01-2025/present: Lars de Wolde, How crops respond to climate extremes in Europe? (UT)
11-2024/present: Roel Brinkers, Evaluating the impact of sewer system detail on flood characteristics in urban flooding modeling under climate change projections. (Hydrologic)
11-2024/present: Jonne Hanning, Climate uncertainty in a coupled hydrological-hydrodynamic tropical river model. (UT and WUR)
02-2024/present: Sjoerd Gabriëls, Robustness of water distribution in Vlaardingen. (Nelen & Schuurmans)
02-2024/01-2025: Ivan Leegwater, The effects of nature-based solutions on high- and low flows in the Vecht river basin. (Deltares and UT)
02-2024/01-2025: Sander de Groot, Evaluation of ensemble flood forecast performance by using a semi-distributed multi-model approach compared to single models. (Deltares and UT)
02-2024/12-2024: William Cazemier, The effects of nature-based solutions on high and low flows in the Vecht using hydrological model Wflow sbm. (Deltares and UT)
11-2023/08-2024: Ruben den Hertog, Unveiling the implications of schematisation choices in fluvial flood models - Dike breach induced floods in Betuwe Tieler en Culemborgerwaarden. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
09-2023/08-2024: Rik van der Gaast, Evaluating the transferability of data-driven pedo-transfer functions for the wflow_sbm parameter KsatHorFrac in central and Western Europe. (Deltares)
09-2023/05-2024: Vera Glas, Accuracy and suitability of satellite-based retrieval products for operational precipitation nowcasting in Ghana. (HKV)
04-2023/05-2024: Amy ten Berge, Robustness of hydrological models for simulating impact of climate change on high and low streamflow in the Lesse. (UT)
02-2023/11-2023: Loek Hahn, The impact of spatially distributed evacuation fractions on flood safety standards in the Netherlands. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
01-2023/12-2023: Rutger Wiebing, Effectiveness of adaptation measures to make the urban rainwater distribution more robust after short intense rainfall events. (Nelen & Schuurmans)
01-2023/08-2023: Schadrack Tuyishime, Testing the SM2RAIN (Soil-Moisture-2-Rainfall) satellite product for rainfall-runoff simulation in the Gilgal Abay catchment, Ethiopia. (ITC)
11-2022/09-2023: Isabelle Schippers, Evaluating spatial measures with a D-hydro model to reduce flood risk based on the Dutch flood safety standards. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
11-2022/07-2023: Laura Janssen, Surrogate models: a solution for real-time inundation forecasting? Surrogate modelling for three case studies in the Netherlands. (Hydrologic)
09-2022/06-2023: Jaap Gerrits, Calibrating a hydraulic river model using bathymetry and roughness: A case study on the river Waal. (UT)
04-2022/01-2023: Fedde Hop, Rapid generation of probabilistic inundation forecasts by utilizing cloud computing and deep learning. (Hydrologic)
11-2021/12-2022: Patience Musemakweri, Evaluation of satellite rainfall estimates for crop growth modeling. (ITC)
11-2021/08-2022: Wiyanda Aflah, Modelling the impact of conservation agriculture on hydrological processes and crop yield using the SWAT model. (UT and Water Board Rijn en IJssel)
11-2021/09-2022: Luuk Nieuwenhuis, Rapid Assessment of drought-induced effects in the Dutch urban environment. (Witteveen+Bos)
11-2021/08-2022: Oscar Bakker, Spatial planning and flood risk - Development of a spatial planning framework for the mitigation of flood risks. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
09-2021/05-2022: Ruben van der Zaag, Comparison of the effects of Nature-Based Solutions on urban runoff in Kigali using different parametrisations. (HKV)
04-2021/04-2022: Stefan van Leijsen, The effect of climate change on groundwater level variation in De Wieden, the Netherlands. (Arcadis)
11-2020/present: Irene Helmholt, Investigating differences between numerical models for surface water predictions (Royal HaskoningDHV and UT)
11-2020/12-2021: Linde Hagedoorn, Climate resilient water system in Haarlo-Olden Eibergen. (Water Board Rijn en IJssel)
10-2020/08-2021: Mameline Umutesi, Assessing impacts of climate change and land-use interventions on flooding in Nyabugogo catchment (Kigali, Rwanda). (ITC)
10-2020/09-2021: Betelhem Gebretsadik, Lake Tana water balance assessment by the effect of climate change and land use interventions. (ITC)
04-2020/01-2021: Bart Treurniet, Quantifying the share of non-sustainable groundwater in the blue water footprint of global crop production. (UT and Utrecht University)
11-2019/07-2021: Mike Flohr, Improvement of rainfall runoff simulations on urban unpaved surfaces. (Royal HaskoningDHV and UT)
11-2019/12-2020: Da Li, Evaluation of hydrological models under stationary and non-stationary conditions. (UT)
10-2019/09-2020: Geert Luijkx, Assimilation of remotely sensed soil moisture data in a hydrological forecasting model of the Overijsselse Vecht. (Water Board Drents Overijsselse Delta)
10-2019/11-2020: Luca Furii, Sustainable Land Management application in an intensive irrigated agriculture domain. (CEBAS: Murcia, Spain and UT)
10-2019/06-2020: Mark Beltman, Drought severity - Real-time evaluation of drought severity by means of Artificial Neural Networks and damage functions. (Water Board Vechtstromen)
05-2019/02-2020: Nora Wijmans, Water,carbon and land footprint of solar thermal technologies. (UT)
04-2019/06-2020: Luc Albers, Alternative ways to set the blue water footprint cap at sub-catchment level: a case study for the Yellow River basin in China. (Northwest A&F University: Yangling, China and UT)
04-2019/12-2020: Wenying Bao, Crop water management to reduce blue water scarcity: A case study for the Yellow River basin. (Northwest A&F University: Yangling, China and UT)
02-2019/12-2019: Sam Westerhof, Uncertainties in the derivation of the Dutch flood safety standards. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
02-2019/10-2019: Wytse Roosjen, Interdependency of stochastic variables determining normative water levels in the Alblasserwaard. (Hydrologic)
11-2018/12-2019: Daan Kling, Application and evaluation of the 3Di groundwater model in de Waalenburg polder, Texel, the Netherlands. (Nelen & Schuurmans)
11-2018/08-2019: Daniël van den Heuvel, A framework for standardized assessment of neighborhood climate adaptiveness and derivation of design parameters under 2085 climate scenarios. (Witteveen+Bos)
09-2018/06-2019: Hidde Kats, Minimizing water shortages and operational costs of a water supply system by providing decision support on real-time control. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
06-2018/09-2019: Jelmer Dijkstra, Improving inundation simulation by adapted roughness and bed profile implementation in a Flood Hazard Mapper. (Royal HaskoningDHV)
11-2017/03-2019: Wouter Schreur, Impacts of climate change on flow composition using a model tailored to runoff components. (Institute of Geophysics: Warsaw, Poland and UT)
11-2017/11-2018: Herm Jan aan het Rot, Coincidence of storm surges and river discharges due to typhoons in the Pampanga delta. (Deltares)
11-2017/08-2018: Nika Daling, The effect of precipitation data and parameter estimation on peak flow simulation in the Jinhua river basin. (Zhejiang University: Hangzhou, China and UT)
07-2017/03-2018: Raazia Attique, Comparison between statistical and dynamical downscaling of rainfall under Representative Concentration Pathways scenarios over the Gwadar-Ormara basin, Pakistan. (ITC)
11-2016/04-2018: Niels van den Brink, Influence of hydrological model structures on extreme high flow simulations in the Meuse basin. (Deltares and UT)
11-2016/09-2017: Ingrid van den Brink, Sensitivity of discharge characteristics to the spatial resolution of regional climate models. (Deltares, KNMI and UT)
11-2016/07-2017: Theo Schipper, The attribution of changes in streamflow to climate and land use change for 472 catchments in the United States and Australia(UT)
11-2015/08-2020: Larisse Keim, Assessing the influences of different hydrological models on flood frequencies for a discharge generator. (UT and Deltares)
11-2015/11-2016: Mick Poppe, Simulating the water footprint of woodies in Aquacrop en Apex. (UT)
11-2015/11-2016: Ivo Huiskes, Using Ensemble Streamflow Predictions for extreme discharge purposes in the river Rhine. (Deltares and UT)
11-2015/08-2016: Tom Brouwer, Potential of Twitter derived flood maps: comparing interpolation methods and assessing uncertainties. (Deltares)
09-2015/04-2016: Annemarleen Kersbergen, Skill of a discharge generator in simulating low flow characteristics in the Rhine basin. (Deltares and UT)
08-2015/06-2016: Sjoerd Wester, Hydrodynamic modelling of a data scarce wetland area in the Lower Paraná Delta. (University of San Martin: Buenos Aires, Argentina and UT)
04-2015/05-2016: Hizkia Trul, Performance of GRADE in simulating flood wave characteristics in the Rhine basin. (Deltares and UT)
11-2014/11-2015: Ruben Oldhoff, Local and catchment scale validation of soil hydraulic pedotransfer functions for an Indonesian watershed. (Bengawan Solo Water Board: Solo, Indonesia and UT)
11-2014/08-2015: Harm-Jan Benninga, Performance and limitations of ensemble river flow forecasts. (Institute of Geophysics: Warsaw, Poland and UT)
05-2014/12-2015: Loek Zomerdijk, Performance of multi-model ensemble combinations for flood forecasting. (Zhejiang University: Hangzhou, China and UT)
05-2014/05-2015: Rens Holterman, Using remote sensing data of actual evapotranspiration in strategic and operational water level management. (Waterschap Groot Salland)
12-2013/10-2014: Floor Speet, Improving decision quality in urban storm water management projects by using 3Di system. (Nelen & Schuurmans)
10-2013/03-2015: Wouter Maat, Simulating discharges and forecasting floods using a conceptual rainfall-runoff model for the Bolivian Mamoré basin. (UT)
09-2013/08-2014: Gerrit van Zwol, Water deficits in Bogowonto. Evaluation of hydrological effects of stakeholder prioritized response options for the agricultural water deficits in Bogowonto, Indonesia. Indonesia (Gadjah Mada University: Yogyakarta, Indonesia and UT)
11-2012/09-2013: Hildemar Houtenbos, Impacts of climate change on drought in the Meuse basin. (UT)
10-2012/12-2013: Sebastiaan Meurs, Het beoordelen of met de stochastenmethode een goede indicatie van normafvoeren kan worden gegeven door gebruik te maken van een hydrologisch Simgro-model. (Waterschap Peel en Maasvallei)
09-2012/12-2013: Wouter Knoben, Estimation of non-stationary hydrological model parameters for the Polish Welna catchment. (Institute of Geophysics: Warsaw, Poland and UT)
04-2012/03-2013: Ingmar van Aartsen, Water shortages in Bandung. Assessment of inter-basin water transfer measures to reduce water shortages in the Upper Citarum River Basin. (Deltares)
04-2012/04-2013: Erwin Vonk, Dam reoperation as an adaption strategy for shifting patterns of water supply and demand. A case study for the Xin’anjiang-Fuchunjiang reservoir cascade, China. (Zhejiang University: Hangzhou, China and UT)
02-2012/12-2013: Rick Hogeboom, The influence of groundwater abstractions on Lake Naivasha's water levels. (ITC and UT)
11-2011/04-2013: Frank Meins, Evaluation of spatial scale alternatives for hydrological modelling of the Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya. (ITC and UT)
11-2011/10-2012: Wouter van Esse, Demystifying hydrological monsters. Can flexibility in model structure help explain monster catchments? (Irstea: Paris, France, CRP Gabriel Lippman: Belvaux, Luxembourg and UT)
10-2011/01-2013: Kor Heerema, Hydrological modeling of a Mongolian River basin under current and changed climate conditions using permafrost conceptualizations. (DHV and UT)
05-2011/05-2012: Frans van der Werf, De vertaalslag van landelijk beleid tot het nemen van maatregelen door de waterschappen. (Infram)
11-2010/08-2011: Pham Van Trang, Tracking the uncertainty from precipitation to streamflow prediction in hydrological modelling. (Cemagref: Paris, France and UT)
09-2010/04-2012: Jeroen Heesbeen, The influence of integrated modelling on the flood risk in an urban water system. (Royal Haskoning)
05-2010/08-2011: Pieter Bouwma, Low flow forecasts for the Rhine at Lobith 14 days ahead. (UT)
02-2010/12-2010: Jasper Bisterbosch, Impacts of climate change on low flows in the Rhine basin. (UT)
11-2009/04-2011: Sander Siebelink, Application of rainfall data from radar versus rain gauge in urban water management. (Hydrologic and UT)
09-2009/06-2010: Werner Weeink, Thresholds for flood forecasting and warning. Evaluation of streamflow and ensemble thresholds. (Cemagref: Paris, France and UT)
06-2009/04-2010: Sander van den Tillaart, Influence of incertainties in discharge determination on the parameter estimation and performance of a HBV model in Meuse sub basins. (UT)
11-2008/08-2010: Lea Goedhart, Presentation of uncertainty in model output to decision makers in flood management. (UT and Hydrologic)
09-2008/09-2009: Daniël Tollenaar, Simulation of present and future discharges at the Nile River upstream Lake Nasser. (Deltares and UT)
06-2008/03-2009: Han Vermue, Increasing complexity in hydrologic modelling; an uphill route?. (Royal Haskoning and Waterschap Aa en Maas)
05-2008/12-2008: Arnoud Keizer, Guide to reduce flood damage through failure of regional dikes. (Hydrologic)
03-2008/09-2009: Harm-Jan van Donk, De gevolgen van toekomstverandering voor het Natte Hart van Nederland in 2050. (Deltares)
10-2007/06-2008: Robert Verger, Hawaii’s vanishing streamflows. (University of Hawaii: Manoa, United States and UT)
10-2007/04-2008: Anne Steenbergen, Advising municipalities how to deal with (uncertainties in) extreme rain events and the expected increase herein for the design of the urban water system. (Tauw)
09-2007/07-2008: Pieter Stek, Urban groundwater extraction in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (International Islamic University: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and UT)
04-2007/03-2008: Arjan Ottink, The European Water Framework Directive in urban areas. (Witteveen+Bos)
12-2006/11-2007: Ric Huting, Hydrological modelling of the Liuxihe River basin to contribute to the development of flood management. (Sun Yat-Sen University: Guangzhou, China and UT)
12-2006/07-2007: Wouter de Hamer, Potential water supply of the Mnyabezi catchment. A case study of a small reservoir and alluvial aquifer system in the arid region of southern Zimbabwe. (WaterNet/ ICRISAT: Harare, Zimbabwe and UT)
10-2006/03-2007: Irena Ymeti, Rainfall estimation by Remote Sensing for conceptual rainfall-runoff modeling in the Upper Blue Nile basin. (ITC)
04-2006/11-2006: Dave Deckers, Predicting discharge at ungauged catchments. Parameter estimation through the method of regionalisation. (ITC and UT)
01-2006/10-2006: Martijn Huisjes, Uncertainties in the impacts of climate change on extreme high Meuse discharges. (UT)
04-2005/12-2005: Niels Minnen, Voorspelling lage afvoeren Rijn. Een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden voor het voorspellen van lage afvoeren op de rivier de Rijn (HKV)
03-2005/10-2005: Martin Arends, Low flow modelling of the Meuse. Recalibration of the existing HBV Meuse model. (RIZA)
08-2004/05-2005: Rianne Bijlsma, Geautomatiseerd draaiboek hoogwater boezem.Ontwikkeling van een functioneel ontwerp gebaseerd op het boezembeheer bij Wetterskip Fryslân. (Royal Haskoning and Wetterskip Fryslân)
06-2004/08-2005: Steven Foppes, Regionalisation based on basin characteristics applied to flood forecasting in the Da River. (Institute of Mechanics: Hanoi, Vietnam and UT)
01-2004/10-2004: Tom Raadgever, Schademodellering laagwater Maas. Een onderzoek naar de omvang en de opbouw van de schade ten gevolge van lage Maasafvoeren. (Royal Haskoning and UT)
09-2003/08-2004: Peter Kramer, Effecten van vasthouden-bergen-afvoeren voor de stroomgebieden van de Regge en Overijsselse Vecht tijdens hoogwatersituaties. (Royal Haskoning)
07-2003/03-2004: Marieke ten Voorde, Watertekort in het Hollands Noorderkwartier. (Grontmij)
07-2003/02-2004: Jonas van Schrojenstein Lantman, Hoogwatervoorspellingen op de Maas in crisissituaties. (Rijkswaterstaat Limburg)
04-2003/10-2003: Thalitha van Heijst, De Maten voor de Bornsebeek? Ruimtelijke inpassing van stedelijk oppervlaktewater in de nieuwbouwwijk de Bornsche Maten. (Royal Haskoning)
01-2003/08-2003: Inge de Kort, Decision making under uncertainty. Ranking measures in a Decision Support System for flood control in the Red River in Vietnam, while taking uncertainty into account. (UT)
05-2001/06-2003: Boukje Klunhaar, The value of knowing how little you know. De invloed van het ‘erkennen’ van statistische onzekerheid op de maatgevende afvoer van de Maas. (UT)
05-2001/12-2001: Koen van der Wal, Meuse model moulding. On the effect of spatial resolution. (RIZA and UT)
12-2000/07-2001: Nicole Zantkuijl, Waterconservering via het peilbeheer. Het bepalen van de mogelijkheden in agrarisch gebied. (Witteveen+Bos)
BSc students (internships)
04-2024/08-2024: Chiel Teunissen, A satellite-guided derivation of reservoir dam operation rules in ungauged locations - A case study in Vietnam. (Vietnam National University of Science: Hanoi, Vietnam)
04-2023/09-2023: Vinsensius Windy Hermawan, Assessment of satellite-based precipitation data for SWAT+ modelling in upstream catchment of Bengawan Solo, Java, Indonesia. (University of Indonesia: Jakarta, Indonesia)
04-2023/08-2023: Denise Thus, Determination of the changes in annual and seasonal runoff and determine if the changes in runoff can be attributed to land cover change or climate change in the Merawu catchment, central Java. (Universitas Gadjah Mada: Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
04-2022/09-2022: Walter Winkel, An impact assessment of human interventions on the hydrological regime of the Black River basin in Vietnam. (Vietnam National University of Science: Hanoi, Vietnam)
04-2022/08-2022: Madieke van Oosterhout, Differences in soil water characteristics of monoculture oil palm plantations, agroforestry oil palm plantations and natural forest. (Universitas Gadjah Mada: Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
04-2021/07-2021: Lieke van Haastregt, Selecting a flood mitigation measure for Matera, Italy, and determining its effectiveness in reducing physical flood characteristics. (McGill University: Montreal, Canada)
04-2021/10-2021: Isabelle Schippers, The influence of snow initial conditions on ensemble flood forecasting for the Bow river. (University of Saskatchewan: Canmore, Canada)
11-2020/02-2021: Sjoerd Gabriëls, The influence of pinch culverts on the water system of the Glanerbeek in a historical and future climate. (Water Board Vechtstromen: Almelo)
04-2020/08-2020: Marit Lambers, An analysis to test the sensitivity of output values of flood modelling software D-HYDRO to characteristics of the river, dike and hinterland. (UT and Hydrologic: Amersfoort)
04-2020/08-2020: Niek Klein Wolterink, Water retention in the catchment of the Groenlose Slinge. (Water Board Rijn en IJssel: Doetinchem)
04-2019/08-2019: Saskia van Brenk, Effect of different land uses on the hydrological response of two paired micro-catchments. (Universitas Gadjah Mada: Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
12-2018/04-2019: Rhodé Rijneveld, Farming practices and their water use in the Getas-Ngandong forests. (Universitas Gadjah Mada: Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
04-2018/07-2018: Marthe Oldenhof, Rioolmodelleringsstudie Bilzen - Een analyse van de huidige knelpunten in het rioleringsstelsel van het zuiveringsgebied Bilzen. (Antea Group: Gent, Belgium)
04-2017/07-2017: Anne Siersema, Analyse van de verschillen tussen de grondwatermodellen Azure en Hydromedah bij de provincie Utrecht. (Tauw: Deventer)
04-2017/07-2017: Danny Booij, Statistical trend analysis of River Rhine discharge using a twentieth century weather re-analysis. (Deltares: Delft)
04-2016/08-2016: Daniël van den Heuvel, A hillslope hydrology analysis of the Landscape Evolution Observatory within Biosphere2. (University of Arizona: Tucson, United States)
04-2016/07-2016: Wessel van der Sande, Impacts of systematic streamflow errors on hydrological forecasting. (UNESCO-IHE: Delft)
04-2015/08-2015: Henrike Maris, Peak discharge variation due to leaf area index and vegetation cover characteristics in the upper Bengawan Solo catchment. (Bengawan Solo Water Board: Solo, Indonesia)
04-2015/07-2015: Rianne Boks, Presentatie basisprognoses waterveiligheid uit het Nationaal Water Model in de vorm van infographics. (Deltares: Delft)
09-2014/12-2014: Geert-Jan Wilbrink, Characterization of recession behaviour for ungauged catchments in the United Kingdom based on catchment properties. (University of Bristol: Bristol, United Kingdom)
07-2014/11-2014: Marc Warmerdam, Design of a hydrological model to determine the impact of urbanization on the direct runoff at the hillslope scale in West Java, Indonesia. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
04-2014/08-2014: Annet Both, The development of a pedotransfer function predicting the hydraulic conductivity for the Bogowonto river basin, Java. (Gadjah Mada University: Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
04-2014/08-2014: Bas Krewinkel, A correlation study between climate indexes and high runoff events in the Lanjiang River Basin, China. (Zhejiang University: Hangzhou, China)
05-2013/08-2013: Marcel Muller, Het gebruik van meetgegevens voor het verbeteren van de hydrologische verwachtingen van het IJsselmeer. (Rijkswaterstaat: Lelystad)
04-2013/08-2013: Michiel Clements, Defining prior probabilities for hydrologic model structures in UK catchments. (University of Bristol: Bristol, United Kingdom)
11-2012/04-2013: Timor Post, Search for the optimal selection formulas when calibrating separately for flood and dry season. (China Three Gorges University: Yichang, China)
07-2012/11-2012: Arjen Haag, Hercalibratie Model Lobith. Een vergelijking van methoden voor het opstellen van regressie vergelijkingen bij de calibratie van een model gericht op waterstandsvoorspellingen van de Rijn. (Rijkswaterstaat: Lelystad)
04-2012/08-2012: Peter Bijl, Regionalization of hydraulic conductivity and drainable porosity using a hillslope hydrological model approach. (University of Arizona: Tucson, United States)
04-2012/08-2012: Christiaan Groeneveld, Modelling watershed development in West-Bengal (East India Plateau) using a small scale rainfall-evapotranspiration-runoff model. (Australian National University: Canberra, Australia)
04-2012/08-2012: Jasper Hoeve, Developing and applying a methodology for high flow estimation under a non-stationary climate. The effects of climate change and climate variability on high river flows in New Zealand catchments. (NIWA: Christchurch, New Zealand)
05-2011/09-2011: Erwin Vonk, The impact of different canal configurations on the drainage of tropical peatlands. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
04-2011/09-2011: Anne Nobel, Modeling the impact of climate and land use change on discharges in het Citarum river. (Padjadjaran University: Bandung, Indonesia)
04-2011/08-2011: Thijs Evers, Application of the WetSpa model to the South Tobacco Creek watershed using an improved snow redistribution algorithm. (University of Guelph: Guelph, Canada)
06-2010/present: Jurjen Hendriks, Modeling dissolved silica and suspended sediment in the Baker river catchment. (CIEP: Coyhaique, Chile)
04-2010/09-2010: Johan de Waard, Testing a fully distributed hydrological model for runoff and flow simulation on a Canadian prairie watershed. (University of Guelph: Guelph, Canada)
04-2010/08-2010: Frank Meins, Modelling drainage of tropical peatlands through a canal system. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
11-2009/06-2010: Joost Noordermeer, Data-extensive water table height approximation. Restoration of tropical peatland hydrology on Central Kalimantan. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
09-2009/02-2010: Michiel van Vilsteren, Design flood estimation for the Quang Tri province in Vietnam. (Hanoi University of Science: Hanoi, Vietnam)
05-2009/08-2009: Ferdinand van den Brink, Modelling the discharge of the Cidanau River in West Java with the HBV model. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
04-2009/08-2009: Erik Ensing, Reference crop evapotranspiration spatially interpolated and temporally distributed in Java. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
03-2009/08-2009: Tom Doldersum, Global sensitivity analysis of the WetSpa model for the Ve river in Vietnam. (Hanoi University of Science: Hanoi, Vietnam)
10-2008/01-2009: Harm Nomden, Natuurvorming en de gevolgen voor de neerslag-afvoer-relatie. Analyse van de gevolgen van het project “Herstel beekdalsysteem Halkenbroek/ Homers” (Peilgebied 1510) op de neerslag-afvoer-relatie. (Royal Haskoning: Groningen)
05-2008/08-2008: Mees Beeker, The Water Footprint of Indonesian provinces. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
04-2008/08-2008: Rik Bulsink, Water Footprint of Indonesian Provinces. The relation between water use and consumption in Indonesian provinces. (LabMath Indonesia: Bandung, Indonesia)
04-2008/07-2008: Marloes ter Haar, Hoe veilig is Nederland? Een onderzoek naar de patronen en gevolgen van een mogelijke overstroming. (Provincie Overijssel: Zwolle)
08-2006/03-2007: Maarten van Breemen, Analysis of the hydrologic sources in the Cotahuasi river basin. (AEDES: Arequipa, Peru)
04-2006/08-2006: Daniël Tollenaar, Improvement of river runoff forecasting by increasing representativeness of model input data. (Institute of Mechanics: Hanoi, Vietnam)
03-2006/06-2006: Robert Verger, Modelling the Se Bang Fai river with HBV96. (Lao National Mekong Committee: Vientiane, Lao)
05-2005/08-2005: Joanne de Kruijf, Sustainability of rural water supply systems. Assessment of gravity systems implemented by Plan Cameroon in the Northwest province of Cameroon. (Plan Cameroon: Bamenda, Cameroon)
03-2005/07-2005: Frank Dekker, To sell or not to sell. A research about the availability of water in the Nam Ngum river basin (Lao). (Lao National Mekong Committee: Vientiane, Lao)
09-2004/12-2004: Tessa Hoffman, De Vlaggenkaart. De ontwikkeling van een digitaal overzicht van de risicovolle objecten binnen een waterschap ter ondersteuning van de calamiteiten coördinator. (HKV: Lelystad)
12-2003/03-2004: Arnejan van Loenen, Influence of high protection of Shetzu Island on downstream Tanshui basin. (Sinotech: Taipei, Taiwan)
01-2003/04-2003: Marieke ten Voorde, Proving subsurface stormflow (SSF) and simulating runoff with HEC-HMS and QAREA. (ETH: Zürich, Zwitserland)