-2504). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). van Duinen, R., Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A.Uncovering the origin of ambiguity in nature-inclusive flood infrastructure projects (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks 2012. van den Hoek, R., Mulder, J. P. M. P. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.An integrated assessment Metamodel for developing adaption pathways for the Rhine Delta in the Netherlands (2012)In iEMSs 2012 Proceedings (pp. 1743-1751). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Haasnoot, M., van Deursen, W. P. A., Middelkoop, H., van Beek, E. & Wijermans, N.Computer assisted dynamic adaptive policy design for sustainable water management in river deltas in a changing environment (2012)In iEMSs 2012 Proceedings (pp. 1801-1810). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Kwakkel, J. & Haasnoot, M.The role of social interaction in farmers 'climate adaption choice' (2012)In Conference proceedings International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) (pp. -). van Duinen, R., Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A. water footprint of soy milk and soy burger and equivalent animal products (2012)Ecological indicators, 18, 392-402. Ercin, E., Aldaya, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. adaptive policy pathways for sustainable water management under uncertainty: Lessons learned from two case (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Third International Symposium on Engineering Systems. Haasnoot, M., Kwakkel, M. & Walker, W. Ecological, Carbon and Water footprint into a "footprint Family" of indicators: Definition and role in tracking human pressure on the planet (2012)Ecological indicators, 16, 100-112. Galli, A., Wiedmann, T., Ercin, E., Knoblauch, D., Ewing, B. & Giljum, S. and enhancement of the frozen soil parameterization in the Noah Land Surface Model over the source region of the Yellow River (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2012. Zheng, D., van der Velde, R., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Impact of different sources of uncertainty on the quality of ensemble streamflow forecasts (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2012. Van Pham, T., Ramos, M. H., Booij, M. J. & Krol, M. S.Governing drought resilience: farmers' economic rationality, social learning and diffusion of adaptation strategies to global environmental change (2012)In Proceedings of the International Conference: Planet Under Pressure 2012 (pp. 1-12). Elsevier. van Duinen, R., Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A. Proceedings of the session "Solving the Water Crisis: Common Action Toward a Sustainable Water Footprint", Planet under Pressure Conference, London, 26 March 2012 (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Zhang, G., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Tickner, D.A global assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products (2012)Ecosystems, 15(3), 401-415. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. history of futures: A review of scenario use in water policy studies in the Netherlands (2012)Environmental science & policy, 19-20, 108-120. Haasnoot, M. & Middelkoop, H. new approach to incorporating environmental flow requirements in water allocation modeling (2012)Water resources management, 26(5), 1271-1286. Meijer, K. S., Krogt, W. N. M. & van Beek, E. the challenge of knowing and deciding together (2012)Environmental science & policy, 15(1), 60-71. Brugnach, M. F. & Ingram, H. van systeemrobuustheid (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Kennis voor Klimaat. Mens, M. J. P.Analysis of long-term terrestrial water storage variations in Yangtze River basin (2012)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 9, 11487-11520. Huang, Y., Salama, M. S., Krol, M. S., van der Velde, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Zhou, Y. & Su, Z. of multi-agent simulation to evaluate the influence of reservoir operation strategies on the distribution of water availability in the semi-arid Jaguaribe basin, Brazil (2012)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, incorporating Parts A, B and C, 47-48, 173-181. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint at river basin level: a case study for the Heihe River Basin in northwest China (2012)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 9, 5779-5808. Zeng, Z., Liu, J., Koeneman, P. H., Zárate, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint at river basin level: a case study for the Heihe River Basin in Northwest China (2012)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 16(8), 2771-2781. Zeng, Z., Liu, J., Koeneman, P. H., Zárate, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y. rondom onzekerheid (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Kennis voor Klimaat. Mens, M. J. P., Kwakkel, J. H., de Jong, A., Thissen, W. A. H. & van der Sluijs, J. P. scenarios in a water perspective: The global blue and green water footprint of road transport in 2030 (2012)Global environmental change, 22(3), 764-775. Gerbens-Leenes, P. W., van Lienden, A. R., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H. interactions on a nourished tidal flat: lessons learnt on building with nature (2012)Terra et aqua, 126, 3-12. Borsje, B. W., Cronin, K., Holzhauer, H., de Mesel, I., Ysebaert, T. & Hibma, A. water footprint of agriculture, industry, households and water management in the Netherlands: An exploration of using the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Hoekstra, A. Y., Booij, M. J., Hunink, J. C. & Meijer, K. S.Carbon and water footprints : Concepts, methodologies and policy responses (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Ercin, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Carbon, land and water footprint accounts for the European Union: Consumption, production and displacements through international trade (2012)Environmental science & technology, 46(20), 10883-10891. Steen-Olsen, K., Weinzettel, J., Cranston, G., Ercin, E. & Hertwich, E.Computer-supported games and role plays in teaching water management (2012)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 16(8), 2985-2994. Hoekstra, A. Y. games and role plays in teaching water management (2012)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 9, 1859-1884. Hoekstra, A. Y., economic and social drivers (2012)In The United Nations World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World (Two Vols.) (pp. 29-40). Routledge. Björklund, G., Connor, R., Goujon, A., Hellmuth, M., Moriarty, P., Rast, W., Warner, K., Winpenny, J., Hoekstra, A., Rast, W., Wiberg, D., Kasten, T. & Connor, R. hydrological monsters: can flexibility in model structure help explain monster catchments? (2012)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCR Days 2012. van Esse, W. R., Perrin, C., Augustijn, D. C. M., Booij, M. J. & Fenicia, F.Detection of trends in precipitation extremes in Zhejiang, east China (2012)Theoretical and applied climatology, 107(1-2), 201-210. Tian, Y., Xu, Y.-P., Booij, M. J., Lin, S., Zhang, Q. & Lou, Z. irrigated areas and quantifying blue water use in Europe using remote sensing Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) products and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data (2012)Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing, 78(8), 861-873. Romaguera, M., Krol, M. S., Salama, M., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Su, Z. flood risk system robustness in practice (2012)In Comprehensive Flood Risk Management, Proceedings of Floodrisk 2012, 20-22 November 2012, Rotterdam) (pp. 1108-1116). Taylor & Francis. Mens, M. J. P., Klijn, F. & Schielen, R. M. J.Evolution of water use (2012)In The United Nations World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World (Two Vols.) (pp. 96-127). Routledge. Connor, R., Faurès, J. M., Kuylenstierna, J., Margat, J., Steduto, P., Vallée, D., Van Der Hoek, W., Manjarrez, J. A., Boer, R., Bos, R., Brugère, C., Cann, A., Dubois, O., Frenken, K., Hoekstra, A. Y., Hoogeveen, J., Jorgensen, J., Lane, J., Saywell, D., … Vallée, D. monthly water scarcity: Blue water footprints versus blue water availability (2012)PLoS ONE, 7(2 e 32688), 1-32. Hoekstra, A. Y., Mekonnen, M., Chapagain, A., Mathews, R. E. & Richter, B. D. Participatory Water Management: Recent Advances in (2012)Ecology and society, 17(1), -. Article 30. von Korff, Y., Daniell, K., Moellenkamp, S., Bots, P. & Bijlsma, R. search of robust flood risk management alternatives for the Netherlands (2012)Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 12(5), 1469-1479. Klijn, F., Knoop, J. M., Ligtvoet, W. & Mens, M. J. P. (2012)Resources, conservation and recycling, 64, 1-2. van der Woerd, F., Hoekstra, A., Kern, K., Leuven, R. & Moll, H. water use in a green economy, A report of the Working Group on water Efficiency to the International Resource Panel (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. United Nations Environment Programme. McGlade, J., Werner, B., Young, M., Matlock, M., Jefferies, D., Sonneman, G., Martinez-Aldaya, M., Pfister, S., Berger, M., Farell, C., Hyde, K., Wackernagel, M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Mathews, R. E., Liu, J., Ercin, E., Weber, J. L., Alfieri, A., Martinez-Lagunes, R., … Gee, D.Mitigating the Water Footprint of Export Cut Flowers from the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya (2012)Water resources management, 26(13), 3725-3742. Mekonnen, M. M., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Becht, R. and future trends in grey water footprints of anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to major world rivers (2012)Ecological indicators, 18, 42-49. Liu, C., Kroeze, C., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Gerbens-Leenes, W. advances in water resources management (2012)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, incorporating Parts A, B and C, 47-48, 1-1. van de Giesen, N., van der Zaag, P. & Hoekstra, A. sensing method for estimating green and blue water footprint (2012)In Remote sensing and hydrology (pp. 288-291). Wallingford: International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Press 2012. Romaguera Albentosa, M. R., Salama, M. S., Krol, M. S., Su, Z. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Reply to Ridoutt and Huang: From water footprint assessment to policy (2012)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(22), E1425-E1425. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Mekonnen, M. the Role of Humans in Water Management: Toward a New Model of Decision-Making (2012)In Water, cultural diversity and global environmental change (pp. 49-64). Springer. Brugnach, M. F. & Ingram, H. to ecological engineering in flood management: Introducing new uncertainties in the development of a Building with Nature pilot project (2012)Environmental science & policy, 22, 85-99. van den Hoek, R., Brugnach, M. F. & Hoekstra, A. Y. blue water footprint of electricity from hydropower (2012)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 16(1), 179-187. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. environmental impact of not having paved roads in arid regions : an example from Mongolia (2012)Ambio, 41(2), 202-205. Keshkamat, S. S., Tsendbazar, N.-E., Zuidgeest, M. H. P., van der Veen, A. & de Leeuw, J. hidden water resource use behind meat and dairy (2012)Animal frontiers, 2(2), 3-8. Hoekstra, A. Y. Water Footprint Assessment Manual (2012)[Book/Report › Book]. China Science Press. Hoekstra, A. Y., Chapagain, A., Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Mekonnen, M.The water footprint of France (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Ercin, E., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of humanity (2012)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(9), 3232-3237. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Mekonnen, M. water footprint of sweeteners and bio-ethanol (2012)Environment international, 40, 202-211. Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of Switzerland (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Ercin, E., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Towards quantification of the water fooptprint of paper: a first estimate of its consumptive component (2012)Water resources management, 26(3), 733-749. van Oel, P. R. & Hoekstra, A. Y. in nature-inclusive flood policy development: the origin of multiple lnowledge frames (2012)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Group Decision and Negotiation 2012. van den Hoek, R., Teieira de Almeida, A., Brugnach, M. F., Costa Morais, D., de Franca Dantas Daher, S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Validation of an ANN Flow Prediction Model Using a Multt-Station Cluster Analysis (2012)Journal of hydrologic engineering, 17(2), 262-271. Demirel, M. C., Booij, M. J. & Kahya, E. geeft juiste stappen aan (2012)Milieu (Den Bosch), 7, 42-44. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Gerbens-Leenes, W.Water (2012)In The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of globalization (pp. 2202-2210) (Blackwell encyclopedias in social sciences). Wiley-Blackwell. Hoekstra, A. Y.Water Footprint Accounting (2012)In Water Accounting: International approaches to policy and decision-making (pp. 58-75). Edward Elgar. Hoekstra, A. Y.Water Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment as approaches to assess potential impacts of products on water consumption: Key learning points from pilot studies on tea and margarine (2012)Journal of cleaner production, 33, 155-166. Jefferies, D., Muñoz, I., Hodges, J., King, V. J., Martinez-Aldaya, M., Ercin, E., Milá i Canals, L. & Hoekstra, A. Y. footprint assessment in North Eastern region of Romania: A case study for Iasi County, Romania (2012)Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 13(2), 506-516. Ene, S. A., Hoekstra, A. Y., Mekonnen, M. & Teodosiu, C.Water footprint scenarios for 2050: A global analysis and case study for Europe (2012)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Ercin, E. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Water for bioenergy: A global analysis (2012)In Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of biofuels: Evidence from developing nations (pp. 69-89). Cambridge University Press. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H. for energy, the use of the water footprint for the assessment of water use for bioenergy (2012)In Water-energy interactions in water reuse (pp. 293-304). IWA Publishing. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.


The green, blue and grey water footprint of farm animals and animal products (2011)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.An integrated assessment Metamodel for developing adaption pathways for thew Rhine Delta (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] World Delta Summit 2011. Santoso, H., Haasnoot, M., van Deursen, W., Middelkoop, H., van Beek, E. & Wijermans, N.Balance between science and policy: developing delta scenarios for the Netherlands (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] World Delta Summit 2011. Santoso, H., te Linde, A., van der Brugge, R., Haasnoot, M. & Bruggeman, W.Combining adaptation pathways and adaptive policy making to create adaptive policies for the Rhine Delta (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] World Delta Summit 2011. Walker, W., Santoso, H., Haasnoot, M. & Kwakkel, J.Fresh water supply and water quality in the Netherlands at national and regional scale-a Knowledge for Climate Programme (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] World Delta Summit 2011. Santoso, H., Jeuken, A. B. M. & van Beek, E.Biogeomorphological interactions on a nourished tidal flat: lessons learnt on building with nature (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CEDA Dredging Days 2011. Borsje, B. W., Cronin, K., Holzhauer, H., de Mesel, I., Ysebaert, T., Hibma, A., Galli, D., Jeuken, M. C. J. L., Todd, P. A. & Webb, E. L.Managing uncertainties in Building with Nature projects: are ambiguity and power play more important than content? (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] IGS-SENSE Conference. van den Hoek, R., Brugnach, M. F. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Uncertainties in policy development of Building with Nature projects: is ambiguity more important than content? 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Henriksen, H. J., Zorilla Miras, E., De la Hera, A. & Brugnach, M. water footprint: a tool for governments, companies and investors (2011)In Proceedings Het Nationale Watersymposium 2011 (pp. 4-13). Stichting Kennisuitwisseling Industriële Watertechnologie, SKIW. Hoekstra, A. Y.Variability of vulnerability : the scale matters : a case of a developing country : extended abstract (2011)In ENSURE final workshop : enhancing resilience of communities and territories facing natural and na - tech hazards : abstracts, 10-11 May 2011, Orléans, France (pp. 39-45). Gidey, T. G., Dopheide, E. J. M. & van der Veen, A.Low flow forecasting with a lead time of 14 days for navigation and energy supply in the Rhine River (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2011. Demirel, M. C. & Booij, M. J.Uncertainty analysis of a low flow model for the Rhine River (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2011. 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Bijlsma, R. M., Bots, P. W. G., Wolters, H. A. & Hoekstra, A. Y. scales in economics, coastal engineering and morphology (2011)In Aspects of coastal research in contribution to LOICZ in the Netherlands and Flanders (2002-2010) (pp. 129-137) (LOICZ Reserch and Studies). LOICZ. Filatova, T., Bochev-Van der Burgh, L., Wijnberg, K. M., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., van der Veen, A. & Mulder, J. P. M. P. M.Corporate water footprint accounting and impact assessment: the case of the water footprint of a sugar-containing carbonated beverage (2011)Water resources management, 25(2), 721-741. Ercin, E., Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. A concept to analyse basin closure (2011)Journal of water resources planning and management, 137(5), 404-411. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. nitrogen removal by vegetation uptake using satellite image time series in riparian catchments (2011)Science of the total environment, 409(13), 2567-2576. Wang, X., Wang, Q., Yang, S., Zheng, D., Wu, C. & Mannaerts, C. M. family technical report: Integration into MRIO model (2011)[Book/Report › Report]. One Planet Economy Network. Weinzettel, J., Kjartan, S., Galli, A., Cranston, G., Ercin, E., Hawkins, T. R., Wiedmann, T. O. & Hertwich, E.http://www.oneplaneteconomynetwork.orgFrames in climate change communication and decision-making (IC10)-Synthesis (2011)[Book/Report › Report]. Nationaal Onderzoekprogramma Klimaat voor Ruimte (KvR). de Boer, J., Wardekker, J. A., van der Sluijs, J. & Kolkman, R.Gebruik van van scenario's in de beleidscyclus van het Nederlands waterbeheer: een spannend geheel (2011)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Politicologenetmaal 2010. Wolters, H. A., Haasnoot, M. & Bruggeman, W.How sustainable is Europe's water footprint (2011)Water & wastewater international, 26(2), 24-26. Hoekstra, A. Y.http://www.wwinternational.comHydrological Balance of Lake Tana, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia (2011)In Nile River Basin Hydrology, Climate and Water Use (pp. 69-89). Springer. Rientjes, T. H. M., Perera, J. B. U., Haile, A. T., Gieske, A. S. M., Booij, M. J. & Reggiani, P. and quantification of uncertainties in a hydrodynamic river model using expert opinions (2011)Water resources management, 25(2), 601-622. Warmink, J. J., van der Klis, H., Booij, M. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. of land use and water manegement on hydrological processes under varying climatic conditions (2011)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, incorporating Parts A, B and C, 36(13), 613-614. Romanowicz, R. J. & Booij, M. J., risk and governance : case studies on innovative approaches to EGovernance and risk management (2011)[Book/Report › Book]. Edizioni Fotograf. Navarra, D. D., van Westen, C. J., van der Veen, A., Parodi, G. N., Boerboom, L. G. J., Merchand, M., Nekhai, O., Arriaza, M., de Bruijn, K. M., Mens, M. P. J., Slinger, J. H., Cuppen, M. E., Krywkow, J., Leenders, J. K., Wagemaker, J., Roelevink, A. & Rientjes, T. H. M.Integrating Ecological, Carbon and Water Footprint: Defining the Footprint Family and its application in tracking human pressure on the planet (2011)[Book/Report › Report]. One Planet Economy Network. Galli, A., Wiedmann, T. O., Ercin, E., Knoblauch, D., Ewing, B. R. & Giljum, S.Land market mechanisms for preservation of space for coastal ecosystems: an agent-based analysis. (2011)Environmental modelling & software, 26(2), 179-190. Filatova, T., van der Veen, A. & Voinov, A. is not always better: Coping with ambiguity in natural resources management (2011)Journal of environmental management, 92(1), 78-84. Brugnach, M. F., De Wulf, A., Henriksen, H. J. & van der Keur, P. water footprint accounts: the green, blue and grey water footprint of production and consumption (2011)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. in water management: reconciling what we do with what we know (2011)Water resources management, 25(3), 837-856. Pahl-Wostl, C., Jeffrey, P., Isendahl, N. & Brugnach, M. F. of the ESF Strategic Workshop on Accounting for Water Scarcity and Pollution in the Rules of International Trade (2011)[Book/Report › Report] ESF Strategic Workshop on Accounting for Water Scarcity and Pollution in the Rules of International Trade 2010. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Hoekstra, A. Y., Aldaya, M. M. & Avril, B. impacts of climate change on river discharges in the Nile basin (2011)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, incorporating Parts A, B and C, 36(13), 696-709. Booij, M. J., Tollenaar, D., van Beek, E. & Kwadijk, J. C. J. and temporal assessment of drought in the Northern highlands of Ethiopia (2011)International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG), 13(3), 309-321. Gidey, T. G., van der Veen, A. & Maathuis, B. H. P. of small reservoirs and large scale water availability under current conditions and climate change (2011)Water resources management, 25(12), 3017-3026. Krol, M. S., de Vries, M. J., van Oel, P. R. & Carlos de Araújo, J. blue, green and grey water footprint of rice from a production and consumption perspectives (2011)Ecological economics, 70(4), 749-758. Chapagain, A. & Hoekstra, A. Y. global dimension of water governance: why the river basin approach is no longer sufficient and why cooperative action at global level is needed (2011)Water, 3(1), 21-46. Hoekstra, A. Y. green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crops products (2011)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 15(5), 1577-1600. Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. meaning of system robustness for flood risk management (2011)Environmental science & policy, 14(8), 1121-1131. Mens, M. J. P., Klijn, F., de Bruijn, K. M. & van Beek, E. relation between international trade and freshwater scarcity (2011)In Proceedings of the ESF Strategic Workshop on accounting for water scarcity and pollution in the rules of international trade (pp. 9-29). UNESCO-IHE. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint assessment manual; setting the global standard (2011)[Book/Report › Book]. Earthscan. Hoekstra, A. Y., Chapagain, A., Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Mekonnen, M.The water footprint of biofuel-based transport (2011)Energy & environmental science, 4(8), 2658-2668. Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of electricity from hydropower (2011)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 8, 8355-8372. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of soy milk and soy burger and equivalent animal products (2011)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Ercin, E., Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. the water footprint of factory farming (2011)Farm animal voice, 180, 14-15. Hoekstra, A. Y.Using agent-based modeling to depict basin closure in the Naivasha basin, Kenya: a framework of analysis (2011)Procedia environmental sciences, 7, 32-37. van Oel, P. R. & van der Veen, A. agent-based modelling to depict the processes leading to basin closure in the Naivasha basin, Kenya : abstract. (2011)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Spatial Statistics 2011. van Oel, P. R. & van der Veen, A.Waterwijs in de supermarkt (2011)Voedingsmiddelentechnologie, 44(21/22), 21-21. Hoekstra, A. Y.


Policy development under uncertainty. A framework inspired by cases of water management (2010)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Bijlsma, R. green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crops products (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Mitigating the water footprint of export cut flowers from the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya (2010)In Proceedings of the IWRM conference, Karlsruhe Germany, 24-25 November 2010 (pp. 374-381). KIT Scientific Publishing. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Water for energy, the use of the water footprint concept for the assessment of water use for bioenergy (2010)In Proceedings conference Water and Energy, Amsterdam, 10-12-nov. 2010 (pp. -). IWA Publishing. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.Combining different sources of uncertainty of design water level computations in the Dutch river Rhine (2010)In NCR-days 2010: November 4-5, 2010 Miranda Paviljoen, Amsterdam: Book of Abstracts (pp. 1-3). JB&A. Warmink, J. J., Booij, M. J., van der Klis, H. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Policy-relevant uncertainties in an innovative sand nourishment project: identification and classification (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International conference: Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology. van den Hoek, R., Brugnach, M. F., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Identification of appropriate temporal scales of dominant low flow indicators in the Main River, Germany (2010)In Proceedings of the Sixth World FRIEND Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Fez, Morocco (pp. 538-543) (IAHS publication). IAHS Press. Demirel, M. C. & Booij, M. J. for modeling effects of land use and land management processes on vegetation productivity and carbon storage in exurban Southeastern Michigan (2010)In Book of abstracts from the GLP Open Science Meeting 2010 Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability (pp. 94-94). Brown, D., Robinson, D., Parker, D., Riolo, R., Currie, W., Hutchins, M., Filatova, T., Kiger, S., Nassauer, J. & Page, S. pathways for sustainable water management in river deltas in a changing environment (2010)In Deltas in Times of Climate Change. Haasnoot, M., Offermans, A., van Lieshout, M., Middelkoop, H., Valkering, P., van der Brugge, R., van Deursen, W., van Beek, E., Kwadijk, J. & Beersma, J.Governing Public-Private Adaptation To Increasing Climate-Induced Risks In Coastal Areas. (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Conference Deltas in Times of Climate Change: Connecting world science and deltas. Filatova, T.Using water system and society interaction to prepare for an uncertain future (2010)In Deltas in Times of Climate Change. Haasnoot, M., Offermans, A., van Lieshout, M., Middelkoop, H., Valkering, P., van der Brugge, R., van Deursen, W., van Beek, E., Kwadijk, J. & Beersma, J. J.Uncertainty in design water levels due to uncertain bed form roughness in the river Rhine (2010)In River Flow 2010 Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics , 8-10 September 2010, Braunschweig, Germany (pp. 359-366) (BAW; Vol. 1). Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. Warmink, J. J., Booij, M. J., Hulscher, S. J. M. H. & van der Klis, H.Agent-based model of market-based instruments for managing urban pressure on coastal ecosystems. (2010)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 11th Biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Advancing Sustainability In A Time Of Crisis. Filatova, T. & Voinov, A. A.Inelastic markets for non-renewable energy resources:: can we use less if we cant extract more? (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] The ISEE 11th Biennial Conference. Voinov, A. A. & Filatova, T.The waterfootprint of energy scenarios (2010)In Proceedings conference International Society for Ecological Economics "Advancing Sustainability in a time of crisis", Oldenburg, 22-25 August 2010 (pp. -). van Lienden, A. R., Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.Exploring the effects of climate change and spatial planning on habitats in Lake IJsselmeer (2010)In Linking Ecosystem-based Science to Management in the Great Lakes of the World (pp. -). Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society. Maarse, M., Harezlak, V. & Haasnoot, M.International virtual water flows and water footprint of nations-a grid based approach (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Sustainable water management: linking regional and global options workshop. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Integrating land markets, land management, and ecosystem function in a model of land change (2010)In Proceedings of the iEMSs Fifth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2010) (pp. 782-791). Robinson, D. T., Filatova, T., Sun, S., Riolo, R., Brown, D., Parker, D. & Dawn, C.Quantification of uncertain bed roughness under design conditions and propagation to the design water levels, a case study for the river Rhine (2010)In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics (Water 2010), 5-7 July 2010, Quebec City, Canada (pp. 1-8). Infoagua. Warmink, J. J., Booij, M. J., Hulscher, S. J. M. H. & van der Klis, H.The water footprint of a swimming pool (2010)In Proceedings conference `VII Anque international congress, Integral water cycle: Present and future ` A shared commitment, Oviedo Spain, 13-16 June 2010 (pp. -). ANQUE. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Sun, Y. & Asare-Bediako, B.http://www.anque2010.orgThe water footprint of sweeteners and bioethanol (2010)In Proceedings conference `VII Anque international congress, Integral water cycle: Present and future ` A shared commitment, Oviedo Spain, 13-16 June 2010 (pp. -). ANQUE. Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Defining critical thresholds for ensemble flood forecasting and warning (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2010. Weeink, W. H. A., Ramos, M.-H., Booij, M. J., Andreassian, V. & Krol, M. S.Simulation of present and future discharges at the Nile River upstream Lake Nasser (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2010. Booij, M. J., Tollenaar, D., van Beek, E. & Kwadijk, J. C. J.The water footprint of renewable transport fuels in the Europe (2010)In Proceedings of the conference Innovation for sustainable production I-SUP2010, Brugge Belgium, 18-21 April 2010 (pp. 3-9). VITO. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.A first assessment of the role of land-market dynamics in agent-based land exchange models (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] The Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2010. Parker, D., Brown, D. G., Filatova, T., Riolo, R., Robinson, D. T. & Sun, S.Towards adaption measures for current and future drought and water scarcity in the Netherlands (2010)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Xerochore Final Conference 2010. ter Maat, J., Haasnoot, M., van Beek, E., van Velzen, E., Kielen, N. & Arnold, G.A global and high-resolution assessment of the green, blue and grey water footprint of wheat (2010)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 7, 2499-2542. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.A global and high-resolution assessment of the green, blue and grey water footprint of wheat (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. global and high-resolution assessment of the green, blue and grey water footprint of wheat (2010)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 14(7), 1259-1276. Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of uncertainties in expert knowledge, illustrated in fuzzy rule-based models (2010)Ecological modelling, 221(9), 1245-1251. Janssen, J. A. E. B., Krol, M. S., Schielen, R. M. J., Hoekstra, A. Y. & de Kok, J.-L. between calibration objectives in a conceptual hydrological model (2010)Hydrological sciences journal, 55(6), 1017-1032. Booij, M. J. & Krol, M. S. en waterveiligheid (2010)In Kijk op Waterveiligheid (pp. 194-206). Eburon Academic Publishers. Oosterhaven, M., van der Veen, A. & Geurts, P. A. T. M.Biofuel scenarios in a water perspective: the global blue and green water footprint of road transport in 2030 (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. van Lienden, A. R., Gerbens-Leenes, P. W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.Burning water: The water footprint of biofuel-based transport (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Catchment variability and parameter estimation in multi-objective regionalisation of a rainfall-runoff model (2010)Water resources management, 24(14), 3961-3985. Deckers, D. L. E. H., Booij, M. J., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Krol, M. S.'s water paradox (2010)Sustain, 33, 12-13. Hoekstra, A. Y.Congruent scales in economics, coastal engineering and morphology (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. LOICZ. Filatova, T., Bochev-Van der Burgh, L., Wijnberg, K. M., Hulscher, S. J. M. H. & van der Veen, A.Extreme value statistics for annual minimum and trough-under-treshold precipitation at different, spatio-temporal scales (2010)Hydrological sciences journal, 55(8), 1289-1301. Booij, M. J. & de Wit, M. J. M. mechanisms between water availability and water use in a semi-arid river basin: a geographically explicit multi-agent simulation approach (2010)Environmental modelling & software, 25(4), 433-443. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Taddei, R. R. consumption and economic growth. Increasing affluence and the use of natural resources (2010)Appetite, 55(3), 597-608. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Nonhebel, S. & Krol, M. S.ón del agua: Compartir los recursos de agua dulce del planeta (2010)[Book/Report › Book]. Marcial Pons. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chapagain, A.Identification and classification of uncertainties in the application of environmental models (2010)Environmental modelling & software, 25(12), 1518-1527. Warmink, J. J., Janssen, J., Booij, M. J. & Krol, M. S. uncertainty guidelines for supporting policy making in water management illustrated for upper Guadiana and Rhine basins (2010)Water resources management, 24(14), 3901-3938. van der Keur, P., Brugnach, M., De Wulf, A., Refsgaard, J. C., Zorilla, P., Poolman, M., Isendahl, N., Raadgever, G. T., Henriksen, H. J., Warmink, J. J., Lamers, M. & Mysiak, J. the water footprint and environmental water requirements into policy: Reflections from the Doñana Region (Spain) (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Fundación Marcelino Botín. Martinez-Aldaya, M., García-Novo, F. & Llamas, M. R.Incorporating the water footprint and virtual water into policy: reflections from the Mancha Occidental Region, Spain (2010)Water resources management, 24(5), 941-958. Martinez-Aldaya, M., Martínez-Santos, P. & Llamas, M. R. the water footprint and virtual water into policy: reflections from the Doñana Region, Spain (2010)In Re-thinking water and food security (pp. 193-217). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Martinez-Aldaya, M., Novo, F. G. & Llamas, M. R.Introducing Preference Heterogeneity into a Monocentric Urban Model: an Agent-Based Land Market Model, selected post-proceedings of the Second World Congress on Social Simulations. (2010)In Simulating Interacting Agents and Social Phenomena. (pp. 103-119) (Springer Series on Agent Based Social Systems). Springer. Filatova, T., Parker, D. & van der Veen, A.Inventory of recent studies with respect to economics of climate change, effects of climate change on water systems and land-use functions, mitigation and compensation measures, and economic valuation of the effects (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Deltares. Filatova, T.Large-scale assessment of flood risk and the effects of mitigation measures along the Elbe River (2010)Natural hazards, 52(1), 143-166. de Kok, J.-L. & Grossmann, M. het wat kosten? Over de bereidheid van burgers te betalen voor waterveiligheid (2010)In Kijk op Waterveiligheid (pp. 56-73). Eburon Academic Publishers. Bockarjova, M., Geurts, P. A. T. M., Oosterhaven, M. & van der Veen, A.Mitigating the water footprint of export cut flowers from the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. of using remote sensing techniques for global assessment of water footprint of crops (2010)Remote sensing, 2(4), 1177-1196. Romaguera Albentosa, M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Su, Z., Krol, M. S. & Salama, M. S. of the iEMSs Fifth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2010), Volumes I, II, III (2010)[Book/Report › Book editing]. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Swayne, D. A., Yang, W., Voinov, A. A., Rizzoli, A. & Filatova, T. of market-based instruments for risk management with focus on climate-induced risks (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Deltares. Filatova, T. & van Duinen, R.Soluciones para la escasez del aqua en España y su aplicación a otras regiones (2010)Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas, 103(1), 41-54. Llamas, M. R., Martinez-Aldaya, M., Garrido, A. & López, E.Strategic importance of green water in international crop trade (2010)Ecological economics, 69(4), 887-894. Martinez-Aldaya, M., Allan, J. A. & Hoekstra, A. Y. blue, green and grey water footprint of rice from both a production and consumption perspective (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Chapagain, A. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The blue, green and grey water footprint of rice from both a production and consumption perspective (2010)In Re-thinking water and food security (pp. 219-250). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Chapagain, A. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The effect of modelling expert knowledge and uncertainty on multicriteria decision making: a river management case study (2010)Environmental science & policy, 13(3), 229-238. Janssen, J., Krol, M. S., Schielen, R. M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. globalisation of water (2010)In Water Sustainability: a global perspective (pp. 170-172). Hodder Education. Hoekstra, A. Y.The green and blue water footprint of paper products: methodological considerations and quantification (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. van Oel, P. R. & Hoekstra, A. Y. green, blue and grey water footprint of animals and animal products (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. relation between international trade and freshwater scarcity, working paper ERSD-2010-05 (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. World Trade Organization. Hoekstra, A. Y.The relation between international trade and water resources management (2010)In Handbook on Trade and Environment (pp. -). Edward Elgar. Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint and virtual water exports of Spanish tomatoes (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Fundación Marcelino Botín. Chico, D., Salmoral, G., Llamas, M. R., Garrido, A. & Martinez-Aldaya, M.The water footprint of animal products (2010)In The meat crisis: Developing More Sustainable Production and Consumption (pp. 22-33). Eartscan. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of bio-energy (2010)In Climate change and water : international perspectives on mitigation and adaptation (pp. 81-95). International Water Association (IWA) and Denver, CO, USA, American Water Works Association (AWWA). Hoekstra, A. Y., Gerbens-Leenes, W. & van der Meer, T. H.The water footprint of Indonesian provinces related to the consumption of crop products (2010)Hydrology and earth system sciences, 14(1), 119-128. Bulsink, F., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Booij, M. J. water footprint of olive oil in Spain (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Fundación Marcelino Botín. Salmoral, G., Aldaya, M. M., Chico, D., Garrido, A. & Llamas, M. R.The water footprint: water in the supply chain (2010)Environmentalist, 93(93), 12-13. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water needed to have Italians eat pasta and pizza (2010)Agricultural systems, 103(6), 351-360. Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. analysis in statistical modeling of extreme hydrological events (2010)Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 24(5), 567-578. Xu, Y., Booij, M. J. & Tong, Y.-B. of a model appropriateness framework using the Elbe decision support system (2010)In Decision Support Systems in Agriculture, Food and the Environment: Trends, Applications and Advances (pp. 193-218). Information Science Reference. Xu, Y. & Booij, M. J. of functions of the Wadden Area (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen. Folmer, J., van der Veen, A. & van der Heide, M.Water footprint (2010)In Slowfood (pp. 49-53). Hoekstra, A. Y.http://www.slowfood.itWater footprint of cotton, wheat and rice production in Central Asia (2010)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Martinez-Aldaya, M., Munoz, G. & Hoekstra, A. Y.


Quantification of uncertainties in a 2D hydraulic model for the Dutch river Rhine using expert opinions (2009)In Environmental hydraulics. Theoretical, experimental and computational solutions. Proceedings of the international workshop on environmental hydraulics, IWEH09, 29 - 30 October 2009, Valencia, Spain (pp. 195-198). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Warmink, J. J., van der Klis, H., Booij, M. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Modelling qualitative knowledge for strategic river management: necessity, feasibility and utility (2009)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Janssen, J. A. E. B. of appropriate low flow forecast model for the Meuse River. (2009)In Proceedings of the Joint IAHS & IAH International Convention, Hyderabad, 6-12 September 2009 (pp. 296-303) (331). IAHS publications. Demirel, M. C. & Booij, M. J. of MAS to depict spatiotemporal interdependencies between water use and water availabillity in a semi-arid river basin (2009)In Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Cairns Australia, 13-17 July 2009 (pp. 3287-3296). Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, MODSIM09. van Oel, P. R. footprints of primary bio-energy in the Netherlands, Brazil, the United States and Zimbabwe (2009)In Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5-8 July 2009 (pp. 116-117). Utrecht University. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.A conceptual framework for integrated assessment education (2009)In Proceedings of the Joint Conference of APLU and ICA, 23-26 June 2009, CULS Prague, Czech Republic (pp. 313-316). Kolkman, R.The water footprint of bioenergy (2009)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(25), 10219-10223. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H. methodological framework for participatory processes in water resources management (2009)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Krywkow, J. perceptions and use of technical knowledge in decision-making for the extension of Mainport Rotterdam (2009)In Proceedings International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 10-14 June 2007, Arendal, Norway (pp. 266-284). Wiley-Blackwell. Hommes, S., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., Mulder, J. P. M. P. M. & Otter, H.Water-scarcity patterns : spatiotemporal interdependencies between water use and water availability in a semi-arid river basin (2009)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Oel, P. R. markets from the bottom up: micro-macro links in economics and implications for coastal risk management (2009)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Filatova, T. of uncertainty sources in a 2D hydraulic model for the river Rhine using expert opinions (online only). (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGU General Assembly 2009. Warmink, J. J., van der Klis, H., Booij, M. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.The water footprint of energy from biomass, 26 March 2009 (2009)In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Water and the Future of Kansas Conference (pp. -). K-state University. Gerbens-Leenes, W. a spatial analysis tool for environmental impact and damage assessment (2009)In Programme & Abstracts Book of 2009 International Conference on Hydroinformatics (pp. -). HIC 2009 organization. Haasnoot, M., Verkade, J. S. & de Bruijn, K. M.Wavelets Transform Applied to Hydrological Time Series (HIC-1A1-DM6), the 8th International Conferenceon Hydroinformatics January 12-16, 2009, Conceptión, Chile (2009)In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (pp. 1-10). Conceptionel. Rivera, D., Lillo, M., Arumí, J. & Demirel, M. C.A method to develop sustainable water management stretegies for an uncertain future (2009)Sustainable development, 19(6), 369-381. Haasnoot, M., Middelkoop, H., van Beek, E. & van Deursen, W. P. A. method to explore social response for water management strategies under changing conditions (2009)Sustainable development, 19(5), 312-324. Offermans, A., Haasnoot, M. & Valkering, P. pilot in corporate water footprint accounting and impact assessment: the water footprint of a sugar-containing carbonated beverage (2009)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Ercin, E., Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.A river basin as a commom-pool resource: a case study fot the Jaguaribe basin in the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil (2009)International journal of river basin management, 7(4), 345-353. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. India’s water challenge 2050: the virtual water trade option (2009)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Second National Workshop on Strategic Issues in Indian Irrigation 2009. Verma, S., Kampman, D. A., van der Zaag, P. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Agent-based urban land markets: agent's pricing behaviour, land prices and urban land use change (2009)Journal of artificial societies and social simulation, 12(1,3), 1-30. Filatova, T., Parker, D. & van der Veen, A. van sociaal-economische problemen in het waddengebied (2009)[Book/Report › Report]. Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen. van Dijk, J., Folmer, H., Broersma, L., van der Heide, M., Heijman, W., Horlings, I., Ivanova, A., Ivanova, O., Jonkhoff, W., Koops, O., Sijtsma, F. & van der Veen, A.Assessing framing of uncertainties in water management practice (2009)Water resources management, 23(15), 3191-3191. Isendahl, N., De Wulf, A., Brugnach, M. F., Francois, G., Möllenkamp, S. & Pahl-Wostl, C.Calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model using discharge and remote sensing data (2009)In Proceedings Symposium HS.2 of the Joint IAHS & IAH International Convention, Hyderabad India, 6-12 September 2009 (pp. 52-58) (IAHS publication). IAHS publications. Muthuwatta, L. P., Booij, M. J., Rientjes, T. H. M., Bos, M. G., Gieske, A. S. M. & Ahmad, M.-U.-D. a conceptual framework and a spatial analysis tool, HABITAT, to support the inplementation of reiver basin management plans (2009)International journal of river basin management, 7(4), 295-311. 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Verkerk, M. P., Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Globalization of water: Sharing the planets freshwater resources (2008)[Book/Report › Book]. Blackwell. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chapagain, A. against the flow: A critical analysis of virtual water trade in the context of India's National River Linking Programme (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Verma, S., Kampman, D. A., van der Zaag, P. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Hydrologic homogeneous regions using monthly streamflow in Turkey (2008)Earth sciences research journal, 12(2), 181-193. Kahya, E., Demirel, M. C. & Beg, O. A.Incorporating water footprint within life cycle assessment - how to communicate (2008)In Proceedings from the Symposium on Environmental Communication of Food and Consumer Products, 7-10 October 2008 (pp. -). Martinez-Aldaya, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Involving the region in river planning: the Dutch Maas case (2008)Regions, 271, 6-9-. Janssen, J.Limits to agricultural growth in the Sistan Closed Inland Delta, Iran (2008)Irrigation and drainage systems, 22(2), 131-143. van Beek, E., Bozorgy, B., Vekerdy, Z. & Meijer, K. planet report 2008 (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. WWF international. Hails, C., Humphrey, S., Loh, J., Goldfinger, S., Chapagain, A., Bourne, G., Mott, R., Oglethorpe, J., Gonzales, A., Atkin, M., Collen, B., McRae, L., Carranza, T. T., Pamplin, F. A., Amin, R., Baillie, J. E. M., Wackernagel, M., Stechbart, M., Rizk, S., … Mekonnen, M.Measuring your water footprint: What's next in water strategy (2008)Leading perspectives, 2008(Summer), 12-13, 19. Hoekstra, A. Y.On peaks and politics; governance analysis of flood risk cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands (2008)International journal of river basin management, 6(4), 349-355. Janssen, J.Potential water supply of a small reservoir and alluvial aquifer system in southern Zimbabwe (2008)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, incorporating Parts A, B and C, 33(8-13), 633-639. de Hamer, W., Love, D., Owen, R., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y. importance of green water in international crop trade (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Martinez-Aldaya, M., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Allan, J. A.The external water footprint of The Netherlands: quantification and impact assessment : e-book (2008)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. UNESCO-IHE. van Oel, P. R., Mekonnen, M. M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. external water footprint of the Netherlands: Quantification and impact assessment (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. van Oel, P. R., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. external water footprint of the Netherlands: Quantification and impact assessment (2008)In Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Society for Ecological Economics Conference, ISEE 2008: Applying Ecological Economics for Social and Environmental Sustainability, 7-11 August 2008 UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya (pp. 1-25). ISEE 2008. van Oel, P. R., Mekonnen, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The global component of freshwater demand and supply: An assessment of Virtual water flows between nations as a result of trade in agricultural and industrial products (2008)Water international, 33(1), 19-32. Chapagain, A. & Hoekstra, A. Y. impact of climate change on the water resources of Hindukush-Karakorum-Himalaya region under different glacier coverage scenarios (2008)Journal of hydrology, 355(1-4), 148-163. Akhtar, M., Ahmad, N. & Booij, M. J. impact of upstream water abstractions on reservoir yield : the case of the Oros reservoir in Brazil (2008)Hydrological sciences journal, 53(4), 857-867. van Oel, P. R. & ... [et al.]The impact of upstream water abstractions on reservoir yield: the case of the Orós Reservoir in Brazil (2008)Hydrological sciences journal, 53(4), 857-867. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S., Hoekstra, A. Y. & de Araújo, J. C. water footprint of bio-energy: Global water use for bio-ethanol, bio-diesel, heat and electricity (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.The water footprint of bioenergy and other primary energy carriers (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.The water footprint of energy consumption: an assessment of water requirements of primary energy carriers (2008)ISESCO science and technology vision, 4(5), 38-42. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.The water footprint of food (2008)In Water for food (pp. -). The Swedisch Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas). Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of India (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Kampman, D. A., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Krol, M. S.Use of regional climate model simulations as input for hydrological models for the Hindukush-Karakorum-Himalaya region (2008)Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 5, 865-902. Akhtar, M., Ahmad, N. & Booij, M. J.Vluchtplaatsen in zelfredzame cellen als oplossing bij overstromingen (2008)H2O, 41(7), 50-54. van Reedt Dortland, M., de Fijter, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Water neutral: reducing and ofsetting water footprints (2008)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Hoekstra, A. Y.Water scarcity and international trade: The need to extend the scope of water resources management (2008)In Wasser-Konfliktstoff des 21.Jahrhunderts (pp. 121-141). Universitäts Verlag Winter. Hoekstra, A. Y.


The water footprint of energy consumption: an assessment of water requirements of primary energy carriers (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 1st World Water Sustainability-Renewable Energy Congress 2007. Sayigh, A., Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.River bed management in the Nieuwe Merwede (2007)In NCR Days 2007: a sustainable river system?!: 15-16 November 2007, Oosterbeek, The Netherlands ISSN (pp. 60-61) (NCR publication). NCR. Ruijmschoot, A. M., Krol, M. S., Dohmen-Janssen, C. M., Ribberink, J. S., Buijsrogge, R. H. & Gerrits, G. W. R.A methodology to determine the contribution of stakeholders to the robustness of environmental policy decisions (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 1st International Conference on Adaptive &amp; Integrated Water Management, CAIWA 2007. Bijlsma, R. M., Wolters, H. A., de Kok, J. L. & Hoekstra, A. Y. theoretical insights of particpatory methods into the practical work of water managers (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 1st International Conference on Adaptive &amp; Integrated Water Management, CAIWA 2007. Krywkow, J. & Speil, K. in water level predictions due to various calibrations (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 1st International Conference on Adaptive &amp; Integrated Water Management, CAIWA 2007. Warmink, J. J., Booij, M. J., van der Klis, H. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. to climate change: the self learning dike (2007)In Proceedings NCR-days 2006. 2-4 November 2006, Enschede. NCR-publication 31-2007 (pp. 66-67) (NCR publication 31-2007). NCR. Hoekstra, A. Y. & de Kok, J.-L.Getting grip on complex water issues? A case study: Rotterdam mainport, Appropriate assessment Wadden sea (2007)In Proceedings NCR-days 2006. 2-4 November 2006, Enschede. NCR-publication 31-2007 (pp. 16-17) (NCR-plication 31-2007). NCR. Hommes, S., Otter, H., Mulder, J. P. M. P. M. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Management of flood risk; from science to implementation (2007)In Proceedings NCR-days 2006. 2-4 November 2006, Enschede. NCR-publication 31-2007 (pp. 10-11) (NCR publication 31-2007). NCR. Hoekstra, A. Y.The mind in the model: capturing expert knowledge with the help of fuzzy logic (2007)In Proceedings NCR-days 2006. 2-4 November 2006, Enschede. NCR-publication 31-2007 (pp. 80-81). NCR. Janssen, J. & Schielen, R. M. J.A rainfall-runoff model for two small ungauged catchment using the water balance of a reservoir for calibration (2007)In Proceeedings 8th WaterNet/WARSFA/GWP-SA Symposium, 31 October - 2 November 2007, Lusaka, Zambia ( CD-ROM) (pp. -). Waternet. de Hamer, W., Love, D., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Case studies of groundwater- surface water interactions and scale relationships in small alluvial aquifers (2007)In Proceeedings 8th WaterNet/WARSFA/GWP-SA Symposium, 31 October- 2 November 2007, Lusaka, Zambia (pp. -). Waternet. Love, D., de Hamer, W., Owen, R. J. S., Booij, M. J., Uhlenbrook, S., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Zaag, P.Potential water supply of a small reservoir and alluvial aquifer system in southern Zimbabwe (2007)In Proceeedings 8th WaterNet/WARSFA/GWP-SA Symposium, 31 October - 2 November 2007, Lusaka, Zambia ( CD-ROM). Waternet. de Hamer, W., Love, D., Owen, R., Booij, M. J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Integraal waterbeheer: de verweving van expertise en belangen (2007)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Wesselink, A. J. security of nations: How international trade affects national water scarcity and dependency (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] NATO Advanced Research Workshop, October 18-22, 2007, Yerevan, Armenia. Hoekstra, A. Y.Evaluation of statistical properties of dune profiles (2007)In IAHR symposium River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2007, Volume II, 17-21 September 2007 Enschede, The Netherlands (pp. 913-921). Taylor & Francis. Friedrich, H., Paarlberg, A. & Lansink, J.Agent-Based Land Markets: Heterogeneous Agents, Land Prices and Urban Land Use Change (2007)In Proceedings of ESSA '07: The 4th conference of the European Social Simulation Association 10-14 September 2007, Toulouse, France (pp. 263-275). The European Social Simulation Association (ESSA). Filatova, T., Parker, D. C. & van der Veen, A.The water footprint of energy from biomass (2007)In Proceedings IGU/LUCC Central Europe Conference 2007. Man in the landscape across frontiers: Landscape and land use change in Central European border regions. 28 August-4 September 2007. Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Czechia (pp. 23-24). Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.Modelling of a residential land market with a spatially explicit agent- based land market model (ALMA) (2007)In Agent-based models of market dynamics and consumer behaviour. Second Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Market Dynamics of the European Social Simulation Association. August 22, 2007, Groningen, The Netherlands (pp. 1-5). Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A. uncertainty in climate change impacts of floods (2007)In Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management. Proceedings of Symposium HS2004 at IUGG2007, Perugia, July 2007 (pp. 221-228) (IAHS publication). IAHS Press. Booij, M. J., Huisjes, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Regionalization for uncertainty reduction in flows in ungauged basins (2007)In Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management: Proceedings of Symposium HS2004 at IUGG2007, Perugia, 2-13 July 2007 (pp. 329-337) (IAHS publication). IAHS Press. Booij, M. J., Deckers, D. L. E. H., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Krol, M. S. of risk and asset management for sustainable management of European coastal zones (2007)In 32nd Congress of IAHR: harmonizing the demands of art and nature in hydraulics : July 1-6, 2007, Venice, Italy (pp. 751-751). IHAR. Raaijmakers, R., Krywkow, J. & van der Veen, A.Assisting decision-makers in complex water issues - A case study: Rotterdam Mainport, The Netherlands (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, ICZM 2007. Hommes, S., Otter, H., Mulder, J. P. M. P. M. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.A river basin as a common-pool resource: a case study for the Jaguaribe basin in the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil (on line) (2007)In Proceedings ESEE 2007, Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for Sustainability 5-8th June 2007, UFZ - Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany (pp. -). UFZ. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of energy carriers (2007)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Poster presentation at the Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Integrating natural and social sciences for sustainability, 5-8 June 2007, Leipzig Germany. Gerbens-Leenes, W., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meer, T. H.Use of fuzzy set modeling in assessment of river management measures: dealing with qualitative knowledge and uncertainties (2007)In Environmental software systems, vol. 7, Dimensions in environmental informatics, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, 22-25 May 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. 10 pp. (pp. -). Janssen, J., Hoekstra, A. Y., de Kok, J.-L. & Schielen, R. M. J.Scales in coastal land use: policy and individual decision-making (an economic perspective) (2007)In Issues in global water system research. Global assessments: Bridging scales and linking to policy. Report on the joint TIAS-GWSP workshop held at the University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, USA, 10 and 11 May 2007 (pp. 61-68). The Global Water System Project. Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A.Kritische consument eet duurzaam voedsel (2007)Boerderij vandaag, 14-14. Gerbens-Leenes, W.The water footprint concept (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Ecological Footprint Conference, Cardiff, Wales (UK), 8-10 May 2007. Hoekstra, A. Y.Regional affiliation networks and the success of clustered high tech firms (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Sunbelt Network Conference. Boshuizen, J. & van der Veen, A.How inter-firm networks influence the development of agglomerations (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Workshop on Agglomeration and growth in knowledge-based Societies. Boshuizen, J. & van der Veen, A.Microeconomic dynamics of urban land use in coastal zone area (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Framing land use dynamics II, 18-20-April 2007, Utrecht, The Netherlands. van der Veen, A., Addink, E., Filatova, T., Barendrecht, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D. & de Nijs, T.Rainfall variations, agricultural performance and common-pool resource management in the semiarid Jaguaribe river basin, Brazil. (2007)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Framing Land Use Dynamics II, April 18-20, Utrecht, the Netherlands. van Oel, P. R., Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D. & de Nijs, T.Land Markets and Public Policy; An Act of Balance in Spatial Equilibrium (2007)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Center for Clean Technology and Environmental Policy. Grevers, W.A brief guideline for water managers (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Seecon. Krywkow, J. new approach to testing an integrated water systems model using qualitative scenarios (2007)Environmental modelling & software, 22(11), 1557-1571. Giang, N. T., de Kok, J.-L. & Titus, M. J. river basin as a common-pool resource: A case study for the Jaguaribe basin in Brasil (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. van Oel, P. R., Krol, M. S. & Hoekstra, A. Y.An appropriateness framework for the Dutch Meuse decision support system (2007)Environmental modelling & software, 22(2007), 1667-1678. Xu, Y., Xu, Y.-P., Booij, M. J., Mynett, A. & Mynett, A. E. des Elbe-DSS für Planungsfragen im Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement (Pilot-Version 1.013, Sept. 2006) Beispiel:Hochwassersicherheit am Hauptstrom (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. BfG. Evers, M., Kofalk, S. & de Kok, J.-L. in watermanagement: Frames and mental models (2007)Environmental impact assessment review, 27(7), 685-706. Kolkman, M. J., van der Veen, A. & Geurts, P. A. T. M. making under uncertainty in a decision support system for the Red River (2007)Environmental modelling & software, 22(2), 128-136. de Kort, I. & Booij, M. J. dealings with the Delta (2007)Nature and culture, 2(2), 188-209. Wesselink, A. J., Bijker, W. E., de Vriend, H. J. & Krol, M. S. van integraal waterbeheer: lessen uit de praktijk (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Water Engineering & Management (WEM). Wesselink, A.Flood risk perceptions and spatial multi-criteria analysis: a new approach (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Civiele techniek (CTW). Raaijmakers, R., Krywkow, J. & van der Veen, A.Flood safety in the Netherlands: the Dutch political response to hurricane Katrina (2007)Technology in society, 29(2), 239-247. Wesselink, A. appropriation of natural capital: Comparing ecological footprint and water footprint analysis (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education. Hoekstra, A. Y.International trade in meat: The tip of the pork chop (2007)Ambio, 36(8), 622-629. Galloway, J. N., Burke, M., Bradford, G. E., Naylor, R., Falcon, W., Chapagain, A., Gaskell, J. C., McCullough, E., Mooney, H., Oleson, K. L. L., Steinfeld, H., Wassenaar, T. & Smil, V.Mondiale druk op natuurlijke hulpbronnen voor voedsel stijgt. Meer land, water en energie in productie- en consumptiesystemen nodig (2007)Voeding nu, 9(2), 11-14. Gerbens-Leenes, W.Nederland minder kwetsbaar maken (2007)WaterForum magazine(322), -. Hoekstra, A. Y. (2007)In Twente index 2007: Special Netwerken (pp. 54-57). Stichting Twente Index. Boshuizen, J. & van der Veen, A.Pompen of verzuipen (2007)ConcepTueel, 16(1), 9-10. Hoekstra, A. Y.Propagation of discharge uncertainty in a flood damage model for the Meuse river (2007)In Flood risk management in Europe: Innovation in policy and practice (pp. 293-310) (Advances in natural and technological hazards research series). Springer. Xu, Y., Booij, M. J. & Mynett, A.Public and stakeholder participation, Theme Group III, Final report of the TRUST project (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Hoogheemraadschap van Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard. Krywkow, J., Rasche, K., Moss, E., Mitchell, T., Vancleemput, K., van der Kroef, R., Hotting, R. J., Rodenbach, A. M. & Noordanus, C. Social Learning (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Center for Clean Technology and Environmental Policy. Hofman, P. & van der Veen, A.Regional integrated modelling of climate change impacts on natural resources and resource usage in semi-arid Norhteast Brazil (2007)Environmental modelling & software, 22(2), 259-268. Krol, M. S. & Bronstert, A. for uncertainty reduction in flows in ungauged basins (2007)In Quantification and reduction of predictive uncertainty for sustainable water resources management : proceedings of symposium HS2004 at IUGG2007, Perugia, 7-13 July 2007. (IAHS Publication ; 313) (pp. 329-337). Wallingford: IAHS. Booij, M. J., Deckers, D. L. E. H., Rientjes, T. H. M. & Krol, M. S.Schadereductie door compartimentering in een dijkringgebied (2007)H2O, 40(16), 44-47. Oost, J. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Social learning in Water Management: Lessons from the HarmoniCOP Project (2007)E-Water, 2007, -. Wolters, H., de Ridder, D., Mostert, E., Otter, H. & Patel, M. economic effects of large-scale inundation: a simulation of the Krimpen dike breakage (2007)In Flood risk management in Europe: innovation in policy and practice (pp. 131-154) (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research; Vol. 25). Springer. Bočkarjova, M., Steenge, A. E. & van der Veen, A. testing of an integrated systems model for coastal zone management using sensitivity and uncertainty analyses (2007)Environmental modelling & software, 22(11), 1572-1587. Giang, N. T. & de Kok, J.-L. economic impact of restricted water supply: A computable general equilibrium analysis (2007)Water research, 41(8), 1799-1813. Berrittella, M., Hoekstra, A. Y., Rehdanz, K., Roson, R. & Tol, R. S. J. global water footprint of the European Community (2007)Parliament magazine, 255, 49-49. Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprint of coffee and tea consumption in the Netherlands (2007)Ecological economics, 64(1), 109-118. Chapagain, A. & Hoekstra, A. Y. water footprint of the Netherlands: analysis of international impacts and options for change (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Water Engineering & Management (WEM). Gerbens-Leenes, W. & Hoekstra, A. Y.The water footprints of Morocco and the Netherlands: Global water use as a result of domestic consumption of agricultural commodities (2007)Ecological economics, 64(1), 143-151. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chapagain, A. for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Report on an Expert Meeting (2007)[Book/Report › Report]. Rathenau Institute. Wesselink, A. & Merkx, F.Uncertainty analysis at large scales: limitations and subjectivity of current practices - a water quality case study (2007)Water science and technology, 56(6), 1-9. Bijlsma, R., Groenendijk, P., Blind, M. W. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Unified optical - thermal four - stream radiative transfer theory for homogeneous vegetation canopies. (2007)IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 45(6), 1808-1822. Verhoef, W., Jia, L., Xioa, Q. & Su, Z.Verschillen in schaalniveaus: Combineren kun je leren (2007)H2O, 40(24), 16-18. Janssen, J. & Bochev-Van der Burgh, L.Virtual water: measuring flows around the world (2007)In Encyclopedia of Water Science (pp. -). Taylor & Francis. Hoekstra, A. Y. footprints of nations: water use by people as a function of their consumption pattern (2007)Water resources management, 21(1), 35-48. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Chapagain, A. K. footprints: The water needs of people in relation to their consumption pattern (2007)In Encyclopedia of Water Science (pp. -). Taylor & Francis. Hoekstra, A. Y. bijdragen aan de wetenschappelijke scheurkalender (2007)In Wetenschappelijke scheurkalender 2008 (pp. -). Gerbens-Leenes, W.


Workshop 8: Complexity and uncertainty and a new role for models (2006)In Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Anastasio, P., Brugnach, M., Chiew, F., Filatova, T., Gray, B., Holtz, G., Lindenschmidt, K. E., Marques, J. C., Pahl-Wostl, C., Pardal, M., Refsgaard, J. C., Reichl, J., van der Keur, P., van der Veen, A. & Verdelhos, T. in climate change impacts on low flows (2006)In Climate variability and change: Hydrological impacts. Proceedings of the fifth FRIEND World Conference Havana Cuba, 27 November -1 December 2006. IAHS publication 308 (pp. 401-406) (IAHS publication). IAHS Press. Booij, M. J., Huisjes, M. & Hoekstra, A. Y. Flood Risk Assessment in the Elbe Prototype DSS (2006)In Beiträge zur Konferenz "Strategien und Instrumente zur Verbesserung des vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutzes", 23. - 25. November 2006 in Tangermünde. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Wasserwirtschaft und Ökotechnologie, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. Band 6 (pp. 93-99). Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. de Kok, J.-L. & Grossmann, M.The probabilistic and event-driven dike design: comparison of the performance of two design strategies (2006)In Beiträge zur Konferenz "Strategien und Instrumente zur Verbesserung des vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutzes", 23. - 25. November 2006 in Tangermünde. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Wasserwirtschaft und Ökotechnologie, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. Band 6 (pp. 217-220). Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. de Kok, J.-L. & Hoekstra, A. Y.Decision making in flood situations for boezem systems: GDH boezem (2006)In NCR-days 2005. Research on river dynamics from geological to operational time scales. 3-5 November 2005, Zwijndrecht (pp. 42-43) (NCR publication 29-2005). NCR. Bijlsma, R.The mind in the model - Modelling expert knowledge with fuzzy sets (2006)[Contribution to conference › Paper] NCR-days 2006. Janssen, J., Augustijn, D. C. M., Schielen, R. M. J. & van Os, A. G.Incorporating qualitative indicators to support river managers: Application of fuzzy sets (2006)In 3rd International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2006. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Janssen, J. A. E. B., de Kok, J. L., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Schielen, R. M. J. motives of land use change in coastal zone area: agent based modelling approach (2006)In Summit on environmental Modelling and software. 3rd Biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (IEMSs), July 9-13, 2006 , Burlington, Vermont, USA (pp. -). Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A.Models and output are interpreted in conflicting frames that cause the gaps to be unbridgeable (2006)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 3rd International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2006. Kolkman, R.Questions and methods to model emergence of land use patterns in coastal zone area (2006)In Summit on environmental Modelling and software. 3rd Biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (IEMSs), July 9-13, 2006 , Burlington, Vermont, USA (pp. -). Filatova, T. & van der Veen, A.Towards a User-Oriented Design of a DSS for Integrated River-Basin Management: the Elbe Prototype DSS (2006)In Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: "Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software". July 9-12, 2006, Burlington, Vermont, USA (pp. -). de Kok, J.-L. & Kofalk, S.Without a common mental model a DSS makes no sense (a new approach to frame analysis using mental models) (2006)In Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: "Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software". July 9-12, 2006, Burlington, Vermont, USA. CD-Rom (pp. -). 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Polome, P., Marzetti, S. & van der Veen, A. hotspots: visualizing vulnerability to flooding (2005)Natural hazards, 36(1-2), 65-80. van der Veen, A. & Logtmeijer, C. J. J. management in the Lower Incomati river basin, Mozambique: Two alternatives (2005)Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 41(3), 607-619. van Ogtrop, F. F., Hoekstra, A. Y. & van der Meulen, F. for integrated design of water and land management systems; towards robust water-space partnerships as a basis for adaptive water management. Reoprt to the neWater project (2005)[Book/Report › Report]. WU. van Walsum, P. E. V., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Krywkow, J., van der Veen, A., der Nederlanden, H., Bos, M. Q. & Ottow, B.Globalisation of water resources: International virtual water flows in relation to international crop trade (2005)Environmental Hazards, 15(1), 45-56. Hoekstra, A. Y. & Hung, P. Q. of water (2005)In Water encyclopedia, Vol 2: Water quality and resource development (pp. -). Wiley. 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