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ECOLOGIC Project Accepted for Emission-Free Building Innovations

Our research project, 'ECOLOGIC – Emission Control and Logistics Optimization for Green Infrastructure Construction', has been accepted in the Knowledge and Innovation Program for Emission-Free Building 2021-2023.


The project is an ambitious undertaking, aiming to make the Dutch construction logistics sector more sustainable and resilient by leveraging advanced IoT, AI, and real-time Carbon Digital Twin technologies.

This initiative has been funded by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management (supported by TKI Dinalog). The ECOLOGIC project, along with other esteemed research projects, is part of the Knowledge and Innovation Program for Emission-Free Building 2021-2023.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and a special acknowledgment to all projects awarded, listed in alphabetical order by the principal applicant: BouWatch, CAPE Groep, Datacadabra, Dura-Vermeer, Hegeman-Nijverdal, Pioneering and the University of Twente.