UTFacultiesETDepartmentsCEMWater Engineering and ManagementResearchHydrological characterization of land use in two exemplary catchments

Hydrological characterization of land use in two exemplary catchments

Short project description

Focus in this PhD research is on the Java and Katingan catchments. These two catchments have been chosen because they represent on the one hand side the densely populated, agriculture and industry dominated situation in Java and on the other hand the scarcely populated, nature and forestry dominated situation in Kalimantan. Water issues are chosen as the key sustainability factor and by investigating these in two different environments, it will be possible to sketch the range in different water availability and water demand options for different Indonesian catchments. The PhD project will first determine the current most dominant land use types in both the Java and Katingan catchments. In order to be effective the specific land use types needs to be categorised in major classes doing justice to the spatial land use pattern. Identification and description of these major land use classes is part of the task. Second, past trends in land use changes in the two catchments are assessed and also an assessment is made of possible future land use changes taking into consideration policy development in the areas. Different remote sensing techniques that use optical-SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) with medium-high resolution will be used to improve the ability to monitor land use change, highlighting those that are relevant to the hydrological cycle i.e. canopy characteristics, phenology, etc.. Third, for the major land use types identified for the two catchments, input data for an hydrological model that quantifies water availability and water demand are determined. Specifically this will require collection of data on soil type, water infiltration capacities, soil depth, soil erodebility, rooting depths of different crops, slopes, rainfall pattern, evapotranspirative demand of different land use types. Hydrological characterisation of the different land use types in the two catchments will be achieved by combining in-situ measurements, satellite-based information and applying hydrological (pedo-) transfer functions. Fourth the collected bio-physical information will be used to parameterize a spatially distributed hydrological model. Ample attention will be given that input data collected in this project are of good quality, show sufficient spatial resolution and are of comparable degree of detail. Eventually the information provided in this project will be used as input data in a hydrological model and the results will be made available for a spatial planning process in which water availability and demand are balanced.

Persons involved

Andry Rustanto MSc (PhD student)

dr. ir. Martijn J. Booij (daily supervisor)

dr. ir. J.H.M. (Henk) Wösten (supervisor at Alterra)

prof. dr. ir. Arjen Y. Hoekstra (promotor)


Booij, M.J., Oldhoff, R.J.J. and Rustanto, A., 2016. Validation of soil hydraulic pedotransfer functions at the local and catchment scale for an Indonesian basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, EGU2016-1191.

Rustanto, A. and Booij, M., 2016. Calibration and validation of Leaf Area Index estimation for a tropical catchment using image segmentation and vegetation indices. Poster GEOBIA Meeting, 14-16 September 2016, Enschede, the Netherlands.

Rustanto, A., Booij, M.J., Wösten, H. and Hoekstra, A.Y., 2017. Application and recalibration of soil water retention pedotransfer functions in a tropical upstream catchment: case study in Bengawan Solo, Indonesia. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 65, 307–320.