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Effects of 1.5 °C global warming on pavement climatic factors and performance (2024)Transportation research. Part D: Transport and environment, 136. Article 104393. Qiao, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Stoner, A. M. K. & Santos, J. LCA of valorizing end-of-life tires in asphalt mixtures with emerging pretreatment technologies of crumb rubber (2024)Resources, conservation and recycling, 210. Article 107828. Li, J., Santos, J., Vargas-Farias, A., Castro-Fresno, D. & Xiao, F. of climate change on environmental and economic sustainability of flexible pavements across China (2024)Resources, conservation and recycling, 206. Article 107589. Yang, Q., Cao, Z., Shen, L., Gu, F., Santos, J., Qiao, Y., Wang, H., Li, J., Zhang, Y. & Chu, C. formative interventions to study emerging technologies in construction practices: The case of the Ground Penetrating Radar (2024)Construction management and economics (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Huurne, R. B. A. t., Scholtenhuis, L. L. O., Dorée, A. G. & van Oers, B. comparative life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), mechanical and long-term leaching evaluation of road pavement structures containing multiple secondary materials (2024)Journal of cleaner production, 458. Article 142484. Azadgoleh, M. A., Mohammadi, M. M., Jafari, H. A., Santos, J., Ahmadi, A., Alavi, M. Z. & Ayar, P. slow implementation of sustainable innovations in the asphalt paving sector: the role of actors and their interactions (2024)Construction management and economics, 42(10), 902-925 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Ruiz, A., Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Santos, J., Volker, L. & Doree, A. penetrating radar at work: A realistic perspective on utility surveying in the Netherlands through a comprehensive ground-truth dataset (2024)Data in brief, 54. Article 110329. Huurne, R. B. A. t., Scholtenhuis, L. L. O. & Dorée, A. G. climate change adaptation through mainstreaming at the local level: A comparative case study of two municipalities in the Netherlands (2024)Regional environmental change, 24(2). Article 49. Baack, F., Özerol, G., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Halman, J. & Kuks, S. in a project-based organization: The mutual shaping of institutional logics and change programs (2024)International journal of project management, 42(3). Article 102589. Sloot, R. N. F., Troje, D., Voordijk, H. & Volker, L. guidance systems in road construction: a technological mediation perspective (2024)Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment, 1 (Accepted/In press). Voordijk, H., Miller, S. R. & Vahdatikhaki, F.Investigating the flood risk perception of residents in informal settlements around the floodplains of river ravi in Lahore, Pakistan (2024)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 103. Article 104334. Khawaja, S. Z., Gul, A. A., Tariq, M. A. U. R., Vink, K., Jafri, S. H. A. & Gujree, I.‘We knew a cyclone was imminent’: Hazard preparedness and disaster management efficiency nexus in coastal Bangladesh (2024)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 102. Article 104240. Ahsan, M. N., Mohibbullah, M., Gain, A. K., Khatun, F., Rahman, M. A., Sultana, A., Haque, R., Rahman, M. M., Rahaman, K. R., Vink, K. & Shaw, R. Bridge Thermal Response for Bridge Load Rating and Condition Assessment: A Parametric Study (2024)Infrastructures, 9(2). Article 20. Marchenko, A., Kromanis, R. & Dorée, A. G. Analysis of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Based on Street Typology (2024)Sustainable Cities and Society, 101. Article 105170. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., Jarro, S. P. & Doree, A. mediation and 3D visualizations in construction engineering practice (2024)AI & society, 39, 207-220. Voordijk, H. & olde Scholtenhuis, L. L. of gamified virtual laboratories as a preparation tool for civil engineering students (2024)European journal of engineering education, 49(1), 164-191. Vahdatikhaki, F., Friso-van den Bos, I., Mowlaei, S. & Kollöffel, B. footprint assessment of maintenance and rehabilitation techniques for sewer systems (2024)Civil engineering and environmental systems, 41(1-2), 20-43. Sharif, O., Santos, J., Wonink, P. & Molegraaf, H. modeling of long temperature time-series to capture the thermal behavior of bridges for SHM purposes (2024)Mechanical systems and signal processing, 206. Article 110934. Mariani, S., Kalantari, A., Kromanis, R. & Marzani, A. choice support through an integrated Delphi-fuzzy logic model (2024)Research in Transportation Business and Management, 52. Article 101061. Asgarpour, S., Hartmann, A., Morillas, S. & Santos, J.

Book editing


Doing ethnographic-action research (2024)In Embracing Ethnography : Doing Contextualised Construction Research. Taylor & Francis. olde Scholtenhuis, L. L.La gobernanza de los espacios públicos desde una perspectiva de los grupos de interés en Puebla (2024)In Agenda Pública y Derechos Humanos para una Sociedad Plural e Incluyente (pp. 242). Montiel y Soriano Editores. Alvarado Vazquez, S. & Casiano Flores, C. A.RolRoad – LCA: A Web-Based Application for Estimating the Excess Fuel Consumption and Environmental Impacts Due to the Rolling Resistance of Passenger Cars (2024)In Pavement, Roadway, and Bridge Life Cycle Assessment 2024: SPRB LCA, Conference proceeding (pp. 69-77) (RILEM Bookseries; Vol. 51). Springer. Uva, I., Santos, J., Cerezo, V. & Miller, S.


Data Archive from the MX3D Bridge in Amsterdam (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Cameron, J., Tessier, A., Buchanan, C., Wynne, Z., Reynolds, T., Glashier, T., Kromanis, R., Cammers-Goodwin, S., Bibliowicz, J. & Shuldiner, A.

EngD Thesis


Circularity on demand and at the side: Working rules in infrastructure design practices (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 40th Annual ARCOM Conference 2024: Looking back to move forward. Hartmann, A., van den Berg, M., Stevering, T., Busse, R. & Klanker, G.Value gaps in governing infrastructure transitions: Revealing tensions between infrastructure management and transition governance (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2024. Warbroek, B. W. D., Coenen, T., ter Huurne, R. B. A. & Vadacca, L.



Multi-objective optimization of flexible pavement design from an environmental and economic perspective (2023)Journal of cleaner production, 430. Article 139441. Demir, A., Santos, J., Miller, S., Diele, R. & Naarding, G. comparative analysis of surface and canopy layer urban heat island at the micro level using a data-driven approach (2023)Sustainable Cities and Society, 99. Article 104944. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J. & Dorée, A. G. the Effect of Moisture on Different Fatigue and Cracking Behaviors of RAP-WMA (2023)Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements, 149(4). Article 04023026. Goli, H., Latifi, M. & Sadeghian, M. of plastic waste into road pavements: A systematic literature review on the fatigue and rutting performances (2023)Construction and building materials, 407. Article 133441. Cardoso, J., Ferreira, A., Almeida, A. & Santos, J. in een institutioneel gefragmenteerd landschap: De uitdagingen van infrastructuurbeheerders en de rol van modellen (2023)Bestuurskunde, 2023(4), 53-57. Mooren, S. evaluation of rail trackbed stiffness: Pre and post stabilisation (2023)Construction and building materials, 407. Article 133452. Faizi, K., Beetham, P. & Kromanis, R. energy consumption and saving potentials in the residential sector in tropical areas: the Caribbean island Curaçao as a case study (2023)Energy efficiency, 16(8). Article 88. Bulbaai, R. R. & Halman, J. I. M. Pathways Using Emerging Technologies: Applications for Critical Transportation Infrastructure (2023)Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(23). Article 16154. Makhoul, N., Achillopoulou, D. V., Stamataki, N. K. & Kromanis, R. trajectory planning for asphalt compaction operator support (2023)Automation in construction, 155. Article 105034. Makarov, D., Vahdatikhaki, F., Miller, S., Mowlaei, S. & Dorée, A. for selecting demolition waste management strategies (2023)Buildings and Cities, 4(1), 883-901. van den Berg, M., Hulsbeek, L. & Voordijk, H. comprehensive generalizability assessment of data-driven Urban Heat Island (UHI) models (2023)Sustainable Cities and Society, 96. Article 104701. Pena Acosta, M., Dikkers, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J. & Dorée, A. G. and maintenance KPIs to support decision making integrated into Digital Twin tool (2023)ce/papers, 6(5), 1234-1241. Stipanovic, I., Škarič−palič, S., Casas, J. r., Chacón, R. & Ganic, E. of sub-contracting design responsibilities in design and construct civil engineering bridge projects (2023)Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment, 3(3), 192-205. de Graaf, R. S., Pater, R. & Voordijk, H. the effects of unit cost uncertainty on flexible road pavement economics under the influence of climate change (2023)Journal of cleaner production, 414. Article 137597. Qiao, Y., Zhang, S., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., Santos, J., Stoner, A., Dawson, A. & Ma, T. twin–based asset inspection and user–technology interactions (2023)Journal of engineering design and technology. Voordijk, H., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Hesselink, L. development of a design-for-assembly method for construction and infrastructure projects (2023)Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation, 6(2), 87-103. Verburg, W. H., Halman, J. I. M. & Voordijk, H. of recycled crushed glass in road pavements and pipeline bedding: An integrated environmental evaluation using LCA (2023)Science of the total environment, 881, 1-21. Article 163488. Tushar, Q., Salehi, S., Santos, J., Zhang, G., Bhuiyan, M. A., Arashpour, M. & Giustozzi, F. investment planning through scenario-based system-of-systems modelling (2023)Transportation planning and technology, 46(5), 527-572. Asgarpour, S., Hartmann, A. & Gkiotsalitis, K. the right questions: The role of reflection for learning in and between projects (2023)International journal of project management, 41(5). Article 102494. Hartmann, A., Vinke - de Kruijf, J. & Weesep, R. feasibility of using copper slag in asphalt mixtures for base and surface layers based on laboratory results (2023)Construction and building materials, 384. Article 131285. Orešković, M., Santos, J., Mladenović, G. & Rajaković-Ognjanović, V. analysis of virtual-reality-enabled digital twin for the inspection of sewage pumping stations (2023)International journal of construction management, 24(13), 1419-1430 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Hesselink, L., Vahdatikhaki, F., Harmsen, Y. & Voordijk, H. a TRL-oriented roadmap for the adoption of biocomposite materials in the construction industry (2023)Frontiers of Engineering Management, 10(2), 223-236. Petrescu, T.-C., Voordijk, J. T. & Mihai, P. agency (re)producing project governance structure and context: Public-private partnerships in the Netherlands (2023)International journal of project management, 41(4). Article 102468. Benitez-Avila, C. & Hartmann, A. Strategic Modeling of Road Transport Demand and Performance (2023)Transportation research record, 2677(5), 1415-1440. Asgarpour, S., Hartmann, A., Gkiotsalitis, K. & Neef, R. modelling of solar radiation potential for the design of PV module layout on entire façade of tall buildings (2023)Energy and buildings, 286. Article 112958. Vahdatikhaki, F., Barus, M. V., Shen, Q., Voordijk, H. & Hammad, A. and disadvantages of BIM use: Differences between experiences of its users and expectations of its non-users (2023)International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management, 2(3), 183-209. Tönis, K. & Voordijk, H. with uncertainties: challenges for decision makers in healthcare (2023)Journal of Facilities Management (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Aarninkhof-Kamphuis, A., Voordijk, H. & Dewulf, G. response control of building structures under pulse-type ground motions by active vibration controller (2023)Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 42(1), 345-367. Elias, S., Djerouni, S., De Domenico, D., Abdeddaim, M. & El Ouni, M. H. vibration control of a multi-story building with double tuned mass dampers considering soil-structure interaction (2023)Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 166. Article 107765. Araz, O., Elias, S. & Kablan, F. walkable cities: Generative design approach towards digital twin implementation (2023)Remote sensing, 15(4). Article 1088. Kumalasari, D., Koeva, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Petrova Antonova, D. & Kuffer, M. role of purchasing in raising the maturity of smart maintenance management (2023)Built environment project and asset management, 13(2), 324-340. Johannes, K., Voordijk, H. & Aranda-Mena, G. of Optimal Shared Multiple Tuned Mass Damper Inerters for Pounding Mitigation of Adjacent Buildings (2023)Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 28(1). Article 04022063. Djerouni, S., Elias, S., Abdeddaim, M. & Domenico, D. D. the effect of stakeholder relationship quality on technological innovation in off-site construction: The mediating role of the knowledge sharing (2023)Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 29(1), 77-92. Ma, S., Li, Z., Li, L., Yuan, M. & Yin, X. automated design of drainage systems for panelized residential buildings (2023)International journal of construction management, 23(15), 2683-2698. Zhang, N., Wang, J., Al-Hussein, M. & Yin, X. performance evaluation of warm mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregate for road pavements (2023)International journal of pavement engineering, 24(2). Article 2064999. Vega Araujoa, D. L., Santos, J. & Martinez-Arguelles, G. sectoral to integrative action situations: An institutional perspective on the energy transition implementation in the Netherlands (2023)Sustainability Science, 18(1), 97-114. Warbroek, B., Holmatov, B., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Arentsen, M., Shakeri, M., de Boer, C., Flacke, J. & Dorée, A. mediation and digital technologies in construction practice (2023)Architectural engineering and design management, 19(2), 110-124. Voordijk, H.


The Impacts of Urban Green Infrastructure on Water and Energy Resources: Lessons from and the Need for Integrated Studies (2023)In Urban Green Spaces - New Perspectives for Urban Resilience. IntechOpen. Vink, K. & Vinke-de Kruijf, J. Processing for Structural Health Monitoring: The Resilience of Computer Vision-Based Monitoring Systems and Their Measurement (2023)In Data Driven Methods for Civil Structural Health Monitoring and Resilience: Latest Developments and Applications (pp. 279-296). CRC Press/Balkema. Makhoul, N., Achillopoulou, D. V., Stamataki, N. K. & Kromanis, R.

Conference contribution

BIM-based circularity assessments across project phases (2023)In 39th Annual ARCOM Conference 2023, Leeds, United Kingdom (pp. 318-327). Jiang, L., van den Berg, M. C., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A. A.Measuring Thermal Response of Bridges Using Vision-Based Technologies and LVDTs (2023)In European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring - EWSHM 2022 (pp. 496-505) (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering; Vol. 254 LNCE). Springer. Borah, S., Al-Habaibeh, A. & Kromanis, R. enhancing community resilience: Life-cycle resilience of structural health monitoring systems (2023)In Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems. Makhoul, N. & Kromanis, R. life cycle assessment framework for pavement management considering uncertainties (2023)In Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023), 2-6 july, 2023, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (pp. 965-972). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Vargas Farias, A., Santos, J., Hartmann, A. & Van der Pijl, F. end-of-life of bridges: Integrating functional, technical and economic perspective (2023)In Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023), 2-6 july, 2023, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (pp. 981-988). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Hartmann, A. & Bakker, J. replace or not to replace: A model for future functional performance of bridges (2023)In Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023), 2-6 july, 2023, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (pp. 973-980). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Mooren, S. C. A., Hartmann, A. & Asgarpour, S. measurement of vertical deflections of rail trackbeds and performance testing of stabilized sub-ballasts using a novel micropiling system (2023)In Geo-Congress 2023: Soil Improvement, Geoenvironmental, and Sustainability (pp. 539-548) (Geotechnical Special Publication; Vol. 2023). American Society of Civil Engineers. Faizi, K., Beetham, P., Kromanis, R. & Allsop, J. asphalt construction process quality into product quality using data-driven methods (2023)In Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2023 (pp. 349-356) (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). Shen, Q., Vahdatikhaki, F., Miller, S. R. & Dorée, A. G. the Performance of Railway Trackbed with Vibro Stone Column Technique (2023)In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering, ICCSTE 2023. Article 209 (International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering; Vol. 2023). Avestia Publishing. Faizi, K., Allsop, J., Beetham, P. & Kromanis, R. between projects: an accomplishment of socio-material practices in projects (2023)In Proceedings of the 39th annual conference, ARCOM 2023 (pp. 599-608). Hartmann, A.Relationship between driving conditions, pavement surface characteristics and rolling resistance (2023)In Roads and Airports Pavement Surface Characteristics - Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics, SURF 2022 (pp. 600-608). CRC Press/Balkema. Cerezo, V., Santos, J., Bouteldja, M. & Potier, X. innovation processes in the asphalt paving sector: A system innovation approach (2023)In ARCOM Thirty-Ninth Annual Conference 2023: September 4-6: Proceedings (pp. 780-789). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). Ruiz, A., Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Santos, J., Volker, L. & Doreé, A. Characteristics of Conically Shaped Voids in Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys (2023)In 5th Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering, NSGE 2023 (pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. Noshahri, H. & Olde Scholtenhuis, L.


Educating Operators for Smart Construction Processes (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 13th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa. Miller, S. R., Vahdatikhaki, F., Doree, A., Makarov, D. & Profijt-Broring, J.Caught in the vicious circle of improvisation: how district heating construction teams cope with reliability (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 39th Annual ARCOM Conference 2023. Jonker, W., olde Scholtenhuis, L. L. & Doree, A.Making Sense of Tensions and Equivocalities in Digital Transformation (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2023, AOM 2023. Sloot, R. N. F., Voordijk, H. & Volker, L. dominant logics in the digital transformation of a public, project-oriented organisation (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2023. Sloot, R. N. F., Voordijk, H. & Volker, L.Implementing climate change adaptation and energy transition policies simultaneously through urban green infrastructure (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 9th International Conference on Flood Management, ICFM 2023. Vink, K.

PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT



Dynamic testing and analysis of the world's first metal 3D printed bridge (2022)Case Studies in Construction Materials, 17. Article e01541. Wynne, Z., Buchanan, C., Kyvelou, P., Gardner, L., Kromanis, R., Stratford, T. & Reynolds, T. P. S. Processing–Based Framework for Determining Deterioration in Sewer Pipe Defects (2022)Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 28(4). Karabij, M., Yin, X., Bouferguene, A. & Al-Hussein, M. waste vehicle tyres into crumb rubber and the transition to renewable energy sources: A comprehensive life cycle assessment (2022)Journal of environmental management, 323, 1-15. Article 116289. Tushar, Q., Santos, J., Zhang, G., Bhuiyan, M. A. & Giustozzi, F. of a roving computer vision system to compare anomaly detection techniques for health monitoring of bridges (2022)Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 12(6), 1299-1316. Lydon, D., Kromanis, R., Lydon, M., Early, J. & Taylor, S. twin of a city: Review of technology serving city needs (2022)International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG), 114. Article 102915. Lehtola, V. V., Koeva, M., Oude Elberink, S., Raposo, P., Virtanen, J.-p., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Borsci, S. surveys in enclosed underground sewer pipe space (2022)Tunnelling and underground space technology, 129. Article 104689. Noshahri, H., van der Meijde, M. & olde Scholtenhuis, L. L. product-level circularity performance: An economic value-based metric with the indicator of residual value (2022)Resources, conservation and recycling, 186. Article 106541. Jiang, L., Bhochhibhoya, S., Slot, N. & de Graaf, R. Sustainability in Off-Site Construction Management: State of the Art and Future Directions (2022)Journal of construction engineering and management, 148(11). Article 03122008. Li, L., Luan, H., Yin, X., Dou, Y., Yuan, M. & Li, Z. and public procurement: from fragmentation to synthesis on concepts, rationales and approaches (2022)Innovation : the European journal of social science research, 35(4), 650-674. Lenderink, B., Halman, J. I. M. & Voordijk, J. T. Triggers in Early Innovation Stages: How Technology Pilots Enable Routine Reflection (2022)Journal of construction engineering and management, 148(9), 1-10. Article 05022005. Huurne, R. t., Scholtenhuis, L. O. & Dorée, A. development of a typology and guideline for selecting innovation-encouraging procurement strategies in civil engineering (2022)Innovation : the European journal of social science research (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Lenderink, B., Boes, J., Halman, J. I. M., Voordijk, H. & Dorée, A. G. validating five propositions regarding 3D visualizations for subsurface utility projects (2022)Engineering construction and architectural management, 29(6), 2535-2553. Manen, M. v., Scholtenhuis, L. o. & Voordijk, H. knowledge representation in earthwork operations through development of domain ontology (2022)Engineering construction and architectural management, 29(6), 2382-2414. Taher, A., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Hammad, A. the Potential Environmental Benefits of Cold Recycling-Based Methods for Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation in Virginia (2022)Transportation research record, 2676(6), 75-86. Amarh, E. A., Santos, J., Flintsch, G. W. & Diefenderfer, B. K. generative design of wind turbine foundations (2022)Automation in construction, 138. Article 104233. Shen, Q., Vahdatikhaki, F., Voordijk, H., van der Gucht, J. & van der Meer, L. Other Side of the Interdependency Coin: Identifying Coordination and Investment Opportunities for Infrastructure Systems (2022)Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 28(2). Article 04022011. Asgarpour, S., Hartmann, A., Augustijn, P. W. M. & Dorée, A. organisational change in a digitalising facilities management organisation through stewardship interventions (2022)Journal of Facilities Management. Johannes, K., Voordijk, H., Wakkee, I. & Aranda-Mena, G. comparative life cycle assessment study with uncertainty analysis of cement treated base (CTB) pavement layers containing recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) materials (2022)Resources, conservation and recycling, 180. Article 106160. Bressi, S., Primavera, M. & Santos, J. of future climate change on flexible road pavement economics: A life cycle costs analysis of 24 case studies across the United States (2022)Sustainable Cities and Society, 80. Article 103773. Qiao, Y., Guo, Y., Stoner, A. M. K. & Santos, J. design and performance assessment of multiple tuned mass damper inerters to mitigate seismic pounding of adjacent buildings (2022)Journal of Building Engineering, 48. Article 103994. Djerouni, S., Elias, S., Abdeddaim, M. & Rupakhety, R. Legitimacy Challenges in Toll Road PPP Programs: Analysis of the Colombian and Chilean Cases (2022)Journal of management in engineering, 38(3). Article 05022002. Castelblanco, G., Guevara, J., Mesa, H. & Hartmann, A. risk awareness in multi-criteria design decisions for integrated design and construction tenders (2022)Construction management and economics, 40(4), 296-312. Meer, J. v. d., Hartmann, A., Horst, A. v. d. & Dewulf, G. support system for training of excavator operators (2022)Automation in construction, 136. Article 104188. Vahdatikhaki, F., Langroodi, A. K., Scholtenhuis, L. o. & Dorée, A. and performance assessment of tuned mass damper inerter systems for control of buildings subjected to pulse-like ground motions (2022)Structures, 38, 139-156. Djerouni, S., Ounis, A., Elias, S., Abdeddaim, M. & Rupakhety, R. vibration control of building structure by Self Tuned Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller (2022)Journal of Building Engineering, 46. Article 103664. Saeed, M. U., Sun, Z. & Elias, S. cycle assessment of hot mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregates for road pavements construction (2022)International journal of pavement engineering, 23(4), 923-936. Vega A, D. L., Santos, J. & Martinez-Arguelles, G. Reality learning environments and technological mediation in construction practice (2022)European journal of engineering education, 47(2), 259-273. Voordijk, H. & Vahdatikhaki, F. characteristics of warm mix asphalt containing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) or steel slag (2022)Materials and Structures, 55(2). Article 53. Goli, H., Latifi, M. & Sadeghian, M. of PV modules layout on high-rise building skins using a BIM-based generative design approach (2022)Energy and buildings, 258. Article 111787. Vahdatikhaki, F., Salimzadeh, N. & Hammad, A. mediation and civil structure condition assessment: the case of vision-based systems (2022)Civil engineering and environmental systems, 39(1), 48-65. Voordijk, H. & Kromanis, R. and innovation risk management: How a public client managed to realize a radical green innovation in a civil engineering project (2022)Journal of purchasing and supply management, 28(1). Article 100747. Lenderink, B., Halman, J. I. M., Boes, J., Voordijk, H. & Dorée, A. G. and Use of Ontologies in the Utility Sector: A Technological Mediation Perspective (2022)Journal of management in engineering, 38(1). Article 05021016. Voordijk, H., Huurne, R. t. & Scholtenhuis, L. O. artificial neural network approach for cost estimation of engineering services (2022)International journal of construction management, 22(7), 1274-1287. Matel, E., Vahdatikhaki, F., Hosseinyalamdary, S., Evers, T. & Voordijk, H. learning and technological mediation in cost estimation practice (2022)International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 15(1), 22-36. Voordijk, H., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Matel, E. 3P Challenge: A Serious Game for Reflecting on Partnership in Public-Private Concessions (2022)Public Works Management and Policy, 27(1), 29-60. Benitez-Avila, C., Hartmann, A. & Dewulf, G.


Contracting Qualities that Challenge Reliability: A Case of the Utility Sector (2022)In Contracting and Safety: Exploring Outsourcing Practices in High-Hazard Industries (pp. 49-57) (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology). Springer. olde Scholtenhuis, L. L. cycle assessment (LCA) of using recycled plastic waste in road pavements: Theoretical modeling (2022)In Plastic Waste for Sustainable Asphalt Roads (pp. 273-302). Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Pizzol, M. & Azarijafari, H.

Conference article

Conference contribution

Generative design for walkable cities: A case study of Sofia (2022)In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: 7th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities (pp. 75-82) (International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives). Copernicus. Kumalasari, D., Koeva, M. N., Vahdatikhaki, F., Petrova-Antonova, D. & Kuffer, M. efficiency insights with BIM-based circularity assessment: A design science research study (2022)In ARCOM 2022 Conference (pp. 234-244). Jiang, L., van den Berg, M. C., Voordijk, H. & Adriaanse, A. A.A framework for a comprehensive mobile data acquisition setting for the assessment of Urban Heat Island phenomenon (2022)In Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (pp. 1-8). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J. & Doree, A. Dynamic Response of the Wilford Suspension Bridge with a Vision-Based Measurement System: A Case Study (2022)In European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2022, Volume 1 (pp. 280-289) (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering; Vol. 253 LNCE). Springer. Kromanis, R. & Elias, S. and evaluation of digital twins for district-level heating energy demand simulation (2022)In Proceedings CLIMA2022 | 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, 22-25 May 2022, Rotterdam: Eye on 2030: Towards digitalized, healthy, circular and energy efficient HVAC. TU Delft open. Rovers, T., Struck, C., Gieling, C., Mohammadi, S., Slagmolen, O., Dorée, A., Olde Scholtenhuis, L., Vink, K., Poppe, H., Koopman, D., ter Maat, H. & Boeve, B. Modeling of Lifecycle Digital Twin Architecture for Bridges: A Data Structure Approach (2022)In Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2022 (pp. 199-206) (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction; Vol. 2022-July). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. Giorgadze, I. M., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Voordijk, J. H.Engaged Ontology Development to Bridge Fragmented Digital Realities (2022)In Proceedings of the 38th Annual ARCOM Conference, 5-7 September 2022, Glasgow, UK: Building back wiser (pp. 328-337). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). ter Huurne, R., Olde Scholtenhuis, L. & Dorée, A. VR and Simulation for Enhanced Planning of Asphalt Compaction (2022)In Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2022 (pp. 55-62) (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction; Vol. 2022-July). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. Revollo Dalence, A. R., Vahdatikhaki, F., Miller, S. R. & Doree, A.Quantifying the accuracy of roller segmented compactor in simulating field compaction (2022)In Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021 (pp. 531-536) (Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021). CRC Press/Balkema. Cheyyar Nageswaran, P. D., Miller, S. R., Bijleveld, F. & Poeran, N.


Challenges for digitalization of the asphalt paving process in the netherlands - a position paper (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2022. Mookhoek, S., Sluer, B., Galesloot, M. & Miller, S. R.Developing a Lifecycle Infrastructure Digital Twin (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2022. Giorgadze, I. M., Miller, S. R. & Vahdatikhaki, F.Machine learning in the road construction sector: A review (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2022. Shen, Q., Miller, S. R. & Vahdatikhaki, F.Ondersteuningssystemen voor verwerking en verdichting - waarom zijn ze niet op elke bouwplaats aanwezig? (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2022. Pilataxi Araujo, T., Miller, S. R., Makarov, D. & Doree, A.Pavement vehicle interaction (PVI): the elephant in the pavement life cycle assessment (LCA) room (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2022. Santos, J., Miller, S. R. & Cerezo, V.Samen op de N638 - een High Tech Low Cost pilot project (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] CROW Infradagen 2022. Oosterveld, M., Miller, S. R. & Galesloot, M.Design science research in construction: On balancing acts, design artefacts and Ripple effects (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 38th Annual ARCOM Conference 2022. van den Berg, M. C. & olde Scholtenhuis, L. L.

PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT


Eindrapport Wi3D: Onderzoek naar de waarde van 3D voor de graafsector in de context van KLIC-WIBON (2022)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. olde Scholtenhuis, L. L., Stoter, J., Pauwels, P., Borst, R., Schutten, W. & Nijen, van, N.


Conference contribution

Initial investigations into the thermal response of the first metal 3D printed bridge (2021)In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (pp. 1593-1599). Kromanis, R. & Buchanan, C.Thermal response measurement of bridges using vision-based monitoring (2021)In Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (pp. 1121-1126). Borah, S., Al-Habaibeh, A. & Kromanis, R.Challenges and Synergies for the Local Energy Transition in Local Case Studies in the Netherlands and Hawaiʻi (2021)In Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2021: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 3–5 May 2021 (Science, Technology and society). Graz University of Technology. Vink, K. & Kilolu, L.



Erfahrungen mit Entwurfs- und Baumanagement via Internetportal (2001)In E-Business in der Immobilienwirtschaft (pp. 139-148). Gabler Verlag. Wilbrenninck, S. F. & Aarninkhof-Kamphuis, A.


Product information management at the large-scale project called arena "Auf Schalke" (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 3rd International Conference on Concurrent Engineering in Construction 2002. Aarninkhof-Kamphuis, A., de Ridder, H. A. J. & Schevers, H.