Packaging & Integration of Power Electronics

Shenzhen-Twente Power Electronics

Shenzhen-Twente Power Electronics, embedded in the Shenzhen Institute of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (WinS) in Shenzhen, China. WinS ( is an international non-governmental organization that functions as a technological and industrial innovation center. The joint PhD program between WinS and University of Twente (UT) seeks to attract and support international collaboration to carry out research according to the quality standard of the UT and to obtain a PhD diploma from the university with support from WinS.

Research Program

 Future advanced GaN based power electronic converters will use advanced PCB and heterogeneous integration technologies. This involves a complex three-dimensional interplay between various organic materials and metals, integrated LCTs and clever high frequency circuit design. Our group, in collaboration with companies in the Shenzhen region and other academic institutes, is developing a heterogeneous fabrication process for GaN power electronics on organic substrates. Special attention will be given to the electromagnetic integration of the passive components that include the resonant tank, low pass filter, high frequency transformer and EMI filters.

A presentation can be seen in the following video.