UTFacultiesEEMCSSemantic Shields

Semantic Shields


Semantic Shields I: 1st International Workshop on Modeling for Cybersecurity is an event focusing on theoretical aspects and practical applications of conceptual models and ontologies to cybersecurity. The workshop date is now the 16th of July 2024 (Tuesday), not the 15th as initially announced.

Semantic Shields I will take place at the University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, co-located with the 14th edition of the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS), the flagship conference of the International Association of Ontology and its Applications (IAOA).

We are working to bring keynote presentations, workshop presentations, and an interactive panel session with industry experts.

Cybersecurity, which concerns both human and technological aspects, refers to a set of techniques used to protect the integrity of networks, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. With the spread of systems and applications, attacks continue to grow in sophistication, with attackers using an ever-expanding variety of tactics such as social engineering, malware, and ransomware. For this reason, to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect against exploitations, new methods and technologies are emerging. Formal methods, in particular ontologies, constitute an effective approach to mitigate the incompleteness and ambiguity of security directives and to semantically characterize security stakeholders, ranging from offensive techniques to compliance, vulnerability, encryption, data protection, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The  “Semantic Shields: International Workshop on Modeling for Cybersecurity” aims to bring together cybersecurity experts, conceptual modelers, and ontologists, from scholars to practitioners, to develop applications, methods, and tools impacting the cybersecurity domain.

Topics of Interest

The workshop topics include but are not limited to:

Important Dates

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12h)

Submission Guidelines

The workshop welcomes submissions of full papers, short papers, practitioner reports, and presentations of published works. The respective lengths are:

(Page number includes references)

All accepted papers (except for the abstract of published works) will be published in the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO) proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the workshop. 

Submissions must adhere to the one-column CEUR template. General information on CEUR proceedings can be found here:

Direct links to the MS Word and Latex templates are:

Submissions need to be uploaded on EasyChair as a single PDF: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fois2024.

Authors of accepted papers must provide the original source file and submit the author agreement form.

Contributions that include semantic artifacts, methodologies, software, etc, need to adhere to the FAIR guidelines.

All contributions (except for the abstract of published works) to JOWO workshops will be published in a joint CEUR proceedings volume. For comparison, check out some previous publications:



We ask the members of the FOIS community to pay close attention to phishing and scam attempts. Please follow only trusted sources for information about FOIS 2024 and JOWO 2024:

If you identify a suspicious source of information or a potential case of phishing related to FOIS or JOWO, please report it to fois2024@utwente.nl.

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