Title of the project
SEDIMARE Project: Sand-mud mixtures transport
PhD project
2023 - 2027
Persons involved
V. Thi To Nguyen (PhD Candidate)
Prof. dr.ir. J.J. van der Werf (Mentor)
Prof. dr.ir. P.C. Roos (Promotor)
Funding of the project
The SEDIMARE project’s funding is supported by Europe Union (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN)).
Summary of the research
Be a part of the SEDIMARE project which is a research project about the effect of complex sediment transport and morphodynamic processes and the development of effective applied engineering solutions. As one of 12 doctoral candidate projects, this study (SEDIMARE #3) is aimed to understand the transport of sand – mud mixtures in the coastal areas. Researches of sediment transport has been studied for long time ago, however, the complex properties of sand – mud mixtures interacting with fluid dynamics such as wave and currents is still a big challenge. Especially in numerical modelling where we want to describe and predict most accurately the transport of these mixtures.
Therefore, the new datasets will be obtained from full-scaled laboratory experiments measuring the net transport rate as well as the transport process of the sand – mud mixtures. Based on analyzing these new datasets, we are going to develop and improve the formulations describing the process of sand – mud transport. Thereby, the formulations can be implemented into engineering morphological models such as Delft3D, Xbeach…
Sand – mud mixtures, sediment transport, coastal engineering, lab experiments
More information
Nguyen, Thi To Van
Room: Horst-Ring W202
E-mail: v.thitonguyen@utwente.nl