UTFacultiesETDepartmentsCEMResearch groupsTransport Engineering and ManagementResearchOngoing research projectsMode choice and equity impacts of shared mobility during transport disruptions

Mode choice and equity impacts of shared mobility during transport disruptions


Mode choice and equity impacts of shared mobility during transport disruptions






Prof. Karst Geurs
Prof. Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva (University of São Paulo)

Daily supervisor

Dr. Anna Grigolon

PhD student

Luiza Gagno Azolin Tessarolo

This research aims to identify the impacts, from the users’ perspective, of shared mobility on mode choice and system equity during transport disruptions and its potential to promote equitable and resilient mobility. We will design a survey to collect data on users' revealed preferences and stated preferences regarding mode choice, considering different circumstances of transport system (normal operation, during and after disruptions that can affect this choice). The survey will be performed in Rio de Janeiro and the Rotterdam-The Hague metropolitan region, which differ significantly in the availability and use of mobility and service levels of the transport infrastructure. Modelling the mode choice with a GIS-based multimodal model, we will identify the short- and long-term effects of disruptions on mode choices of different user groups, and what is the contribution of shared mobility in each circumstance. Our results will be presented to representatives of the Brazilian government and shared mobility providers to explore the feasibility and implications of strategies to encourage the use of shared mobility. The novelty of this research is that it focuses on user needs and behavioural responses to disruptions in the transport system, and not in operational effects (on the network and transport supply).