The COVID-19 crisis is leading to major challenges in many different social areas. A very urgent concern is our mobility system. The mobility consequences and challenges of lock-down and easing are unprecedented, while sustainability and accessibility are unchanged societal objectives.
In the project MOCOLODO (MObility during and after COrona LOck-DOwn: sustainability, safety, inclusion) we look at (1) the effects of lock-down and relaxation on the spatial and mobility behaviour of different groups and on the functioning of transport systems; (2) the implications for an effective, efficient and equitable design of relaxation of coronary measures and possible further tightening; and (3) how to bring this into line with the long-term objectives of sustainability, energy transition and accessibility.
The project of University of Twente, department of Transport Engineering and Management, focuses on decision making in public transport during and after the COVID pandemic - and potential future pandemics. We develop a multi-level decision-making framework accounting for pandemic-induced uncertainties that occur on different levels. The first subproject focuses on transit assignment models accounting for short and longer-term pandemic-induced changes in travel behavior, e.g., due to an increased perceived risk of infection or habit forming. In the second subproject we focus on robust decision making in public transport with uncertainty in the future development of the travel demand. In fact, we develop an uncertainty-aware decision framework optimizing strategic and tactical decisions over a range of demand scenarios.
For more information: Oskar Eikenbroek