Integrating perceived accessibility into accessibility measurements




Integrating perceived accessibility into accessibility measurements



Involved Supervisors

Prof.dr. Karst Geurs
Dr. Anna Grigolon


Roberto Ramirez Juarez

Accessibility measures often rely on objective indicators to measure the extent to which individuals can access destinations using one or multiple transportation modes. However, there is a growing interest in improving accessibility measures by considering the perceptions of individuals regarding their accessibility levels. In this project, we aim to explore the influence of land use, transport, temporal, digital, social, and individual components of accessibility on perceived levels of accessibility and to incorporate such perceptions into an accessibility measure.

With this project, we will contribute to the academic field by generating insights into the influential factors shaping perceptions of accessibility. These findings will increase our understanding of perceived accessibility as well as allow us to integrate these factors into an accessibility measure to improve the reliability and accuracy of accessibility studies that take into account the perceptions of individuals. From a practitioner's perspective, the proposed accessibility measure could be used as a tool in decision- and policy-making processes supporting accessibility-based practices.

This research will be conducted in The Netherlands focusing on the urbanized areas across the country in collaboration with the Planbureau voor the Leefomgeving (PBL) and the DREAMS project.